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Disgusting subversion tactics, normalizing pedophilia one article at a time     (a.pomf.cat)

submitted by OriginalGoat to Retarded 2.3 years ago


When things get publicized outside the Reddit bubble...     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by OriginalGoat to funny 2.3 years ago


Based Google images     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by OriginalGoat to funny 2.4 years ago


Are the truckers in the States protesting at all?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by OriginalGoat to AskUpgoat 2.4 years ago


I'm up here in Canada and nothing gets reported. I want to know if there's anything going on south of the border in regards to a trucker protest.
Just a stupid moment with a spic, a woman and a video game     (whatever)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 2.4 years ago


I play video games occasionally although I don't really enjoy it anymore and recognize there's a far better use of my time, like sleeping or standing still and staring at a wall in my house.

Regardless, the other night I'm playing a game and someone on my team is being a retard and their typing up the ol' "jajaja"... So naturally I let them know "hey bud, stop acting like a filthy fucking spic and let's win this game." and then someone else chimes in like... "What the fuck did you just say?" to which I respond "I wasn't talking to you." "No, but what the fuck did you just say?" and then they jump on their mic and I realize it's a woman and she's reeling hard and so I repeat myself. "I said he's acting like a filthy spic and we're playing a game here." And she's just going full-retard and so the spic chimes in "Fuck bitch, calm down, the gringo called me a spic but we're playing a game here. Whore." And now she's going berserk yelling at him for calling her a bitch and a whore. She says "this is why women don't feel welcome in video games." And so I tell her "No, this is exactly why some women aren't welcome anywhere." The spic laughed, I laughed, she ragequit. It was funny. We ended up winning too.

Sometimes gaming just brings the community together on the important topics.
Exposing your power level to loved ones     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 2.4 years ago


Whale Oil Beef Hooked     (funny)

submitted by OriginalGoat to funny 2.4 years ago


Grandfather taught me when I was young that these 4 words read together turn you into an Irishman.
Perceptions from a father of women without kids     (whatever)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 2.4 years ago


The pandemic has caused something to boil up in people. The worst kind of people have been handed knives. Imagine working at a slaughterhouse, the women who work the cash register and in the store are annoyed the men make more money working in the back so they're handed knives. They can't do the work because it's too hard so they change the rules, the rules favour the women so the men leave. They put the women in charge and now there's no work done there anymore. It cries for immigrants to save them but they lose customers because quality plummets and inevitably fail.

Society is going out of business. Women get in charge and empower other women to feel like they matter and there's something about an entitled woman that makes her feel like people owe her their time of day.

I'm walking with my daughter and she's actually adorable, blond hair, blue eyes, wearing some tutu thing over her jeans, she's a cute kid and this abomination, probably childless, 40+ year old is walking towards us. She stops dead in her tracks and reels at the sight of my daughter. "Children are spreading the virus because they can't be vaxxed." Obviously I don't owe her, or any woman who I don't know, any time of day so I pretend that a slight breeze whistled past me and kept going. "Excuse me sir." The tone she took was embarrassing for those who actually know her. She struck me as the type of person who misses her turn and stops in the middle of the road holding everyone up and thinks it's justified because she missed her turn. I walk on. She's behind me now. "You can't just bring your children out here and endanger everyone. Keep your kids inside." I look down at my 2 year old daughter, still lookin cute, she's oblivious so I look back at the woman. Her face is contorted, she's staring at me with disgust demanding some sort of acknowledgement. "Stay home."

Later on I was thinking about this engagement. This pandemic has caused people that were unhinged prior to let their resentment for their botched lives boil over into their everyday. Imagine looking at a child and feeling anger. Imagine leaving your house thinking to yourself how the world owes you attention. I'm sure there's some weak-willed men who do this as well but in my experience it's always women.

I had a friend, she still comes around but she had no kids while the rest of us had kids. Lots of kids. We have 12 kids between 3 families when we're together and then there's her. She's bragging about how she just bought her first rental property, wearing pronoun pins and talking down to everyone from 6 feet away, drinking her craft beer "I dont need no man" but every adult there knows her life is empty. She's dried up, 34 years old and no kids, no husband yet still stepping into conversations about how to raise kids, what the education system should be doing. No kids but so many opinions.

Women without kids after the age of 30 are a fucking burden on society. They can't work, they can't manage, they have no concept of efficiency yet they demand attention. I don't believe much in psychiatry but I do think women after 30 without kids start rampantly delving into the realm of psychotic.

