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Member for: 10 months

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score: 365


It's an incrdibly evil system to its core: take from the productive, give it to the lazy and useless, and then crash it all down for some sadistic pleasure to a warped mind. Now the unproductive can't be gotten rid of, and your entire economy is hopelessly dependent on the gov.

Trick question but not really: how fast would the entire US economy implode (beyond what it is now) if all gov functions were turned off including contracting, state/local, auxiliary companies working on behalf of subs, etc. Just a complete total shut down. It would destroy the US in days

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=650fa2ddd3ad8

You know, for all this money spent on surveillance and big data, it sure seems to miss out on a lot ... unless your White that is

/v/news viewpost?postid=650d90b651d81

What the hell do i pay these assholes for, to have to get an accountant and a lawyer?! The entire tax code is a great example of the broken window fallacy: government fucks everything up and forces you to pay to somehow navigate their super convoluted system. It's so convoluted, the IRS is forbidden from even talking to you about it, and they themselves dont even understand it

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=650d84ada8385

Unless you live in a commie shithole where castle doctrine, and self defense laws exist. In which case, you go to jail, and the perp gets a lawsuit lottery

/v/MeanwhileOnReddit viewpost?postid=64ea32b30bfb1

Reminds me of NY where the dumb chinks trespass on peoples' proeprties, steal their crap, sift through trash cans, and overall act like pests, but nothing anyone can do. If you even call the caps on them, the cops will write you up for wasting their time, or not bother to show up. And if you do anything that could be considered "premeditated" the courts will go after you because self defense is considered a crime.

/v/MeanwhileOnReddit viewpost?postid=64ea32b30bfb1

There's many things Im curtailing lately left over from not knowing better at the time. I may just get a new account with new routing/account on it, may be easier than trying to ACH block everyone

/v/Rants viewpost?postid=64e7671f8ccf3

The funniest part was that my DL was from a 0% income state and i said just use what my DL says. The accountant said I definitely shouldn't do that, and instead shoved me into the higher tier state where I was living. That small correction they made cost me 5,000$

/v/Rants viewpost?postid=64e7671f8ccf3

Bidenomic: pay more for less. This is a very large corporate CPA, and they recently upped their fees in the wake of the inflation issues. The problem is their rate from 100$/hr to 250$/hr+ which is rapidly becoming unaffordable to me.

It feels like any time I can save money, some new asshole comes along and finds ways to destroy any progress I made with saving money. If it's not the IRS, its always something

/v/Rants viewpost?postid=64e7671f8ccf3

For this year I am, starting now, all LLCs are cancelled. So for 2024 I'll have some Schedule C stuff, but not a lot of them. After that, no Schedule C anymore. FFS their tax rate comes close to 500$/hr with all the damn fees

/v/Rants viewpost?postid=64e7671f8ccf3

yeah they had it from the prior year for a refund, but they always notify you ahead of time that they will do the ACH. When you account for their yearly fee + filing fee + monthly servicing fee + correction fee for premature payment, and horseshit advice they gave me over withholding (i wrote another post about their ideas on the subject), their total fee was 30,000$ for the year.

I'm friends whose also a client said the same thing, they're just way too expensive now, and my tax needs are too simple to require such an expensive accountant. They did do the filing free this year, but it wasn't really free since I payed them 5,000 for the year in servicing fees.

What confused me this year is i asked them how to pay my IRS balance, they gave me IRS vouchers, and then went on to deduct balance from my account instead.

/v/Rants viewpost?postid=64e7671f8ccf3

Well they had told me to make payments myself, than they just ACHed it all from my account. I think they're much more conservative CPAs so they're of the theory to pay more to the IRS and get more back later, vs paying less now and paying more later.

It's just weird cause any time i get an inkling of money anywhere, it gets sent off to some random new thing and im back at square one

/v/Rants viewpost?postid=64e7671f8ccf3

But isn't colonialism what increased the way of life and "Richness" of those shithole dumpsters? So Whites have to apologize for ... making minority lives better?

