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Member for: 1.2 years

scp: 697 (+773/-76)
ccp: 1142 (+1770/-628)
votes given: 1610 (+1192/-418)
score: 1839


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The fags at Gab block VPN's so I don't know the content here.

/v/MeanwhileOnGab viewpost?postid=66348e011ef25

The same god that tells you to worship jews.

/v/news viewpost?postid=6633c43d16337

>Joke's on them, I switched to Linux.

Jokes on you, retard, enjoy your SystemD backdoor.

/v/technology viewpost?postid=66339a0e3237f

Technically speaking, it allows them to ask for anything from anyone, with zero oversight or recourse, and prevent anyone involved from disclosing it.

IE: a single "investigation" into Verizon would require Verizon to share ALL DATA ON EVERYONE, SINCE EVER.

It's an unlimited, no-warrant world of dragnet surveillance.

The best part? NSA & CIA have been doing this for 40 years already, this is just "legalizing" it. It's pure housekeeping. Probably proactively because something inconvenient and/or annoying is about to come out anyway.

/v/NWO viewpost?postid=66205b51c055d

No system is without loopholes.

Ours just happens to have all the loopholes built in by the jew overlords.

So, there is always a way around every inconvenience the jews put into the system to annoy everyone else.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=661d5970ae076

Step #1: Open accounts with 20 different banks
Step #2: Deposit ~3,500 into each (you can do this regularly, twice a month without any issues)
Step $3: Wire transfer from as many accounts as you want into one account

Protip: Wire transfer to offshore BVI account.

You're welcome.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=661d5970ae076

Bro, you pretty much have to be a milquetoast IQ faggot with mental disorders to willingly work for USSA gestapo.

/v/Zogbots viewpost?postid=6615e9db0a56a

Pretty much everyone caught in these "undercover stings" are homosexuals meeting some dude off Grindr.

Government is full of fags.

/v/Zogbots viewpost?postid=6615e9db0a56a

My DD's are things like Nardin's & Dubuis.

/v/EconomicCollapse viewpost?postid=66117627d9cb3

Close enough.

Justice would have used a wood chipper.

/v/ThirdWorldUnitedStates viewpost?postid=661389e25f1e1

The true problem with all of you Boomers, if you set aside everything else most of you fucked up as you kicked the can down the road, is your failure to man up and do anything about it now.

Instead, you just want to enjoy yours until you die.

So.. you really are the problem, in the end.

/v/EconomicCollapse viewpost?postid=66117627d9cb3

>any suggestions on the best way to get a good deal?

Don't buy a Rolex, it's the brand watch collectors all laugh at and use to identify poor people.

/v/EconomicCollapse viewpost?postid=66117627d9cb3

"And we all know the con doesn't work without the confidence."


/v/videos viewpost?postid=661074e5b3e3f

Bro, every single one has appreciated faster than the debasement of the currency. I don't wear this shit.

Poser. Right. Coming from the dude buying gaudy green $6k Rolexes to feel rich while he lives in Soviet Canada.

You got me! Oh no!

/v/EconomicCollapse viewpost?postid=66117627d9cb3

100% of the tourbillons are non-gaudy top-shelf swiss limited editions where less than 50 exist globally.

Absolutely nothing cool, you're so right man. So cool yourself!

/v/EconomicCollapse viewpost?postid=66117627d9cb3

A million dollars IS chump change.

And five years from now it'll be an entry level double-wide.

/v/EconomicCollapse viewpost?postid=66117627d9cb3

You rent from the Government, dumb faggot.

And since it's Canada, it's literally run by Fidel Castro's bastard kid.

/v/EconomicCollapse viewpost?postid=66117627d9cb3

I may be an idiot, but you're still poor.

/v/EconomicCollapse viewpost?postid=66117627d9cb3

Oh. I forgot. You're Canadian. You have so much poison in the water supply it just adds to your natural genetic brain damage.

Let me dumb it down for you.

This is why you're poor.

/v/EconomicCollapse viewpost?postid=66117627d9cb3

I have a literal wall of quarter million dollar skeletonized tourbillons.

I have peers that would call my collection "quaint", because they have walls of artwork each worth more than my entire watch collection.

You dorks thinking five figure goods are luxury are missing the forest for the trees because you live in some little bubble.

/v/EconomicCollapse viewpost?postid=66117627d9cb3

Buying a Rolex and calling it appreciating luxury is like buying a Sport trimmed Civic and calling it fast.

Your $6,000 Rolex is about half my weekly disposable consumable goods budget.

/v/EconomicCollapse viewpost?postid=66117627d9cb3

$6,000 Rolex is not upper-end luxury, that's low-entry level shit.

$300k AP's is middle tier luxury.

/v/EconomicCollapse viewpost?postid=66117627d9cb3

>We need this shit in our country.

Bro, wake up. You don't have a Country; you live under the servitude of a fuckin' Corporation.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=661074e5b3e3f