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Gab has gone down!     (MeanwhileOnGab)

submitted by GeneralDisarray to MeanwhileOnGab 2 months ago


Was it a flood of traffick from the shooting news or did the feds just shut it down because the truth was too damming for them?
Institute of Public Administration - THESE GUYS LOOK LIKE ANOTHER GLOBALIST BACKDOOR POWER GRAB!     (www.bing.com)

submitted by GeneralDisarray to AskUpgoat 10 months ago


Is it just me or do all these organizations seem suspicious?

Lots of different countries have organizations with almost identical names!

They seem to have no mandate from any lawful government to do anything. Yet they have got themselves connected to power at the municipal level everywhere!!!!

I first came across the Institute of Public Administration of Canada because I was checking out someone that I thought was a glowie. She worked for this org. But looking deeper at this is sounding alarm bells that this is the lower level than the WEF but essentially the same thing.

They have their own closed jobs board that is open to members only. Public sector jobs that they control. Members only with fees stating at $7,500.

They have made themselves the gatekeepers of the civil servant jobs with no legal right to!


Looking at the logo's they are using around the world they do seem to have a masonic theme.

I need a second opinion on this guys. Does this shit look shady to you?!!

submitted by GeneralDisarray to news 11 months ago



This all links back to the masons and the Committee of 300!!!

Klaus Shwabe
Bill Gates
Henry Kissinger
Stephen Harper
King Charles
Prince William

And the rest of these ex leaders, billionaires and royals have been involved in genocide, torture, racketeering, war crimes, crimes against humanity, using WMD's and treason!!!

The normies here in Alberta are now 50% awake!!! The awakening is at warp speed now!     (TheGreatAwakening)

submitted by GeneralDisarray to TheGreatAwakening 1.1 years ago


Two months ago we where at about a third of the population.

A year ago we where at about 10%.

I just had a conversation with a local who i redpilled two years ago. She was at a family gathering and all the millenials where awake to government attacking us all for the globalists.

Some of the boomers had woken up but most thought the truth was too insane to believe.

At the present rate which is accelerating fast we are gaining 10% per month. This would mean we are facing a massive majority within the next three months and the globalists will be hunted like animals.

The sheep that always go with the crowd are now having to join us or be left in the minority which is the most terrifying prospect they can imagine.

They will switch sides so fast it will make your head spin. And they will insist they have been awake for years and knew all along.

We will be bringing them up to speed only to hear them weeks later claiming they learned it from their own research.

At this point i expect to see lots of cops, judges, journalists and politicians resigning and distancing themselves from the system they protected.

We have reached the point where the militaries of the world will be forced to mass arrest the cabal or face a civil war. The generals will be forced to get ahead of this and start fighting for us.

The last gasp of the cabal is CBDC's which means the financial system will be crashed any day now. Possibly in the coming week. This will bring everything to a head and we will be distracted with every psyop and false flag they can throw at us.


We destroyed a monolithic army of satanists that had all the power, influence and wealth at their disposal and we fucked them.

Stand tall you glorious bastards. Future generations will talk of your victory for millennia.

Its been an honor frens!!!
Does anyone know what the Israeli judicial reforms are? Why has this been such a big deal?!!     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by GeneralDisarray to AskUpgoat 1.2 years ago


Absolutely no one is saying what they are!

Just that they may cause all sorts of problems even civil war!!!

So what is so controversial that everyone is freaked out?

Why cant anyone tell us what the changes are?

Do any of you goats know?
Soap2day is dead! Any good sites for streaming content?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by GeneralDisarray to AskUpgoat 1.3 years ago


preferably without porn pop ups!!!
How the CCP is destroying Canada and the west!!!     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by GeneralDisarray to 5GW 1.5 years ago


This pdf shows that China is at war with all western nations and has already infiltrated our entire governments and slaughtered millions!
Trudeau facing thunderous calls for resignation across twitter!     (Canuckistan)

submitted by GeneralDisarray to Canuckistan 1.6 years ago


Just my observations of the current state of Canada and the sentiment on twitter among Canadians!

The CCP take over:

The revelations from the CSIS whistleblower proves that Trudeau had huge CCP donations laundered through his foundation since at least 2014.

They are also facing the fact that the CCP is now proven to have influenced the 2019 and 2021 elections for Trudeau and his party and Chinese candidates with connections to the CCP!!!

