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Member for: 2.4 years

scp: 194 (+197/-3)
ccp: 149 (+160/-11)
votes given: 27 (+20/-7)
score: 343


Now imagine if Renegade still did stuff like Hellstorm. They've gone way down hill.

/v/HitlerWasRight viewpost?postid=62a9eb15c94e7

What was this? Edit and repost a link from Imgur. Here you go:

/v/Biden viewpost?postid=62aa7c4492cc3

Oh yeah, that's a great one too. I remember watching this on YouTube in 2016, it blew my mind. This was back before the great purges of all non-PC content on Youtube started.

/v/HitlerWasRight viewpost?postid=62a9eb15c94e7

This documentary changed my life. Watch every minute. Pass it on to others.

/v/HitlerWasRight viewpost?postid=62a9eb15c94e7

Watch this one (Greatest Story Never Told) first. Take your time, go bit by bit. Internalize it. Think about the ramifications. It will change your life if you can handle it.

/v/HitlerWasRight viewpost?postid=62a9eb15c94e7

Ok that's good to know. I'm no doctor, I just went through this ordeal with cholestasis and all the associated problems, and it all started with the wife being itchy. Might not hurt to have blood work done if you haven't already.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6285f7ec134ba

This is classic Cholestasis, exactly as it was with my wife. OP needs to go to the hospital for testing his wife now and find a new doctor ASAP. I sent him a PM with this info.

And for any other goats reading this, if your pregnant wife becomes itchy out of nowhere, this is VERY SERIOUS. Speaking from experience here. We learned about this with two pregnancies:


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6285f7ec134ba



This sounds like classic Cholestasis -- exactly like it was with my wife and child. The itching came out of nowhere and the doctor rushed here in for delivery because this could kill your child.

And sorry, but your doctor is a stupid shit and you need to get a new doctor! As soon as my wife's doctor heard she was a "little bit itchy" he freaked out and she went to the delivery room right then in there. This was about 10 years ago. She had blood work done after the fact and it was Cholestasis. This condition occurs during pregnancy and it can be very serious and dangerous for your child.

EDIT: More info from the linked article:
Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, commonly known as cholestasis of pregnancy, is a liver condition that occurs in late pregnancy. The condition triggers intense itching, but without a rash. Itching usually occurs on the hands and feet but can also affect other parts of the body.

Cholestasis of pregnancy can make you extremely uncomfortable. But, more worrisome are the potential complications for you and your baby. Because of the risk of complications, your doctor may recommend early delivery.

Goats, if your pregnant wife suddenly becomes itchy, get her to the doctor right away. The baby could be at serious risk. Speaking from experience here.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6285f7ec134ba

The northwest is getting invaded and real estate is going through the roof, especially in the conservative areas (Montana and Idaho). He'll probably get asking price, perhaps more for it.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62434ad654480

Well did you find someplace better that isn't getting overrun with out-of-staters?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62434ad654480

But now where will you go? I keep saying this to people: when you sell at the top, you also need to buy (or rent) at the top, and that sucks too.

Yes the Flathead Valley is getting eaten up by out-of-towners who do not belong. It wasn't that long ago when everything north of FVCC was just farm fields and a gravel pit. Now it's all box stores, vehicles, and traffic lights. Makes me sick, but it's happening in Idaho and the rest of the PNW, so where to go?!
Anyway, have you looked at Libby? It's a lot cheaper and also a beautiful area, less people too.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62434ad654480

Take your "news" and shove it up your ass you faggot.
Here's some real news for the goats:

Jews did 9/11.

The Holocaust is a lie.

EUROPA: The Last Battle (2017) - Full Documentary HD

Adolf Hitler The Greatest Story Never Told (Full)

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=622b6482e84b6

Who cares about this biolabs bullshit?

It's the same thing as "Look! The virus came from WUUUUHAAAAN! ZIIING! We got Fauci! ZING!"

/v/LyingNewsMedia viewpost?postid=622b54246db27

I'm starting to believe all "news" is nothing but orchestrated shilling to make as much noise about dumb shit as possible to distract everyone. From COVID to the gay Russia Ukraine thing. Who cares. It's all meant to divert attention from people waking up the JQ and doing something.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=622b6482e84b6

They all need to go back at the very least. Every last one of them.

/v/Blackonwhite viewpost?postid=622add8fee70e

Tor is for pedo glow niggers. VPNs for the win.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=620c45d8afe21

Found the bitch:

Here's her info from that public page (not doxxing, public information). You know what to do boys:
Phone: 336-334-1394
Email: [email protected]

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=620c0fe5e3bc1

Great video, thanks for sharing. I've saved this one for my archives.

/v/BlackPilled viewpost?postid=61f9995a64ada

This is "made in America" brought to you by Pedro and Tyrone.
And this is why I don't care about "made in America" anymore. It means "made with diversity" with profits going to Shlomo Shekelberg.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61e7018c393a5


/v/PureFuckingKikery viewpost?postid=61e14f4c5afa1

Burn this place to the fucking ground.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=61e0a2593df9a

As a society, we have rejected Christ and accepted the anti-Christ jews in our midst. We deserve the wrath of God for letting our society fall this far.

/v/NationalSocialism viewpost?postid=61e0b7e457f30

Goebbels nailed it. Rest in peace brother. We will fight on.

This is why the controlled opposition "Alt Right" is led by sniveling little degenerate bitches that NEVER go on the offensive with their rhetoric, but instead sit around jerking off to lame and pointless opinions. It's a total circle jerk that amounts to nothing. And it is 100% intended to be that way.

Patrick Little is one exception. He went on the offense the correct way. Red pilling everyone, hitting the streets with big signs, making videos, waking people up... and it looks like ZOG worked overtime behind the scenes to destroy his life. So he's gone. And now we have "leaders" like the mongrel Nick Fuentes and other sodomites prancing around.

/v/NationalSocialism viewpost?postid=61e0b7e457f30