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It says vitamin D combats all sorts of cancer (including breast cancer as well).

/v/Health viewpost?postid=663ef893566da

What!? You wouldn't go that far? Well then don't cry to us when you're rotting in a gulag!

/v/Infographs_Lists_Blueprints_and_Diagrams viewpost?postid=663ec34f221ef

"Then, abruptly, she disappeared in 2019, to embrace marriage and motherhood in her husband’s home country of Australia. She was, it seemed, all set to embrace the nurturing, feminine, domestic role promoted by Right-wing traditionalists, idealised by “tradwife” influencers, and criticised by progressives as “dangerous and stupid”. Four years later, though, Southern caused a new round of shockwaves — this time with a video recounting what happened next: the breakdown of her abusive marriage, her return to Canada as a single mother, and a stint living hand-to-mouth in a cabin in the woods."

"There were warning signs from early on. “If I ever disagreed with him in any capacity he’d just disappear, for days at a time. I remember there were nights where he’d call me worthless and pathetic, then get in this car and leave.” But she didn’t see them, thanks to the simplified anti-feminist ideology she’d absorbed and promoted: “I had this delusional view of relationships: that only women could be the ones that make or break them, and men can do no wrong.” So she didn’t spot the red flags, even as they grew more extreme. “He’d lock me out of the house. I remember having to knock on the neighbour’s door on rainy nights, because he’d get upset and drive off without unlocking the house. It was very strange, to go from being this public figure on stage with people clapping, to the girl crying, knocking on someone’s door with no home to get into, being abandoned with a baby.”

OK. She chose poorly. That's somehow "proof" a trad life is toxic? No, sweetie. You fucked up. It's on you. Being "trad" doesn't mean you aren't allowed to save your hide and dignity. What a dope.


"She moved in with her parents, then into the kind of affordable accommodation available to those on the breadline, in Canada’s brutally expensive housing market: a cheap cabin surrounded by woodland and trailers. Even then she still hoped her marriage could be saved: “I still wanted to make it work. I was texting my husband and calling him, begging to get back together. But he just said ‘No. I don’t even want shared custody.’”

I get it now. She's retarded.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=663eaf40a0870

This fucking clickbait title lol.

/v/news viewpost?postid=663ceae3db4d6

Nah, that's a man who wrote it. Notice his primary concerns are money, ambition, and status symbols rather than her feelings and innate nature (redundant, I know).

He sounds disconnected from fatherhood and his own child in general. That's a guy who'd prefer a roommate, not a normal wife and child.

/v/TraditionalWives viewpost?postid=663cca8e96074

Bull sees black neighbors: "I know you got bananas".

/v/MadeMeSmile viewpost?postid=663cbbeb28c81

True but this is new info for a lot of guys here who were barely out of middle school in 2008. :)

/v/videos viewpost?postid=663c2278d3bc1

Only in my mind. :) I've accidentally stabbed myself with sewing needles a thousand times though.

/v/Knitting viewpost?postid=663c260cb01c3

Turns out they were kikes so nevermind. Long Island --> Vermont is a wash. There are lots of conservatives on Long Island but they aren't exactly looking for liberal enclaves like Vermont to exercise any real freedoms.

/v/Gardening viewpost?postid=663ae9e6a29be

Good reminders, thanks! It's also helpful to plant native flowers so you don't mess with the ecology (just as planting invaders here is no good for our society).

/v/Gardening viewpost?postid=663ae9e6a29be

lol. I hadn't noticed that before. Gotta get some discount packets from the hardware store instead maybe.

/v/Gardening viewpost?postid=663ae9e6a29be

This audio has been debunked: https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=iFFtqEyfu_o

Sorry! I fell in love with OP's audio too but turns out it's manipulated.

/v/music viewpost?postid=663750c613c69

Yeah, this was back in March. The victim grabbed the suspect's gun and shot him with it.


/v/NYC viewpost?postid=6634f29792f1b

I grew up in the country but have zero experience being around horses.

My husband and I were checking out the horse barn at the local state fair last summer. We wound up in front of three horses standing together - all facing the same way in a group as though they were having some quiet conversation.

We were standing right in front of them and all three were quietly looking at us right in the eyes (heads tall but as calm as could be). It was the most insane, dare I say, 'mystical' experience. It was as if they were looking right into us and were reading our souls and telepathically judging us amongst each other.

My husband and I just looked at each other and got the hell out of there lol. We were like, 'holy shit those horses were just like people observing us!' It was too much lol.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6633bee0d71c3

I must have watched this video five times. I don't have chickens. It's just so relaxing! :-D

I'm just settling into this other chicken video from them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFVhldHeR7c

/v/Chickens viewpost?postid=662bb250f3fca

He meets more and more people he can have a basic conversation with as the series goes on but not much! It'd probably be even worse if he tried again now.

/v/Irish viewpost?postid=66325ae7169f3

I fast-forwarded through those parts.

/v/Irish viewpost?postid=66325ae7169f3

With more people noticing, my hope is they'll attempt to reconnect with their family's true culture and shake off the demoralizing (((influences))) for good.

/v/Irish viewpost?postid=66325ae7169f3

If you watch the episodes you'll see that the Irish themselves are letting the language die out. I've been on a binge watching interviews from the 60s and 70s (pre mass invasion) and locals were totally apathetic to keeping the language alive for themselves. Sad.

/v/Irish viewpost?postid=66325ae7169f3