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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 78 (+102/-24)
ccp: 139 (+145/-6)
votes given: 59 (+58/-1)
score: 217


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I just have more questions now... So they showed up in his house.. To cut the grass... So he shot at them but also set fire in his house?

Nuh mate.. This story stinks.

Something else ia going on and the media ia hiding it.

/v/memesharing viewpost?postid=62e448b0f218f

Niggers rape and killer 80 villagers, then blame a crocodile

/v/based_department viewpost?postid=62d4525cf3970

Trump is acting as of he is not the leader of the opposition party.

Where the fuck have the republican leadership been?

The republicans stormed the Capitol, where on the battlefront against the violent terrorists that are Antifa and BLM.. Against the traitorous media..

Shit.. The republicans even brought trump into office single handedly with memes and reddit.

/v/America viewpost?postid=62c95f568bc2f

The whole world should unite and carpet bomb turkey.

/v/news viewpost?postid=62c9972a91051

This just validates the Jewish belief that Jews were meant to sit and collect wealth when the goy works and busts hos ass off to make him money.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62c99b90eb5a5

Airplanes fuck up the air too.

Machines that weight multiple tons, flying at speeds of 200 to 600km/h...

..they create a corridor of turbulence that takes several minutes to quiet down again.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=62c1f920889c3

It's Called a house.

For everyone s safety, it's better if cats are kept indoors

/v/Cats viewpost?postid=62c1de46a19fb

Dis you shoot him in the dick?

/v/videos viewpost?postid=62bcab32ea14a

It's just 3 of them.

Niggers in small numbers are the biggest pussies.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=62bc85a52a25e

Plus tie their tubes for free.. Or balls

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62b6f08cc4470

And not even on YouTube anymore, can you find raw Data of events. You can only find a distorted, filtered version of the news.

For example the Maga hat kid, or the Rittenhouse video. Or even the George Floyd.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62b75323941ff

There was this girl on reddit, she had so many chances in life.

Dropped out of school, still ended up in college, dropped out of college, still ended up in a finance or whatever role that required a degree, fucked up with drugs and had tons of support....

... Its as if she was intentionally Trying to fail but some Higher force Refused to let her.

There are people like myself that have done every step right and still havent had the opportunities she had.

/v/ThotPatrol viewpost?postid=62b71141a69d4

lol...I am the one who cropped this video in the past and shared it on 4chan and poal. Always happy to see my stuff be shared. Especially OC

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62af874e89b77

you sound like a female redditor.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=62b0178cc8d9b

last time butterbelly got in a fight was in kindergarden yet here he is...acting tough...in front of a man with a gun.

Remember kids: Fighting is a game where you have N O T H I N G to win.

Unless you have no way out, best case scenario, you win "Not having your jaw broken".

/v/videos viewpost?postid=62aff5c1d6e26

they probably hanged them because they commited horrible disgusting crimes , murders and rapes.

But they all got the Santa George Floyd treatment by our traitorous leadership

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62af0d66008c4

they dont want to be kept away from children

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62af1e4936be3

Daniel Day Lewis...NOOOOOOOOO!!!!

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62af1e4936be3

I had chills for one day, was sick for two and had a raspy voice for 9 days.

I took vitamin C, ordered crispy fried chicken and souvlaki every day, coffee in the morning and crepes.

/v/MeanwhileOnReddit viewpost?postid=62af067400b28

Paul Rudnitsky is Antman

Andrew Garfinkel is Amazing Spiderman.

Other than who else is jewish?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62af1e4936be3

What does "Update - The MegaNZ link resolved into spam." mean?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62af0d66008c4

Of all the vids of cops I ve seen, British cops seem to be the most dishonest.

THey may ask you for some help out of the blue and BOOM you are on the ground.

/v/Zogbots viewpost?postid=62aeeed932890

Christians believe that Heaven is a Garden that you share with the woman you love.

Monogamy and creampies are the essence of heaven.

Muslims and Jews on the other hand, treat their worshippers as cuttle. So they snip of their genitals to prevent them from enjoying fucking.

This is why Muslims and Jews are so fucking miserable.

Because the essence of life, is literally...fucking and they cant enjoy that.

This is also why they are demonic entities.

Because once the devil so Adam's and Eve's ability to create life, their companionship, he got jealous and he though nothing but getting back at GOd, which he couldn't do. However, he could corrupt his creation. By snipping off their genitals and faggotry.

This is why Drag queens love dressing up like demons. Because they are literally Demons that wish to corrupt humans, especially children, with which they are obssesed with.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=62aeec64d0366

You downvoted AOU, didnt you? He doesnt like it when you downvote him lol...

/v/MeanwhileOnPoal viewpost?postid=62ae07d598264