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Member for: 2.9 years

scp: -4 (+1/-5)
ccp: -30 (+3/-33)
votes given: 1 (+1/-0)
score: -34


What the fuck is wrong with you people. Those were innocent people, they did not deserve to die

/v/news viewpost?postid=608bfa9c51a98

Both my parents are black, but go off, I guess...

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6126869b159f5

Laugh all you want, you know I'm right

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6126869b159f5

Y'all are neo-nazis, you have no right whining about degeneracy.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6126869b159f5

Okay, time to end the JQ once and for all.

1. Even if the JQ had ANY sort of legitimacy at all (Which is does not), how does that impugn the entire jewish people?

2.What makes whites so special that this ONE GROUP OF PEOPLE are so invested in destroying you?

3. How can you justify the genocide of an entire group of people due to the actions of a few?

4. Everything you accuse jews of doing was demonstrably done by whites to a much greater extent!

5. How will genocide solve anything? Another group will just takeover and do the same shit you accuse jewish people of! Also, like any other group, jews are not a monolith.

6. What does it even mean to be jewish?

/v/TheEternalJew viewpost?postid=612311dfc95ce

Gaming is for everyone, you nazi fuckwit

/v/gaming viewpost?postid=60ec9d5978a4f

Screw you. She is part of the nation. It's in her blood and she was born in Japan. GFY, you worthless racist dumbfucks

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=60ff435e484f2

1.) I've noticed the outrage at the Miles Morales video game, because he is black-latino. I've played both Spider-Man games. If I, a black guy can play as Peter Parker, a white guy, then why is it a problem to play as a black-latino?

2.) Do you really think jews are a hive?

3.) Even if the JQ had any sort of credibility, how would that impugn the ENTIRE JEWISH PEOPLE?

4.) Considering that they also consume media, why is it such a terrible thing to have representation for groups of people other then cis-straight white men in media?

5.)The world is becoming more progressive, whether you like it or not, how to you plan on coping with the fact that you'll never get the fascist dystopia you so desperately desire?

6.) What "redpilled" you?

/v/DrWilliamLutherPierce viewpost?postid=60fe772caa111