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Member for: 2 years

scp: 539 (+618/-79)
ccp: 2707 (+3001/-294)
votes given: 450 (+359/-91)
score: 3246

Let’s get back to normal, toilet not flushing quickly?     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by Thatguy to TellUpgoat 8 months ago


Well, get the plunger but wait, is it flushing normal now? The clog could just clear itself. If not, hand that plunger to your wife and tell her to get to work!
I am no good at 4D chess. What is going now is terrifying.     (TellTalk)

submitted by Thatguy to TellTalk 8 months ago


Is this 1938? All over again.
This one time at survival camp…     (whatever)

submitted by Thatguy to whatever 1.7 years ago


I got to (was forced) to play in good time survival school. I survived but hated every minute of it. I was an avid camper and hiker, I’ve never gone camping since. I can survive, I have what it takes. I simply refuse now. I’ll do it when I have too. I miss the joy of camping. I’m not practicing that again. A sport was ruined for me by my military training. It’s me, not you. Kick my ass into the field I’ll do fine. But I refuse to practice that.
I like Japanese girls. Not all of them, just one.     (whatever)

submitted by Thatguy to whatever 1.7 years ago


Not the party girls or the club girls. They are the same all over the world. If you met her in a bar you’re fucked, that is universal. How do you meet a sweet Japanese girl? Your guess is just as good as mine. I got lucky I suppose. She says she got lucky, which is hilarious. I was a globe trotting womanizer. Until I met her.
I like Japanese girls. Not all of them, just one.     (whatever)

submitted by Thatguy to whatever 1.7 years ago


Not the party girls or the club girls. They are the same all over the world. If you met her in a bar you’re fucked, that is universal. How do you meet a sweet Japanese girl? Your guess is just as good as mine. I got lucky I suppose. She says she got lucky, which is hilarious. I was a globe trotting womanizer. Until I met her.
Cardiac arrest, heart attack, someone suddenly drops to the ground.     (whatever)

submitted by Thatguy to whatever 1.7 years ago


I’m not accepting the reason why, but many of our fellow man have taken the kill shot. It’s up to you how you will react. Some of them can be saved with prompt reaction. Be a human, know what to do, (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardiopulmonary_resuscitation) just watch it and learn. Watching someone die will haunt you forever when you know you could have done something. Do the right thing.
California Bears are chill      (nitter.net)

submitted by Thatguy to funny 1.8 years ago


Let’s talk tanks     (whatever)

submitted by Thatguy to whatever 1.8 years ago


My favorite is the British Matilda II right tank at the right time. Followed close by the Char B a fine tank but improperly deployed. I’m a former M-60 A1 gunner. I know a little about tanks and armor tactics but I’m far from an expert. I watch the tank museum and the chieftain to learn more.
Biden is such an idiot     (whatever)

submitted by Thatguy to whatever 1.8 years ago


We hate him, everybody hates him.
When the Three Gorges Dam fails it will be the end of the CCP, a dam failure.     (whatever)

submitted by Thatguy to whatever 1.9 years ago


I hate commies
I’m not a cook, I bought a pizza oven, it’s been a learning experience, but lots of delicious Pizza!     (Cooking)

submitted by Thatguy to Cooking 1.9 years ago


I bought an Ooni Karu 12 pizza oven. I destroyed the first two pizzas I cooked. (Still delicious) I’m getting better. The reason I’m making this post is because it’s so much fun to set it up in the backyard, 20 minutes later, I’m cooking pizza.

On a side note, I placed the fuel handle on a plastic table. (I know, stupid!) I broke it trying to wrench it free. I contacted Ooni customer support and told them what I did and asked if I could buy a replacement. Their response was “whoops accidents happen” and sent me a replacement, no charge. Awesome customer service.

