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How many feminists does it take to change a light bulb?     (www.minds.com)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to FeminismIsCancer 5 months ago


Boys taste in music is so bad...     (www.minds.com)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to music 5 months ago


Sorry, going on a Minds binge apparently. Haven't been on it in a long time and the content is actually decent.
Holy shit...there's a Killdozzer Jr.!     (www.minds.com)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to whatever 5 months ago


If this isn't just fake n' gay, it's pretty damn important: "The bid by the commercial fishermen,...is part of what has been termed the "war on the administrative state," an effort to weaken the federal agency bureaucracy that interprets laws, crafts federal rules and implements executive action."     (www.nasdaq.com)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to news 5 months ago


Pull quotes:

>The U.S. Supreme Court began hearing arguments on Wednesday in a dispute involving a government-run program to monitor for overfishing of herring off New England's coast that gives its conservative majority a chance to further limit the regulatory powers of federal agencies.

>The companies have asked the court, with its 6-3 conservative majority, to rein in or overturn a precedent established in 1984 that calls for judges to defer to federal agency interpretation of U.S. laws deemed to be ambiguous, a doctrine called "Chevron deference."

Basically, in the United states, laws are made by an elected congress. One of the fundamental complaints made by more conservative/libertarian types is that laws are effectively made by unelected, shadowy government agencies modernly known as "the deep state". On paper, the deep state is part of the executive branch, but in practice it's it's own ecosphere and then you get the idea of them being the group that selects the president.

One of the major loopholes "the deep state" uses is the afore mentioned Chevron deference. The idea is that, if Congress hasn't made a law about something, a federal agency has every right to make and enforce their own "laws", as long as they are "reasonable". This is absurd bullshit and has been used to justify converting the US government into the opposite of what it was supposed to be.

You have to get into the pedantic bullshit of the US constitution being a "positive or negative document." The deep state would argue the constitution is a negative document, meaning it says what the government cannot do, but it means they can do anything else, which is almost limitless. A limited government type would say the constitution is a positive document, meaning it tells the government what it can do, but it can't do anything else. That actually limits the government severely, which I think most here would support.

So, if the Supreme Court does it's job and rules correctly on this case it sets up the dismantlement of the deep state. I know, I know...how dare I be a glimmer of hope when everything fucking sucks and we all know it.

I have made the conscious decision to look to a future that is actually better than the current day. I think we are at the very beginning stages of seeing a lot of events happen that will cause enough normies to pull their heads out of their asses that it might actually start to make a difference if you choose to take advantage of it.

Basically, as the general collapse starts to happen, it will cause some communities of people to pull triggers on things they wouldn't have done just 5 years ago. For instance, I could see more than 50 states all of a sudden. I could actually see N. California, S. Illinois, and W. New York become their own states. I could even see *new countries* emerge in all of this.

I think you're about to see pockets of sanity start to emerge here and there that you can take advantage of if you choose too. I'm currently studying to start a career in a field heavily involved in the repair and rebuilding of industry. I am beginning to envision a future where I'm actually happy.

Poll: How obvious is the annon flooding?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to AskUpgoat 5 months ago


"The Boomers and their Enlightenment delusions are finished. There is no longer any need to avoid openly discussing the necessity of what is obviously necessary if the various nations of the West are to survive."     (web.archive.org)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to FeralBantuInvaders 5 months ago


America is run by foreigners and it's military is obsolete.     (voxday.net)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to Zogbots 5 months ago


I welcome the collapse. I will succeed in it while others will suffer. The people who will suffer the most are the same people who are "successful" now. They are only successful because of clown world, which is falling apart. It was only ever going to fall apart. The clowns who are "winning" now, actually lost the game the moment they decided to play. People have run out of fake money to keep pretending any of this is working. We're in that awkward moment where the pendulum has stopped going one way, is about to go the other way, but hasn't started yet.