Which leads me to the realization that women were brainwashed to think that the expectation to have kids is misogynistic and oppressive when in reality it's what saves them. It's what makes them relevant after the age of 30. Women without children after 30 are obsolete and feminism yearns for this and as such: Feminism makes women obsolete.

The Slaughterhouse would still be in business if the women never felt the right to be empowered. The women wouldn't have been tricked into feeling empowered if the kikes didn't brainwash an entire generation to act like degenerate whores. Degenerate whores with wasted lives walking the streets forcing degeneracy onto children because misery loves company. Society is going out of business.
Proud father moment     (whatever)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 2.4 years ago


My son opens a knock-off lego set he got for Christmas with a bunch of characters. One of the hands is faulty on one of the people and it keeps falling out of it's socket.

"This hand is broken but that's okay. We can throw it out."

"I agree but why?"

"Cause she's a dark."

The piece is question was a nigger woman. She was never going to work anyway might as well just throw her out now.
Is my wife retarded?      (AskUpgoat)

submitted by OriginalGoat to AskUpgoat 2.4 years ago


She doesn't put things back in the same place. It makes no fucking sense. Do normal people not put things in the same place habitually? TV remote on the same table, batteries in the same drawer, blankets on the same shelf? I don't understand. Phone charger is always in a different outlet, purse in a different room. Always searching for car keys.

Let's pretend you have a cellphone, car keys, hat, sunglasses, wallet and vest when you get home. You put them in the same spot?

Some fucking chaos going on.
Ontario bans indoor dining, closes school and gyms     (Retarded)

submitted by OriginalGoat to Retarded 2.4 years ago


I'm assuming most of you don't know this but Ontario has a vaccine passport that's got a qr code that is scanned if you want to do certain things. Those things are dining indoors, going to the gym or movie and what not.

Well, they just shut all that shit down. So people are melding over the fact that the unvaccinated have caused this but there were no unvaccinated people in those establishments.

But wait, there's more retardation because it couldn't possibly just stop there. Since the government knows that imposing vaccine mandates on employers is illegal you can work at the restaurants, gyms and movie theatres without proof of vaccination but you can't go to them. Nobody can go to them now, despite hospitalizations remaining about the same post-omicron that they were before. I personally work at a restaurant part-time, making and serving people food who were forced to show papers upon entry without any myself but I'm not allowed to eat at the restaurant I work at. Strange logic indeed.

This is a win in my eyes. I never went to those places anyway but now the vaxxed folks are furious and not at the unvaccinated, they're furious at the government. Which will effectively amount to nothing but it's nice to see. What I wish people would get over though is that they're mad at this specific government and the party in charge instead of being mad at the government in general - just for existing.

There was a lot of retardation in this post but the takeaway is that the government is and has always been retarded, people who think the government is ever different despite what colour it is are retarded, people who pretend covid is worth anything are retarded and this has all been funded by a bunch of retarded jews taking advantage of retarded democracies that trust retarded businessmen and their retarded science.

2022 is the year of health for me but I'm at a loss regarding diet.     (whatever)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 2.4 years ago


My doctor is generally unreachable and looking things up on the internet has become entirely bogged down with copy + paste articles that are word-for-word the same shit.

I don't eat unhealthily but I don't really pay that much attention to what I eat either. I don't really want to hear from people who grow all their own vegetables and shit on anyone who still participates in society... I'm not really that rich and I'm at where I'm at. I would love to head north and grab a plot of land and grow all my own vegetables but I'm just not there yet.

I work out but not intensely, enough to know I'm working out but not enough to really make myself overly fit... Which is fine, I just quit smoking and drinking this past year and decided I'll really tackle my health next year... Which is now.

I was incapable of gaining weight while I was smoking but that's since changed which is honestly nice cause sometimes I didn't look that great.

This is what I have: I inherited celiac disease from my mother, bless her soul and I've known about it my whole life... So I don't eat bread or anything and I don't really fuck with gluten free bread cause it's fucking dogshit. I don't really care much for sugar but I do seem to have an addiction of sorts to potatoes. Baked, scalloped, mashed, roasted... I don't really care how they're cooked I'll eat them... Wherein lies the problem...

Whenever I eat any carbs now... Not like cola, I don't drink pop but potatoes, rice.. Anything like that I get really tired... I mean, really tired - fall asleep tired. A while back I tried a keto diet but was working at a slaughterhouse skinning + boning 300 hogs/day and felt that no matter how much I ate I was dangerously low on energy and lost weight that I didn't have to lose. So...

