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This one time at survival camp…

submitted by Thatguy to whatever 1.7 yearsOct 5, 2022 01:18:01 ago (+4/-0)     (whatever)

I got to (was forced) to play in good time survival school. I survived but hated every minute of it. I was an avid camper and hiker, I’ve never gone camping since. I can survive, I have what it takes. I simply refuse now. I’ll do it when I have too. I miss the joy of camping. I’m not practicing that again. A sport was ruined for me by my military training. It’s me, not you. Kick my ass into the field I’ll do fine. But I refuse to practice that.

2 comments block

[ - ] Thatguy [op] 2 points 1.7 yearsOct 5, 2022 01:38:44 ago (+2/-0)

Day 2, I lost all my food. A bush or a branch caught the zipper on my survival vest and all my food slipped out. My survival instructor said it sucks to be you. I was hungry, really really hungry. I was on my survival trek, hungry to high heaven when a day later I noticed squirrels running up a tree branch. Oh! I learned this somewhere. I grabbed some wire, rigged up some traps and went and sat under a tree nearby. I came back and found two big fat juicy squirrels hanging from my traps. Oh, thank Jesus! I ate delicious squirrel stew. My instructor took the 2nd squirrel for the rest of the class to teach them what gamey meat taste like. But I got that juicy gamey squirrel all to myself. Yes, I’ll eat meat, even if I have to kill it myself. Delicious.

[ - ] zongongo 1 point 1.7 yearsOct 5, 2022 15:49:11 ago (+1/-0)

Kinda feel that way about fishing.
Got a license this year and last year to fish with the grandson.
Well honed survival skill but less interest in fishing. Glad to know I have the skill, fly fishing too , if necessary.
Fished for 50 years. 👍🏻👍🏻