Get excited for the new world about to come!
A really good conversation between music insiders about why music sucks now. (You could probably apply it to most art too.)     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to music 5 months ago


A good discussion about the tunnels at Chabad-Lubavitch Global Headquarters     (rumble.com)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to JewishCrimesMatter 5 months ago


100,000+ members of the Synagogue of Satan gathered at Soldier Field in Chicago to celebrate 3,000 years of Jewish history by worshipping a fire-breathing statue of Moloch & feeding it children.     (x.com)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to MeanwhileOnTwitter 5 months ago


Apparently it was "world jewish day"...? All of this going "mainstream" (at least on alt-socials and twitter/X) just feels weird. As in, I should be happy, but I don't understand what's changed all of a sudden and I'm not sure what's going on.
FBI field report #16534.     (www.minds.com)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to funny 5 months ago


American football before the concussion years. "Violence, let's admit it."     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to Sports 5 months ago


Actually a neat little documentary about the history of football, but the violence talk at the beginning made me laugh because of how hard it would make people "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" today.
We could do a lot more with gif memes like this.     (www.minds.com)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to memesharing 5 months ago


Songwriting isn't about knowing theory....it's about going on a journey.     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to music 5 months ago


So many times academics analyze songs, but they couldn't write it themselves. They think it's like math, but it's not, it's more like just playing what sounds right.
Why about half the Millenial generation is fucked: Success in the New Economy     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to videos 5 months ago


There's a comment below the video from what I presume is a high school student, along the lines of: "this video is so great for their career exploration class" and I'm like, "Fuck...they have that now...?"

In case it's not clear why this video means half the Millennial generation is fucked, they were never told this information. They were told the old information and had to deal with the new world. It was only after their shit situation was made obvious that "education" started to change it's tune. The problem is: that's fantastic for the people who got this info in time, but what has been done to address the situation of the people who got the bad information?
"Don't you realize your considered one of the best actors ever?"     (youtube.com)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to TellUpgoat 5 months ago


A lot of the zogbots you hate, hate zog too...
A great analysis of Tool's "Schism"     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to music 5 months ago


I really like this guy's videos and thought some other music loving Goats might too.
We've done something right: "Gen-Z doesn't care about sports. That's part of a bigger problem."     (web.archive.org)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to tellupgoat_based_edition 5 months ago


>According to one 2021 study, only 23 percent of Generation Z describe themselves as passionate sports fans, as opposed to 42 percent of millennials, 33 percent of Generation X, and 31 percent of baby boomers. Further, a sizable 27 percent of Gen Z described themselves as “anti-sports,” compared with single-digit percentages from other generations saying the same.

Makes me wonder what the "bigger problem" is.

I personally love sports. As in, the actual doing of them. I was a successful athlete until a tragic shoulder injury. So now that I started with "I love sports" and got your autismo minds to sperg, let me explain: I love sports, not (((sportsball))) or (((niggerball))). I only pay attention to my (almost) all white high school sports, mainly football (which I played), and motorsports. I stopped watching pro and college sports over a decade ago, actually *before* they became super political.

I actually see the whole "they became way to political" thing as merely a symptom of a more fundamental issue. I stopped watching because "they" clearly were making the sports more like reality TV than, you know...a sport.

For instance, I like a good game. Doesn't matter if it's high scoring or low scoring. In American football, I'd love a 3-0 game just as much as a 103-100 game, and yet, ToUcHdOwNs ArE eXcItInG!!!!11!!11!! so the NFL and NCAA changed rules to make the sport of football more like basket ball. Oh, and the same wizards of smart also made them WAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY to political. A move that's really, simply predictable for those dumbasses...

But still, I wonder what the "bigger problem" is that the title of the article refers to. Let's find out...

>The gradual loss of interest in sports is a symptom of a larger problem, which is that Gen Z lacks both civic involvement and any interest in attaining it. This has been a significant factor in the erosion of the community fabric where Gen Z lives. As we spend an increasing amount of time tuned into our digital lives, many of us lose sight of the traditional forms of community that previous generations relied on.

