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Member for: 2.9 years

scp: 31 (+35/-4)
ccp: 3491 (+3806/-315)
votes given: 9500 (+9343/-157)
score: 3522


"Don't want to send taxpayer money to be laundered into the offshore bank accounts of globalists, eh? We'll see about that."

My guess is that they didn't have any child porn to nail on this guy, so they just shot him instead.

/v/WorldNews viewpost?postid=6646f152530b1

Without jews, problems would gradually disappear by themselves, since nobody **wants** to be a self-hating, race-mixing SJW without contact to nature.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=66449d7dc7933

So you believe that "voting" is for real?

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=6640d4490efcb

She should have voted for the **other** party! That would definitely have improved the situation for the country's whites.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6640eebf3863b

I think drone operators are going to be treated like people treat flamethrowers.

I hope so, at least.

/v/CombatFootage viewpost?postid=664094a8cf9f8

I will forever despise intel for, amongst other things, overclocking a 1ghz cpu and selling it as a 1.13 or whatever, after having lost the 1ghz race to AMD.

And only after lots of review sites noticed that the processor was unstable at its "production" speed, did intel retract the part.

Intel is full of a bunch of marketers and MBA people. AMD is full of engineers. Unfortunately, I've learned that being good will get one nowhere in life, only scumbags who lie get rich.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=663edbf2821ed

And that's why cat people love toxoplasmosis.

/v/CheeseboogersHotdogs viewpost?postid=66383922193d9

This is the correct answer.

If whites were as quick to action as the nigger golems in the US, politicians would be dying left and right, NGOs would be tripping over themselves trying to escape the country and the jews would be planning a way to glass ireland and blame it on the "nazis".

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=663a43a45a4e4

It could take "decades" to manifest? So if someone does 40 years later of old age, they can blame it on the vax, eh?

These people are like the polar opposites of the vax lovers, that blame every single death on covid.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=663a5d7513d12

Because he is a part of it.

There you go! Don't have to watch the video.

/v/HopiumDenied viewpost?postid=663a2ea3e37cd

So if god cannot be fooled, then he was perfectly on board with all white nations being filled to the brim with brown people, on behest of the jews?

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=663658c466d2d

Our leaders are jailed or murdered.

I've found that the best thing to do is just to help the neighbors. Next-door neighbors, neighbors in the neighborhood, neighbors in the village.

Tell them that as payment for my help, help someone else (unless they're old and fucked up, then I want money).

I'm naively believing that I'm setting an example.

I'm probably not, but I sleep better at night thinking I do.

I don't do anything online except read myself into a deep depression, seeing how the jews can own the whole world and **still** want more. And nobody cares.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=6633cd847c970

Having a massive 1000 pound animal between their legs and being in sort-of control of it.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6633bee0d71c3

You're saying that it isn't common sense to end up with "fascism", whatever that means?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6633af5f16ce0

"I would lobby for more regulations, making it more difficult for him to start and run a business.

I would import more brown people, making him have to compete with millions of brown people for a low-paying job.

I would flood the housing market with those same millions of brown people and also chinks, making him have to put himself into permanent debt to own a semblance of a house.

I would encourage all communist attempts at breaking the family structure, making finding a loyal wife extremely difficult.

I would complain and nag him about not finding a job, not finding a home and not finding a wife.

And then I would continue spending his shrinking inheritance on another all-inclusive cruise to a brown country."

/v/ShitBoomersSay viewpost?postid=66323f54d9ed3

Who else would one be speaking of?

/v/Christcucks viewpost?postid=66304e0ebd915

30 years, not 39. Anyone complaining about the state of south africa should shut the fuck up. They got their "democracy" in 1994. They should be happy now.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662e75e565321

Go turn the other cheek somewhere else.

/v/Boomers viewpost?postid=662d0643d4c78

Him again? How the fuck does he keep getting away with it?

/v/LyingNewsMedia viewpost?postid=662d201de4c73

Hah! You **wish** that souls existed. You **wish** that boomers are going to burn in hell.

The fact of the matter is, the boomers are right: they've retired, are spending their money on cruises and what not, while their children are in debt for the rest of their lives.

No chance to buy a house, no chance to be debt free, having a family is something their children and children's children have to calculate whether they have the money for.

/v/Boomers viewpost?postid=662d0643d4c78

> Citron was fined $100,000 and sentenced to one year in jail. He served his sentence at the jail commissary, processing orders for toothpaste and candy bars that came in from the inmates. He continued to collect his $92,900-a-year pension.

So he basically got his fine paid by the taxpayers, and then spent the rest of his life relaxing.

Another rich politician not getting what he deserved.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662cae2f71ab4