They got Trudeau into power and kept him their while the whole woke mind virus (5Gen Warfare) was unleashed on the public in the form of:





Gender is flexible

Everything is racist

Pandemic response

Vax mass poisoning

Media gaslighting

Medical gaslighting

Legal gaslighting

Denial of rights under colour of law

Forced mass imigration

Carbon taxes

Sale of all Canadas gold

Economic attacks


Weaponized smart meters

Weaponized 5G

Weaponized street lights

Censored and policed social media

Sexualization of children

Cancel culture

Mass surveillance

All of this was done to the Canadian public while the CCP was in control!!!!!


The CCP have launched a covert war against Canada and have infiltrated the entire government. Causing huge destruction and loss of life.

They are here with police stations and military bases already.

And that horrific realization is slowly being accepted on twitter.

We have seen Carlson and Gabbard and someone else say recently that the US should invade Canada and save the people from Trudeau. Where they hinting that something was coming? That they would have justification and wider support?!

Im seeing lots of posts demanding he resign. Im seeing the governments posts deleted and reposted to wipe the comments at regular intervals.

The Trudeau government is just an illusion at this point. But it looks like he wont be able to hold on much longer. He is really done now!!!!

So if this is the real picture here in Canada then is it the same for all the woke governments pushing this same garbage?

Are they infiltrated by the CCP doing 5gen warfare on their people too?

This is potentially explosive on a global level.

They better have some great ufo's and cgi to distract everyone from that story!!!
The CCP rigging Canadian elections since 2019 makes them responsible for the COVID19 leak and response in Canada!!!     (twitter.com)

submitted by GeneralDisarray to Canuckistan 1.6 years ago


This thread shows how this makes China responsible for everything that has befallen Canada during covid!!

They have infiltrated and slaughtered Canadians on the doorstep of the USA.

This is why we are hearing more americans call for an invasion of canada to liberate them. Even Tucker Carlson is saying this.

China has been exposed and caught flat footed by this!!!
Labelling      (TellUpgoat)

submitted by GeneralDisarray to TellUpgoat 1.6 years ago


Using slanderous and derogatory labels for people, topics, ideas, philosophies, perspectives and religions is:


How the fuck can a post get a downvoat 12 seconds after being posted? This site is fucked. The mods are turning into AOU!!!     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by GeneralDisarray to TellUpgoat 1.6 years ago


How have these forum sliding accounts not been banned?

No one could have read my post and formed an opinion in that time window!!!

@system wtf pull your thumb out your ass or hand control over to someone that hasn't sold out.
Gangstalking is literally satanic ritual abuse! Show me a single Christian church speaking up against this or helping the victims!!!     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by GeneralDisarray to AskUpgoat 1.6 years ago


If the Christians won't speak up about satanic ritual abuse they deserve to be called out as closet satanists.

They are actually worse than the people doing this.

Show me one church helping a single victim!!!

If they knew anything about evil they would have stopped this rather than gaslighting the victims and offering nothing but prayer.

These are the last people we should take any advice from let alone spiritual advice.
I'm calling it now!!! THE TRAIN CHEM SPILL IS A PSYOP TO COVERUP THE VAX DEATHS.     (Covid1984)

submitted by GeneralDisarray to Covid1984 1.6 years ago


The symptoms of exposure to these chemicals are identical to the symptoms of the vax!

Now the vax manufacturer and the train company can blame each other and force us to prove who caused these deaths. Hoping that both will get away with it.

Remember how they said the covid symptoms was the same as the vax side effects?

Well here we go again.

This event is yet another fake scare event that bears all the emotional manipulation language, fear, hype and lies of the covid psyop. They are using the same playbook and will now be able to remove an entire rural community to the cities just like they said they would do.

These properties will be sold to Gates and the CCP at firesale prices because people think they are highly contaminated. It's all another life destroying, globalist profit making scam.

We have been expecting the die off to start accelerating and they have the cover story ready. That's why they are having chemical spills all over the place now.

The residue on people's cars east of Palestine could easily be sprayed from planes. We are already used to seeing planes spraying all day. That has been normalized for years now. Could this be the real reason they did this?

