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Member for: 2.7 years

scp: 127 (+130/-3)
ccp: 230 (+232/-2)
votes given: 1535 (+1535/-0)
score: 357


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That's like the entire population of Haiti.

I worked with a Haitian once. He had been part of a death squad (apparently a fairly common thing down there). He was an absolute psychopath. Eventually he got caught in a Chris Hansen pedo string. He showed up to a "12 year old" girl's house with a bag of McDonald's and a sack of benzodiazepines. Apparently that was acceptable behavior in Haiti.

/v/news viewpost?postid=61459345da4a0

I see a disturbing lack of curb-stomping in this video. Violence of action, Aussies. Petrify your enemy; scare them to the point that are unwilling to fight back.

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=61459d060c4cf

I'm pretty sure most of those comments were posted by bots.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61459f36b7c5f

The level of brainwashing within the medical community is astounding. Between the "pro vaccine" indoctrination, and the "get fired if you raise a question" corporatocracy, they have no choice but to pimp the shot.

This dumb ass has an iq low enough to believe the propaganda though. The science-based approach contradicts her.

She's a mindless shill; she has likely killed more covid patients than she has saved and this is more than likely an absolutely pitiful cope. May God have mercy on her soul

/v/pics viewpost?postid=614599eb65699

The nog cries out in pain as it strikes you?

I guess he's been taking classes from the jews or something.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=61437b6a6690f

I need to find that one. I was rolling

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=61437b6a6690f

Those numbers are going to skyrocket this winter

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6145393711c48

He was just trying to be respectful and tolerant of African culture.

Fwiw I wouldn't want to touch feral mooncrickets either, especially if they're exhibiting signs of rabies. I probably would have kicked my heels up and thrown pieces of popcorn at them until they finished though.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=61452a3abad73

They're what plants crave.

Also, you forgot inflation, Chinese trade war, Syria, Africa (ie the war(s) they don't talk about), ammunition bans, a humanitarian crisis on the southern border...I'm sure I'm missing several more; but yeah, he's basically indefensible at this point

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=614513a16e4e0

Oy gevalt! The comments though, it's anuddah shoah!

/v/OLDbutGOLD viewpost?postid=61443fc67df9c

Most likely because of all the refugees and immigrants we're about to onboard. They literally plan on activating the guard over an immigration influx. If any of you are engaging in miscegeny, get aids.

/v/WatchPeopleDie viewpost?postid=61437cff59921

This is definitely unpleasant news. I'm sorry to hear it.

As far as scripture goes, I can't quote any of that; but I nevertheless know The Big Guy exists and is looking out for her.

I'm a bit of a nutter, but I believe our lives here are just the start. God created an entire universe (or several?), why would he relegate us to an infinitesimally small piece of it.

Fwiw, I lost my gran a few months ago. Because of her situation, I fully believe there are forces we can't understand operating behind the curtain of our existence. Rest assured, you will see eachother again.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6144315ef370c

>Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me.
*tucks balls and dances like a queer*

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6143f5c743a66


Yeah, looks like he's lost some weight, but same guy

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6142a40457949

I always thought he looked like a closeted homo.

/v/Shitneoconssay viewpost?postid=6142973258b49

Stay the fuck out of our states. Please

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=614239d0a1c61

I'd bet that even if 100% of people opposed it, and there were picket signs and protests on the white house lawn, they would still find a way to squirrel money out to Israel.

/v/news viewpost?postid=61424b3948a31

This is the gook who's been peddling this shit since like February, right. Either way, the rope is too good for her.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61419fff4132b

If I looked like that, I'd find a meth dealer.

/v/FatPeopleHate viewpost?postid=6141a18c900c3

The cat will probably return; either to thank you for your efforts with a dead bird, or to curse you for manhandling it, by depositing a turd in your favorite pair of shoes.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6141a4b987724