Now my wife and I are exploring different recipes, I wish I had gotten the 16, never knew I would like cooking pizzas so much.
Men like dogs, women like pets.     (whatever)

submitted by Thatguy to whatever 1.9 years ago


I adopted a German shepherd Rottweiler mix that was fucking insane. I went to a local Rottweiler breeder for help. If I didn’t get this dog under control she would have to be put down. She was a single lady running a dog ranch for rotties. She was tough on me, if you want save this dog, you have to be strict and strong. I did it, it hurt. But my little Sheba stopped trying to murder every dog she encountered. She became easy to walk. I got the police called on me for the apparent abuse I was dealing to her. Swinging a 75 pound dog through the air and slamming her down is bad optics. She became a sweet loving dog. I miss her.
Men like dogs, women like pets.     (shitbulls)

submitted by Thatguy to shitbulls 1.9 years ago


I adopted a German shepherd Rottweiler mix that was fucking insane. I went to a local Rottweiler breeder for help. If I didn’t get this dog under control she would have to be put down. She was a single lady running a dog ranch for rotties. She was tough on me, if you want save this dog, you have to be strict and strong. I did it, it hurt. But my little Sheba stopped trying to murder every dog she encountered. She became easy to walk. I got the police called on me for the apparent abuse I was dealing to her. Swinging a 75 pound dog through the air and slamming her down is bad optics. She became a sweet loving dog. I miss her.
I hate talking with bots.     (whatever)

submitted by Thatguy to whatever 1.9 years ago


They are all over this place.
There were bikini shows on Sunday in Waikiki. We took off on Sunday on our mission.     (youtu.be)

submitted by Thatguy to whatever 1.9 years ago


We were “fuck yeah” the engines on fire we gotta go back. Sunday afternoon we were at the bikini show.

We never sabotaged our aircraft, we were on them. You don’t know fear until your airplane starts to fall apart.
That lead singer with the ears is sexy as hell!     (youtu.be)

submitted by Thatguy to music 1.9 years ago


I love watching these girls tear it up.
I can’t believe they turned the common cold into “oh my god I’m going to die!”     (Health)

submitted by Thatguy to Health 1.9 years ago


This scam has to end, the vaccine is more dangerous than the virus.
I can’t believe they turned the common cold into “oh my god I’m going to die!”     (whatever)

submitted by Thatguy to whatever 1.9 years ago


This scam has to end, the vaccine is more dangerous than the virus.
You could be the most beautiful woman on this earth, if you have a tattoo I won’t look at you.     (whatever)

submitted by Thatguy to whatever 1.9 years ago


Disgusting. Why would you scar your body? Body piercings are worse! The most beautiful thing in the world is the female body. Why would you wreck it.
Why do jews hate White Men? Because if you give them a shovel, they build an empire     (whatever)

submitted by Thatguy to whatever 1.9 years ago


Don’t give them a shovel? They make a shovel.
Why do jews hate White Men? Because if you give them a shovel, they build an empire     (whatever)

submitted by Thatguy to whatever 1.9 years ago


Don’t give them a shovel? They make a shovel.
I want to fill my tank with gallons to drive miles. I hate the metric system.     (whatever)

submitted by Thatguy to whatever 1.9 years ago


Yards, feet, foot, these are measures of craftsman. It allows for more creativity. Try dividing a meter by three…
I hope it’s a terrible time for nurses, doctors, and hospitals. I don’t trust you!      (Health)

submitted by Thatguy to Health 1.9 years ago


You lied to us about Covid and Covid vaccines. You got paid well.

I’m so disappointed in your integrity. (I was just doing my job is not an excuse.)
The best anti-war propaganda is war.     (funny)

submitted by Thatguy to funny 2.0 years ago


It’s a fucking nightmare. Crying for your mother is real. Unfortunately the only ones who learn this are the ones sent to war. The starters and senders of war are not involved.
Not a fan of his style, but I am a fan of his message.     (DeathVax19)

submitted by Thatguy to DeathVax19 2.0 years ago