Thoughts guys?!
More UK politicians resigning!!!     (m.youtube.com)

submitted by GeneralDisarray to TheGreatAwakening 1.6 years ago


Two more conservative MP's announced they will not run at the next election bringing the total so far to 20!

The cabal can't compromise and train their replacements fast enough to retain control.

Only an idiot wants to be captain of a sinking ship.
World Bank president resigns!!! The rats are jumping ship in massive numbers this week.      (www.democracynow.org)

submitted by GeneralDisarray to TheGreatAwakening 1.6 years ago


The number of prominent resignations that has happened over the last 24 hours is hard to miss.

Rumours are spreading that Trudeau will be the next to run for the hills.

But who else would we like to see quit?

Dan Andrews

Rishi Sunak

Christia Freeland

Joe Biden

Kamala Harris

King Charles



Christine Lagard

Don Lemmon

Adam Schiff


Lindsay Graham

Mitch McConnell

Jonathan Greenblatt

Jeff Bezos

Larry Fink

To name a few of my picks. But who do you want to see gone?
Nicola Sturgeon was trying to pass a bill pardoning everyone convicted of witchcraft. Now we have a high court case where pedophiles have been charged with witchcraft!     (www.scottishdailyexpress.co.uk)

submitted by GeneralDisarray to Strange_Coincidences 1.6 years ago



Was she trying save the pedophiles from facing the death penalty under the still existing scots law dating from 1563?

Did she see the writing on the wall for all her mason globalist cult buddies?!

Is this why she just resigned?!
Nicola Sturgeon resigns as Scotlands first minister the instant a gang of election rigging Jews are exposed!     (globalnews.ca)

submitted by GeneralDisarray to Strange_Coincidences 1.6 years ago


This bitch has made a career out of campaigning for Scottish independence.

But she wasn't going to let the scots vote to end her lucrative scam.

The 2014 independence referendum was rigged and everyone saw it. Yet she didn't protest or call any of it out. She immediately accepted the results.

That left Scotland in the hands of the UK government who have done shocking damage since then. Poisoning the people, importing immigrants in astounding numbers, wrecking the economy and destroying basic human rights.

All while the scots are faced with holding all the UK's nuclear weapons and the USA nuclear submarine fleet for Europe.

This is why no American politicians or media spoke up about the rigging. The got to use the scots too.

But this election rigging group fixed 27 elections. Many countries are now faced with governments that have been installed to destroy them with no recourse while the masons attack anyone speaking up.

This also comes as Israeli judicial reforms threaten to start a civil war in Israel. Is this because Netty wants to finally start extradition of the criminals attacking us to face justice?

We have also had a RCMP commissioner Brenda Lucki announcing her retirement yesterday too. Canadas top cop no less!

Also lots of judicial corruption in California being addressed in recent weeks. Including hundreds of cops getting sued for rape, 11 LA commissioners suspended for corruption, a pedo network arrested and a law addressing the gangstalking of child abuse survivors by the police and more.

All while the Biden corruption and covid crimes are being exposed in real time.

It looks like the masons days are numbered. They are getting exposed in many countries at the same time. They are the ones in control of these judicial systems that are getting exposed.
Matt Taibbi that brought us the twitter files is now looking for researchers to locate the Fifth Generation Warfare documents that prove the government is at war with Americans!     (www.racket.news)

submitted by GeneralDisarray to 5GW 1.6 years ago


The twatter files prove that the US government was involved in psychological warfare against their own civilians with the full support of big tech!

That they censored and cancelled anyone that debunked the official narrative even if they did just share the governments own publications.

Even doctors and scientists that had found serious problems with the vax got banned. Resulting in many people taking the vax without the knowledge of the health dangers. Many of whom later regretted their decision publicly.

So he is now looking for the files that prove the government was engaged in a deadly war against their own civilians.

Many of these files are here in this sub.

Specifically the counterinsurgency manuals for ever NATO country including the Canadian one that describes how a fake viral pandemic is a great example of a psyop that could be used to fulfill all their objectives including killing political dissidents for arbitrary reasons with no judicial process or oversight.

This is where the weaponization of government committee will find themselves if they are honest. Uncovering a vast network of gangstalkers, gatekeepers and blackmail operations that are murdering millions at the orders of the globalists.

It was no coincidence that General Flynn released a book on this subject in December.

Putin also hinted over the last year that he was ready to expose that NATO was using these methods to genocide civilians.

