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Member for: 3.3 years

scp: 0 (+0/-0)
ccp: 497 (+505/-8)
votes given: 3410 (+3113/-297)
score: 497



Lol. Get fucked, nigger.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=621a446223544

jews using whites to kill each other for their own personal gain. Nothing new. The details are a distraction away from white genocide.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=621a446223544

Fuck that. I wish they would stand for whites.

/v/Shitneoconssay viewpost?postid=6208d49c38737

Yes. I never relax around jews. I always experience the uncanny valley when I see them.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=62095c7297174

Lol this is voat. There are like 10 actual users on here and they’re all probably kikes just a few cubicles away from each other.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=6207bcd5d626f

Fucking gay. This marxist participation trophy bullshit.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=6207fc22542ce

So are kikes. Kikes are worse than niggers and faggots. But nothing is worse than a kikeniggerfaggot.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=62079f4bc4a19

Isn’t this bitch the founder of peta?

/v/Racism viewpost?postid=6207b3d6a20ae

M80TheMan 1 point 2.4 years ago

Just like 1984. Stolen away by the authorities because of some trumped-up procedure.

/v/CovidWorldOrder viewpost?postid=6200090e3345e

Yes, you are correct. They cleverly manipulate language to gain influence over what is perceived.

/v/CovidWorldOrder viewpost?postid=6200090e3345e

M80TheMan 1 point 2.4 years ago

Yep I just looked it up. Except nothing that I’m reading says the camps are voluntary. Funny because the trio tested negative for cooties before being quarantined.

/v/CovidWorldOrder viewpost?postid=6200090e3345e

M80TheMan 1 point 2.4 years ago

Is this legitimate? I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if it is but I do wonder, though.

/v/CovidWorldOrder viewpost?postid=6200090e3345e

Probably can’t pass the mirror test. African children don’t pass the mirror test until roughly the age of 6 years.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=61ff2f2c465f6

Or doxxed and killed and nobody would hear about it or give a fuck.

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=61ff7f978d2ee

M80TheMan 1 point 2.4 years ago

Haha I know, man. I started calling them that because of you.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61f6c54dc80c8

Execute them. My tax dollars will pay for their transportation and then they will pay to transport them back into my country. Fuck that.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61f5fd0827c0d

M80TheMan 1 point 2.4 years ago

And they both speak like niggers. I abhor the butchering of any White language.

/v/ThotPatrol viewpost?postid=61f69ed897ef9

He probably forgot that this place isn’t patriots.cuck

/v/Voatstapo viewpost?postid=61f6a0ba1973c

Oy vey. More kike D&C. Kindly gas yourself, kikenigger

/v/WhitePeopleThings viewpost?postid=61f57d83297d5

M80TheMan 1 point 2.4 years ago

Dude has a monkey on his back.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=61f4fbc19cc0f

Another post-wall barren slut that just wants to “settle down” and find “the right guy” but, oh jeez, where did they all go? Yawn.

/v/TikTok viewpost?postid=61efebc42a795

M80TheMan 1 point 2.4 years ago

No fuckin way. This guy has to be a white guy trolling.

/v/basedblacks viewpost?postid=61efe3707ab64