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Member for: 1 year

scp: 395 (+456/-61)
ccp: 1895 (+1997/-102)
votes given: 656 (+616/-40)
score: 2290


> "terminal parasites"

perfect term

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=665c131eb9e08

This was my big wake up.
I drive around alot, I live in big cities and small towns.
When you see nice, bad, nice, bad, nice nice, bad, bad...
You cannot not notice.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=665c131eb9e08

remember when this was a crazy idea?

/v/Israel viewpost?postid=665c9894238a3

bad news for mgtow,that requires a family
Blood relations is the only glue that works for offshoot society.
Just you and some biker buds aint gonna cut it, you will need sons and daughters.

Otherwise all you did was create a campground.
The power lies in the family and traditional values.
That is why they are both lying over there in a puddle of blood.

It doesn't matter anyway, if you had a family, sourced from the available stock, they wouldn't follow you, hell they'd report you.

/v/MGTOW viewpost?postid=665a571d3c8d2

dude, the shower is right there

...I've heard....

It's a ritual I dont regret, I have sensitive skin and take big shits.
I'm already in there, still use paper but before leaving, if I'm at home, I'm taking a quick shower.
No skid marks ever. I dont even know about skid marks, they are a mystery to me.

I concede that bidets are probably an amazing health benefit and a fine luxury comfort.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=665b4f4c1e06e

sudden urge to rush into a local business, shout "THIS IS NOT THE PENIS MUSEUM" then leave quietly.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=665ab11b3fd99

This is how you break them.
Should you feel bad after?
For breaking a murderer?

[Servants of Moloch](https://youtu.be/5tPi2-_buCM?si=hVqCIeeoh8BGQwsn)

/v/Christianity viewpost?postid=665c6fc48a5f5

If banks can seize our funds for any reason,
and employers are mandated to use direct deposit,
then the banks control society.

If the bank can disable those accounts at the banks discretion,then those banks literally rule over society. Not the governments, not the elected, the banks.

/v/conspiracy viewpost?postid=665adc103869c

Its gone, any other copies of his testimonial?
Srsly its gone.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=665a847366297

alt account?

Bro you need to leave home, use a burner COMPUTER(no phones), change the mac on even that RELIGOUSLY, no VMS bare metal, compromise a home router, public routers collect data, make your comment then DECONSTRUCT THAT STACK. Remove the skiddy OS from the burner, dismantle and discard the parts of the laptop. The burner 'alt' account must be CREATED from that device and all activity confined to that device. Do not login as it from anywhere else, do not check the post from any other account, forget it, because remember: you have no information about it and dont know who said it, or when, or how.

The name of the game is breadcrumbs, trails, traces and correlation of unlikely timed events that can be related to each other.
Everything you do in public is filmed.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=665af3715ef75

I've not met any happy people here.
Raving mad, yes, happy, no.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=665a22956a57f


/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=665a223af2455

this makes me laugh because I moved to a place that is all white but they are probably not white owned.

Like, its all Chile's, burger kings, and 7/11s and angry old white ladies work at all of them.
The chimney method seems legit.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=665a283adf8f9

I wasn't suggesting buying them retail, but that's just as fine a point. The first step would be development, hardware, software, govs wont help you hell they'd probably try and stop you or compromise your gear. So you'd need to have a store like that, and it'd have to be legal... or you'd need to develop them secretly, for no money, just to have a shot in this potential future.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6659c96e14fb0

The neat thing to realize here is when "the battlefield is dominated by drones"

This means anyone could potentially enter the battlefield by proxy of a few hundred bucks in parts. I wouldn't encourage it, as the larger powers would certainly hunt any rogue operator down and zilch em. It's just a very interesting development for a potential survivor to consider.

It also begs the question, if governments have men with guns, allowing citizenry to collect men with guns by right as a preventative measure... then when govs and baddies have combat drones, should citizen also be stocked up on combat drones? In a world such as the one presenting itself, it would seem a basic defense, otherwise the citizen is vulnerable and dependent on defense by proxy.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6659c96e14fb0

bit late for that dear, get yer boots on

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=6658b1f1bae95

you dont have to sell them anymore you can just rent them out on onlyfans

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=66594ace52fdb

It wont work again.
Resistance will be greater than before.

Before we were just uncertain, now everyone knows.

==they tried to kill you==

/v/Health viewpost?postid=6658944ca47e2

The women have sharpened the broom handles and grown fat from our sammiches.
They want war.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66592e8d13111