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=64e605373a0a0

It's confusing because the article misleads one to believe buying a house does not require buying the house, and selling the house still ties you into the original loan of said house. The entire point of selling the house is not fulfilled and instead you end up stuck in a really weird, gray zone.

It's more confusing because an average seller would have no idea the difference between a standard house sale and this since they are advertised as one in the same

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=64e69547b5d2d

In all fairness i would have never signed had i known what i was getting into, the language they used and the pitch were clearly made to deceive people and trick them. Luckily for me with the grace of God I have a way of getting out of this unscathed

/v/AskGoats viewpost?postid=64e4e14ecb511

The way they worded it made it sound like an official sale of the house, it’s only after they decided to disclose the part about buying the deed of the house and not paying the mortgage. To date this company has told me my bank is wrong, my cpa is wrong, and that their lease to own which isn’t a lease to own because we said so is actually something else when it’s not.

/v/AskGoats viewpost?postid=64e4e14ecb511

No actually got it back through the power of taking it back

/v/AskGoats viewpost?postid=64e4e14ecb511

If you do withhold slightly less than required for a tax season you will always owe money. You then take the money you owe and roll that into a 0% introductory APR credit card and pay it off during the 0% APR period.

In essence you're using negative inflation dollars (0% APR over 21 months) to pay off the IRS amount due

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=64e4bdf121b35

After reading this page, i decided to go back to the min withholdings and pay more every tax year. When you account for the way credit cards work, you just roll the balance into a 0% credit card offering and pay that off, and you out jew the jew by using negative inflation to pay off negative inflation

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=64e4bdf121b35

Correct, its pretty iron clad at this point, and they have more lawyers and money than i do. So really, ill have to pay and use legal counsel and stuff going forward

/v/AskGoats viewpost?postid=64e4e14ecb511

This is clearly a scheme marked to desperate or old people, because it reeks of jew

/v/AskGoats viewpost?postid=64e4e14ecb511

They put a cloud on title/memorandum of sale and are using that as leverage to make me payout their cure fee of 30,000$ - 50,000$

/v/AskGoats viewpost?postid=64e4e14ecb511

Here's the general run down. They "bought" the house from me. They didn't hold the title or bill of sale, but they then sold the house as a tranche to another company. New company than sold it again to another company. Think fractional reserve lending where the same house can be re hypothecated into multiple balance sheets, gotta pump up those quarterly earnings. The only way for the company i "sold" the house to to reverse the transaction, they have to pay out the deposit they got from new buyer, who does that with every subsequent buyer. Hence, I need to pay them 30 - 50,000 to break the contract

/v/AskGoats viewpost?postid=64e4e14ecb511

It's weird because they claim they "lost" money from me not selling them the house ... the house has been vacant for close to a year and i cant really see what money they "lost" on the house. They said its based off profit sharing, etc, but the money they would make off the rent doesn't come close to the damages they are requesting. They now want 50,000 in damages split two ways, payable upfront and after the sale of the house

/v/AskGoats viewpost?postid=64e4e14ecb511

Honestly come 6 months time, the IRS will just be doing the same thing anyways with everyone else. Right now i have it setup that I give into the IRS around 120,000/yr and than I should get back around 40,000 from the refund or so. The last time I tried this, I got significantly less money back than my plan originally anticipated so I'm assuming I need to aggressively increase my withholdings to make up the difference.

My take home net pay is around 250,000 and with my withholdings Im looking at around 75,000 take home per year after i account for all my withholdings and tax structure, etc When you account for the refund, I would still only get up to 135,000 or so after all the taxes are taken out.

source: my accountant

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=64e4bdf121b35

jews should be careful with this one: illegals have no allegiance to anyone, so the idea they will protect the parasites is idiotic. This leads me to believe jews are just retarded

/v/news viewpost?postid=64e4becaaf881