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Member for: 3.3 years

scp: 208 (+212/-4)
ccp: 117 (+119/-2)
votes given: 3770 (+3159/-611)
score: 325


Jesus was of the tribe of judah. The "jews" of today are of the tribe of esau. They will even admit it outright. They are not the true chosen people , and Jesus was not a jew...https://files.catbox.moe/sl0iok.jpg

/v/Hope viewpost?postid=609181330868f

Ive noticed this being a common conclusion among hippies and edm festival people. Jesus said god is not of this world in the bible. To put God into such a small basket as saying, "God is the universe", is actually discrediting to the power of the creator. God left it's imprint on this reality. Thats why pretty much everything manifests from fractal patterns. God's basic imprint is a fractal, but God is so much more than anyone can even imagine.

/v/Hope viewpost?postid=609181330868f

According to this guy


You just need to get it at work..

/v/Recipes viewpost?postid=608df8686f5de

Well clearly in her signage she differentiates the two, but other than that I honestly didnt care to watch any further once i saw the first second. It doesn't matter what else she thinks. They already have her good and brainwashed. Theres no point in even trying. White man bad!! Even if it is mostly jews ruining the world, and they start to notice. Groids are subhumans who are not able to understand the difference. We will be grouped in with the kikes because of "muh slavery". Niggers are on a power trip right now throughout society, and dont think they are going to give that up easily.

/v/Memeries viewpost?postid=608348c51fa09

Well just for shits n gigs, the first second of the video is this exact same sign with the monkey standing in front of it and it says "Mr.White man".

/v/Memeries viewpost?postid=608348c51fa09


Ask and you shall receive.

/v/Memeries viewpost?postid=608348c51fa09

Its an agency run by a sheboon who is promoting hatred towards white people, and shes just grouping the jews with us. Niggers cant even tell who their own dad is, so of course they cant tell the difference between a kike and a white. "Kill them all" is how they feel about it.

/v/Memeries viewpost?postid=608348c51fa09

Yeah, its usually better to find an alternative way of getting co2 to the plant then sitting there all day breathing on it. Pressurized or liquid co2 are usually the best way to go, but as mentioned in the comments below your use is a pretty common way of providing added co2 and heat to greenhouses. That is one factor you will have hell with using the method you are talking about. Get you a good a/c.

/v/Gardening viewpost?postid=608090821532b

They use it in food production as well. It is just much less prevalent. The growers have to pay for the co2, anc if the yeild difference doesnt offset the profits enough then theres no use in using it. All plants can benefit from added co2. Some more than others.

/v/Gardening viewpost?postid=608090821532b

CO2 has been used in grow operation across the planet to produce larger flowers on cannabis plants for years now. It will definitely give your plants a boost, but you have to be careful with the ratios you use. Too much is actually stressfull to the plant. In tandem with that comes PAR readings(amount of light available for growth) and co2 ratios. To high of a par, or too strong of a light without co2 is also stressful. Its an interesting thing to mess with, and its relatively similar with mostly all plants, not just cannabis.

/v/Gardening viewpost?postid=608090821532b

Was having trouble with the soapdox/ soap.. subs, super monkey death car for example

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60677651a7e46