It's gotten bad. Heartburn after any meal, always tired after eating... The fuck is a regular human supposed to eat that doesn't make them feel like shit? The internet is a fucking retard-circus if you even hint at typing anything about what to eat... I'm not in my 20's anymore.

I'm thinking that I eliminate carbs after breakfast, start the day with a bowl of oatmeal or something with some fruit? I'm not in such a high-energy workplace anymore so I don't think I need to worry as much about wearing myself out. Reduce coffee and only drink it after breakfast but before lunch. What the fuck do people eat for lunch? A can of sardines? I haven't had lunch in years. I just eat breakfast and dinner usually.

tl;dr I'm a retarded faggot who doesn't know how to eat properly anymore

For the record, I was raised during an era where butter and fat were satanic and margarine was the savior of cholesterol...
Just like a fucking modern day Rockwell     (whatever)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 2.4 years ago


I'm out in my minivan, dirtier than usual because the snow hasn't been able to decide whether it wants to stick around or not, on my way to the grocery store because there's a deal on striploins. Then I notice a land whale sitting there on the wet ass, slushy grass behind the bus shelter. Not sitting down like a regular creature but full on legs spread out, propped up on one arm and panting like they're ready for their 3rd heart attack today and then I notice it. This 400lb behemoth has a Macdonald's mammoth cola in one hand, a cigarette in the other and I can't help but think... And my unvaccinated ass is what's clogging up the healthcare system? I'm people's big concern?

As I stared into the soul of death itself traffic started moving and this grotesque flesh golem noticed I was staring and immediately got furrowed. Imagine being so disgusting that when someone is staring at you with perplexed disgust you immediately know it's because you're an example of humanity's failure.

It took a few honks from the people behind me to pull me back to reality and for me to drive on.

Unbelievable that they'll serve this blackhole more cheeseburgers, more smokes and cola but I'm not allowed to go to a gym without showing my papers.
What's worse?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by OriginalGoat to AskUpgoat 2.4 years ago


A nigger, or a white dude that wants to be a nigger?

For context, I'm just minding my own enjoying some video games on my break and then some wild nigger appears, at least, I thought it was a wild nigger. So, he starts going off and I politely say "could you shut your filthy boon mouth please? Just trying to play here." and so he started going on about how "I aint black manigga but mafugga..." So I ask them, "if you aren't black then why do you act like a nigger?" and it was just something like "yoo man, pfft, nigga fo reeeal? Come on nigga. Damn."

I've been trying to figure out since then if he actually were a nigger it would've been easier for me to digest. I already know why niggers act like niggers but I don't know why white people act like niggers, even niggers hate white people who act like niggers so why does it happen?

There's nothing quite as worthless as a white girl with a nigger but then one step below that it has to be a white fella who acts like a nigger.
Had a good laugh at the grocery store     (whatever)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 2.4 years ago


Forgot to pull meat from the freezer last night so today I was at the grocery store. I needed something for dinner and so I grabbed a pork butte thinking it was on sale but then realized it wasn't when I looked at the sticker. I was already down the line a little bit so I just placed it in the meat cooler closest to me...

"Sir, you can't put that there."

"I just did."

"Sir, that's the halal section and that's pork."

I looked at the massive pork shoulder sitting on top of the pile of halal chicken breast and realized what I did. I burst out laughing and walked away. I'm probably going to do that every time I go to a grocery store now. Even my wife thought it was funny and she gets uncomfortable when I say nigger in public.
Public school in my neighborhood     (Retarded)

submitted by OriginalGoat to Retarded 2.5 years ago


Nigger principal. Sign out front of school that they put messages on.

Sept - "Celebrate Islamic Heritage Month"
Oct - "Happy Diwali"
Nov - "Happy Hanukkah"
Dec - "Happy Holidays - Eida Abarak something something in sand nigger."

I called the school and asked why they didn't put Merry Christmas or at least Celebrate Christian Heritage Month (December) and the response "We're a public school sir, we are non-religious."

Is money real? Does it really matter anymore?     (whatever)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 2.5 years ago


Does money really exist anymore? I know this sounds like I'm going full retard but the numbers that are being thrown around now by governments can't possibly be backed by anything and before you exclaim "money is just jews creating value out of thin air." Which I get. But what I mean is that I don't really think that taxes are collected, they're probably just thrown into an abyss and money is just created on one end and destroyed on the other.

