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Member for: 3.1 years

scp: 15 (+15/-0)
ccp: 71 (+74/-3)
votes given: 16 (+12/-4)
score: 86

Great Seal of the United States     (politics)

submitted by DeadEyeCanNazi to politics 3.1 years ago


I don't know how to link this, but it's but not hard to look up. The top of the great seal is 13 stars. They are in the shape of a Star of Rempham (David). This proves to me the fact that cryptojews through the Masons, founded this country all along. The top of the seal shows that what is under it, is ruled by it. They needed the U.S. to get to Isreal from Palestine and then the world. We created the united nations, who now go against us.
Using The "N" Word     (whatever)

submitted by DeadEyeCanNazi to whatever 3.1 years ago


Using the word nigger is just like killing niggers.
Niggers do it all the time, but the second a white person does it, they all flip out!!
Longtime Lurker     (whatever)

submitted by DeadEyeCanNazi to whatever 3.2 years ago


Blind in one eye, I am a dead shot because of being made fun of by my adopted family. Lurked for years, decided through project echelon that they already know so much about me that I might as well join in the fun! So hello VOAT!! GLAD TO BE HERE!! (Poal was lame)