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Member for: 3.7 years

scp: 15 (+15/-0)
ccp: 71 (+74/-3)
votes given: 16 (+12/-4)
score: 86


Pine pollen. All natural, look it up. It can be made into a more powerful tincture as well. Fuck big pharma!

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=60468d252e6ee

We have to stay positive and strong! We have to be who others look up to! It isn't easy, of course, but that's why we must! These are the times that matter! I'm sorry for your brother, I'm sorry for us all, but since we remain, let us be courageous to the end!

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6045cfcfdf33a

Life lessons worth learning don't come cheap. I'm sorry, but there were signs that something was up. Next time, pay more attention to the girl and pay less of everything else.

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=6045341a5f7e1

Encourage my younger White Brothers to be Shining examples of our Race! There are lots of them at my employment.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=604590a2466d5

So they shouldn't be offended when we celebrate our religion? Lol, right! Nothing to see here, just goyim hanging out!

/v/videos viewpost?postid=6044bb60014dc

Lol, idc, I'm interwebinet retarded

/v/announcements viewpost?postid=6043f8272a88f

Stuck a pencil in my eye at 11y.o.
That eye had been pissing ne off all day!

/v/announcements viewpost?postid=6043f8272a88f