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Member for: 1.5 years

scp: 633 (+1038/-405)
ccp: 818 (+1854/-1036)
votes given: 1902 (+1355/-547)
score: 1451


Aibohphobia is the fear of palindromes.

/v/TIL viewpost?postid=663533bb7ad7d

Where is the evidence of your claims. Id love to see some footage of young Americans protesting Israel holding power in the American government.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=6635701a3465c

No, the jew is simply playing out Problem-Reaction-Solution scenarios to ensure tighter security for jews. They might sacrifice a jew or 2 as martyrs for the cause and to really crack down on "antisemitism" so expect a synagogue to get shot up by a mkultra plant in the following weeks.

/v/Memes viewpost?postid=66352adbb2105

Zogcops only work for the kikes ya dumb fucking retard.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=6635460de9f5e

Looks like those pitties were taking on a city full of niggers in which a white zogcop steps in to stop the pits from further mauling the niggers. The larger dog looks like a cane corso.

I hate pitbulls but wish these ones mauled even more niggers and the zogcops.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=663567dd88c82

If our job is to be complacent then yeah. They sure do make it easy for Whites to be complacent.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6633f9df6ffbf

This just in. 97% of polls and their results are made up on the spot.

/v/LyingNewsMedia viewpost?postid=6633bcec7e8bc

It's a problem-reaction-solution scenario.


/v/Jews viewpost?postid=6633f1a4c00d6

Except it is referencing the holohoax which never happened. So instead of being the beginning of the end (redpill faux hope) Reality comes in the form of the blackpill.

It means much tighter control over that host nation with the ability to bring other nations forces down upon them.

Just as it happened to Germany.

/v/kikes viewpost?postid=663352dc0d6a3

We associate this as a jewish trick. Pulling at the audiences emotional heartstrings with music.

/v/WhiteGenocide viewpost?postid=66339415f30ae

He is correct however we must acknowledge that the reason why we became weak to begin with was because of jewish intervention. Even if we were to defy the odds and build back strong White nations. If the jew still exists then history shall repeat.

/v/WhiteGenocide viewpost?postid=66339415f30ae

The nigger wanted some used underwear but broke into the wrong vending machine.

/v/Diversity viewpost?postid=6633ae6f9d945

I hate to burst peoples bubble but this polarization has existed for more then a few decades. All the republicucks that supported the invasion of Iraq, homeland security, heck even border patrols. These all exist to help facilitate jewish control. Theres plenty of vlog styled videos from border control agents working the Mexico border and they dont turn refugees around. They dont shoot at them to scare them back into Mexico. No, they load them up onto busses and ship them across America.

/v/ayylmao viewpost?postid=6632cb1248120

They don't own me but I'm not worth anything. I could dox myself and it would have no effect on me cause I am a nobody.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6630f778a5c36

Right, I imagine you would be just as pissed at your own veterans for actively helping the jew defeat Germany and helping to fabricate the holohoax.

Sure we can joke about Hitler not gassing the kikes but our nations practically rolled out the red carpet for the kikes.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6630f778a5c36

Even when our nations militaries were full of Whites 100 years ago, we all still went to war for the jew and destroyed Germany and Mussolinis Italy, for the jews.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=663073bc0c6c2

Imagine believing that these streetshitters made it to the moon.


/v/StreetShitters viewpost?postid=663033d6a3c8c

Ah, thanks for the correction. For some reason I thought the first amendment was the important one but it is your 2nd amendment that stands above every other nation. The ability to form regulated civilian militias.

I agree wholeheartedly with you.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=662eee9a59197

Alot of people here are hypocrites. The same people that call this filth garbage will happily regurgitate lines from a garbage Star Wars or Srar Trek movie for example.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=66302130dfb17

Im not American and I wouldnt meet up with anyone from voat, we are all unstable in one form or another.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=662eee9a59197

Its not bad but its the opposite of White people solving the problem with guns. Its a never ending cycle in which Whites will get caught up in the crossfire.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=662eee9a59197

For a couple of dumbasses in this thread like freeintx, Trump signed multiple bills to "combat antisemitism" Trump wants to strip peoples freedom of speech away and dumb faggots like yourself will still defend Trump.

/v/MAGA viewpost?postid=662f973b29bd7