The wagons are circling around this issue that I believe will be the end of the cabal and expose the masons as the main culprits of this.
The toxic cloud train disaster sounds 100% faked to me!     (fakenews)

submitted by GeneralDisarray to fakenews 1.6 years ago


This sounds like more fake fear porn to me.

Another fake crisis that will be used to overturn people's lives.

These people already had a dry run making that movie recently in the same area.

Now we have lots of stories that are similar. And to amp it up some more we now have a hazmat truck crash and spill too.

The local reports from people on the ground are also using emotionally triggering language and imagery.

But what do we have as actual verifiable facts about the air and water quality in that area.

Are we even seeing casualties?

Are they from this, the vax, the 5G effects on the vaxxed?!

This situation has many red flags clearly visible. What is the truth guys?!!
Canadian troll farm manufacturing consent for an invasion of Haiti!     (uncaptured.substack.com)

submitted by GeneralDisarray to 5GW 1.6 years ago


The Haitians are suffering at the hands of corrupt monsters and the people standing up to them are labelled gang leaders while countless troll accounts created and operated by a Canadian security company are pushing a narrative aimed at an invasion.

Fifth Generation Warfare in action.
Gangstalking apps being used to destroy the lives of truthers!!!     (gangstalkingmindcontrolcults.com)

submitted by GeneralDisarray to 5GW 1.6 years ago


These apps are weapons of mass destruction and may well be even deadlier than nukes!

Everyone that is involved in this are treasonous terrorists that are taking part in genocide. They deserve the earth penalty.

They are the dumbest among us. We all know the internet is forever and everything shared on these apps can be used to convict them all with no chance they can discredit any of it.
Five RCMP officers charged in mans death in BC! Lots of cops recently facing charges for crimes that they where previously untouchable for!!     (m.youtube.com)

submitted by GeneralDisarray to Canuckistan 1.6 years ago


I'm hearing these stories in lots of English speaking countries recently.

Hundreds of London England cops charged.

Hundreds of Scottish cops charged.

The police act in Alberta that is leading to the entire removal of the rcmp from the province.

The Organized Torture Act in California describing cops gatekeeping and gangstalking child abuse survivors.

Lots of Masonic lodges mysteriously burning down.

It's almost like the justice ministers of many countries are getting ahead of the weaponization of government committee that's due to start on the 9th this month.

Is anyone else seeing surprising levels of police accountability in other areas?!
This project veritas expose is just too perfect! Did this guy just deliberately turn whistleblower, or is he really that fucking stupid?     (Covidicences)

submitted by GeneralDisarray to Covidicences 1.6 years ago


This executive is very high up. He holds a lot of the responsibility for all the deaths and disability the jabs caused.

He took part in the largest crime against humanity in human history at the highest levels, and he gets caught out just as the normies are calling for accountability. That's just a bit too convenient for my liking.

But if he just came out as a whistleblower to PV they wouldn't be able to hide who he was. He was just too high up. So what if they planned this whole thing out. Like he would get shitfaced and openly discuss shocking facts on hidden camera.

If he came out publicly as a whistleblower he would be dead already!

This way he can probably live long enough to be put in the witness protection program while lighting a fire under every other person that knows the ugly truth. Potentially starting a rush for the door that blows the lid off.

When he is slurring in the latest video it sounds too much. Like he is acting it up. Trying to sound drunk. He is completely unguarded and spills the beans on shit that could cost him everything. He says way more than he should.

I think this guy may have actually turned whistleblower.

What do you goats think about this prospect?
King Charles will not be on Australian bank notes!!! Is he even King?     (ca.finance.yahoo.com)

submitted by GeneralDisarray to TheGreatAwakening 1.6 years ago


This just gets stranger with each new story.

Charles hasn't been given a coronation yet!

The new Police Act of Alberta Canada still had the pledge of allegiance to the Queen and not the King!

It's almost as if he isn't king at all.

Has anyone else seen more evidence of this?
216 is often used as a hidden 666!!!     (Occult)

submitted by GeneralDisarray to Occult 1.6 years ago


216 is also called Plato's number.


144,000/666 = 216.216216216

144/216 = 0.66666666667

We live in a world where symbols and numbers are used to communicate the real intentions and background of things.

This number is very worthy of your attention.