Now, ironically, I'd agree with much of that...but of course the jew only laments this A.) in the sense it can't make money off them, and B.) way to fucking late. Hey boomers...that paragraph I quoted just now. You're finally acting like it's an emergency, but it's not. It was an emergency 10-15 years ago. You did nothing. Now it's a fucking disaster.

The boomer generation is quickly becoming the largest percentage of homeless people in America...GOOD! You not only deserve it. You earned it. Go starve, suffer, and die. We'll all enjoy watching it.

Meme idea: 9/10 doctors agree, jumping off a bridge prevents Covid.     (TheMemery)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to TheMemery 5 months ago


Boomers are already the fastest growing group of homeless people. Of course they'll expect us to pay for it. Can we get them to jump off a bridge instead? Just an idea.
I live in Southern Illinois and there are exactly 2 things I want to point out to the rest of you about us engaging in civil disobedience regarding blatantly criminal government gun control.     (tellupgoat_based_edition)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to tellupgoat_based_edition 5 months ago


I don't want to point out two things that **ARE** happening...I want to point out 2 things that **ARE NOT** happening:

1. Massive protests


2. Massive social media "trending" campaigns.

Now, only after I pointed out those two things, will I point out what *is* happening:


Name two things more jewey than social media and protests. Go ahead...I'll wait. Yep, that's right, if there is anything more jewey than them, it is an incredibly short list. I guess the talmud is more jewey than those two things, but I struggle to find other things, because both social media and protests are about as fake n' gay as they get. In fact, doing either of those things lets weaklings feel like they did something, when they really didn't, and nothing ever gets much further than that, am I right? I'm right...

My point is, remember Jan. 6th? The trucker convoy? Getting literally anything trending on any platform? Remember the fucking Tea Party all those years ago? Remember the "biden" stickers with him pointing at a high price and saying "I did that!"? Remember any of that actually accomplishing a damn thing...? Me either...

Illinois, specifically the parts outside of "Chicagoland", has a rich history of telling authority to fuck off. You couldn't possibly imagine a state where there is one seat of power (chicago) so diametrically opposed to the rest of the entire state, and it's been that way for a very long time.

So, I can tell you from personal experience, if you want to defeat tyranny, the answer is always: local, local, local.

"They" can use propaganda all they want to try and convince you that the USA is some sort of majority zog, but I know, and in my area **WE** know, that we are not.

The idea I want to leave you with to chew on the rest of the day is this: fuck social media, and fuck large protest movements coordinated by someone who's last name, inevitably, always ends in -berg, or -stein. The way to successfully tell zog to fuck off is to say it without even saying it. Just do it. "They" don't want you to know that's possible.

Have a nice day.
Major Scandal Rocks the Italian Catholic Church: Bishops Accused of Funding Illegal Immigration     (rairfoundation.com)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to RomanCatholicism 5 months ago


I wanted to actually, scientifically look up the percentage of men, currently between the ages of 30 and 40 years old, who have either killed themselves or overdosed.     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to AskUpgoat 5 months ago


And I'm finally sitting down to do that, but am quickly having to admit that, while I'm a decent internet sleuth, I am not, in fact, a literal scientific researcher. But maybe some of you are, or are at least better than me at it, and can point me to some good tools to look up what I want to look up.

Why I Hate Contemporary Americans (Happy New Years!)     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to Collapse 5 months ago


The current paradigm will suffer and die. I'll enjoy it thoroughly. Meanwhile, I'll be setting myself up to ride the wave of the next paradigm. The idiot's death screams will help me sleep at night.
Full Movie - The Silence of the Goats (2023)     (MoviesWithGoats)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to MoviesWithGoats 5 months ago


[A young SBBH trainee is asked to help catch an Obvious Fed on the Internet, but to do this, she must ask for the assistance of one of the internets most notorious schizologists.](https://files.catbox.moe/kxlmcx.png)


The humor is in the story and the story is in the subtitles.

And so it begins...blacklisted...     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to MoviesWithGoats 5 months ago