It's the only thing that really makes to me at this point. The reason that boycotts and bad ratings don't really work is because once a company grows to such a size, or is a government with monopolies it's not really about profit in terms of dollars it's just about power and that's obtained through influence right?

So... When it comes down to the big propaganda machines that push vaccines, or indoctrination of interracial faggotry it's not about advertising a product but promoting an idea.

The other day I was in a store, standing around with my wife while she looked at clothes and I'm just looking around. The store is all white people, all white women actually and then I looked up and there were ONLY black people in the displays and I don't mean mostly niggers I mean 100% niggers. So I ask her "where the fuck are we?" and she says we're at Old Navy. "We're leaving." and she's all flustered like "wtf, why" and so I tell her just to look around and we leave. I explain that we're not their target demographic, they want to advertise to only niggers then only niggers should shop there. But then I started thinking that they probably couldn't give a single fuck less who, or how many ppl shop there. It's not about money. We walked across the plaza to the Gap, same owners but it's the more expensive brand... Only whites in the ads, not a single nigger...

I'm just retarded sorry. I like to discuss my opinion with other ppl because I have a hard time remaining centered on a singular idea in my head. I'm retarded.
How much din could a dindu do if a dindu dindu nuffin?      (AskUpgoat)

submitted by OriginalGoat to AskUpgoat 2.5 years ago


Just trying to figure this out.
The Toasts of Truth     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by OriginalGoat to funny 2.5 years ago


Just reflecting on my wasted youth     (whatever)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 2.5 years ago


When I was younger I went to the G20 to see what everyone was all about. The police started marching on the people and the people marched back. My friends and I got cornered in an alleyway and were let into a coffee to escape out the back. People were teargassed and peppersprayed... I thought the reason that we were doing it was because Canada was looking like a police state, Harper shutdown 20 square blocks in downtown Toronto to invite his buddies in to have a tea party. I thought we were against the tyranny.

You know, I was a stupid little faggot for thinking that we were doing anything of substantial value because you fast-forward a decade and suddenly everyone that I went with is a government donkey crying about vaccines and mandates.

I'm not sure what happened in the decade but it went from fighting against the government to fighting against the people and everyone thinks that I'm the nazi. All my old friends are convinced I'm a nazi, maybe I am a little but I'm not the one who who's suckin off big pharma and the government now.

I always stood for freedom and I used to know a lot of people who stood next to me. Now everyone stands for the government. It really did go full communist in a mere 10 fucking years.
My phone is a kike      (whatever)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 2.5 years ago


I can't stop it from autocorrecting a the word jew from a lowercase to an uppercase letter. I've gone in and changed it but it still capitalizes the jew. Lowercase the jew.
Dumb old lady gives house /land to Indians. Will be shithole within the year.      (archive.md)

submitted by OriginalGoat to Retarded 2.5 years ago


Retarded old woman. Absolutely fucking retarded. Article doesn't mention kids, probably alone... Hopefully alone. Imagine working your entire life, multiple jobs just to leave no legacy.

I knew a family of Indians 2 parents, 7 kids but 3 were taken by child protective services. Big hullabaloo how the community was working with habitat for humanity to give them a home. The father worked with me as an operator of a front end loader at the recycling plant I ran. Government paid us half his wages to employ him. Lost his license because DUI. I drove him home after work one day. House is in disrepair, total shithole, 100 cats, windows boarded... House was brand new 2 years earlier. Ask him what happened... "I don't care about this fucking place, it was free and it's mine to destroy." Got fired for getting drunk at work.

This lady worked her whole life to give her house and land to people who will turn it into a drug den within months. Absolutely embarrassing.
It takes a special kind of retard to think like this: Don't discriminate against invasive species.      (www.vox.com)

submitted by OriginalGoat to Retarded 2.5 years ago


My retarded monkey brain made a connection.     (whatever)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 2.5 years ago


The Jew-made Christmas hate movie trailer has based comments. Faggit has a lot of based gun talk in typical liberal hate circles. Are the usual censors asleep on their yammakas? Then it dawned on me: The kikes are doing hanigga today. The internet is clean for a brief moment while they diddle dradles and nibble foreskin.
Interesting article about jewish agents changing their appearance in WWII. Scroll to 'Subjects and Stimuli"     (mh.bmj.com)

submitted by OriginalGoat to Jewdar 2.5 years ago