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Member for: 3.1 years

scp: 78 (+102/-24)
ccp: 138 (+144/-6)
votes given: 59 (+58/-1)
score: 216


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I have a subscription with contract not to change since 2010

My gym has actively tried to cancel my membership on numerous occasions to get me to spend the new rates. I pay less than 20 GBP

/v/ConsumeProduct viewpost?postid=65c6b3298ccc1

What we must do is start shitting on Molech until the ADL finally calls out Shitting on Molech as Antisemitic and starts banning Anti Molech memes as antisemitic lol.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=65c7307206a47

MOdern gaming does not suck. It is better than ever. There was a time when it sucked, but now we got tons of options.

I am mostly into Metroidvanias and for decades we had nothing and now we got tons of options.

There are enough horror games to last you a life time and even games that came out 14 years ago still hold up today.

For like 20 GBP I finished all Resident Evil games, Remothered, fucking Evil Within...I got my Steam Account...I play on my Deck while shitting, before bed pick up from a different pc where I left off, pirating is so easy but also games are super cheap.

Modern game doesnt suck because the new GTA is woke or Starfield. There are tons of games out there enough for more than a lifetime.

/v/gaming viewpost?postid=64fa6286c09cd

roller derby star.....

hahaha...good one.

Roller derby is a sport for women...and even by female standards is faggy as shit

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64a6581d83657

what up with that loser sherrif and handtruth?

i d love to see handtruth call him an asshole in his face. He likes acting tough by flying random people from across the globe to face charges for mean tweets

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=6497e6ab9d2ad

you can tell he knows how to throw a punch but does not use any combos or knock out blows.

Most fighters are trained in Combos like right left RIGHT (combo) to trick the know out blow.

he went mostly for the left right left right left right left right left right knee

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=649653e2cef14

remember the beginning of It 2, where a female to male troon pretended to be a fag hating redneck and they pushed one fag out of a bridge and it has absolutely nothing to do with the story?

That was weird....wasnt it? It just starts like this.

Then King was still semi cancelled for not being pro fag enough...that was weird too wasnt it?

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=649546442e20f

When Greece thrived, Northern Europe was basically nigger tier.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=64593363dd33d

I ve been trying to get the owners of Talk to update it the interface and spent a great deal of time with the whole thing. Poal has the best interface at this point.

I too got kicked out after getting abused by AOU. I downvoted the asshole...and he kept on following me around asking me why.

After he accused me of being a pedo he changed my password.

I would not provide any content for this asshole.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=645453e2b97d5

I pirate my shit. I have two 4tb drives, two 256 gig USB sticks, I dump my shit in there and have it play all day.

I made one for my mother and one for my daughter.

I also have 1 tb ssd stick but I like it too much...so i dont use it lol.

/v/movies viewpost?postid=63b8675535206

Arguing politically with a nigger that cant rape you:

"You guys are getting all of the benefits"

Nigger: "Muh slavery"

/v/Whitepill viewpost?postid=63b0a23804bc5

I once decided to do a follow up on a nigglet that nigged a random woman leaving her for dead and her ending up with life changing injuries (handicapped, only has one hand...only has one lung).

Exactly as OP said. The (((authorities))) worked hard to protect the nigglet.

They mistyped something after the court which meant that on a technicality the nigglet was free for a month, with no warrant, able to travel wherever. And it abandoned Sweden or Norway or some cucked northern nation and moved to London.

Its not as if the nigglet had a father or a bank account or a house or a career or his mother...so why the fuck not?

So they left to London , got a free house, everyone knows the nigglet should be in prison but no one does nothing.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=63aedeb81d291

We should let more niggers on our countries

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=634d57b9a0a02

Bet he ll brag about That one time he got stabbed.

/v/Wiggers viewpost?postid=632b6c644c524

Where the fuck is this kid's father? Why is the father allowing the kid to act like a nigger and relax around niggers?

/v/Wiggers viewpost?postid=632b6c644c524

So basically.. What this woman is saying, is that she fell in love with OJ.

They met and they talked and she found this creature charming, and likable and thwy shared hobbies and she found hin sexy and chose to fuck him.

Ummm.. Nope.

Bitch was a gold digger and the nigger did our World a favor for ridding the world of one.

OJ did nothing wrong.

She though she could play him but you don't fuck with niggers. The law does not drag a nigger down.

I bet she was pregnant too. Drilled holes in the condom.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=63220115bb56d

He doesnt have to do SHIT from what that faggot ass court suggests.

Just because they are paying him to scratch his balls, rather than forcing him to cut his dick off, it does not mean that the court has not been hijacked by faggots, niggers, jews and basic bitches.

Good for him.

Fuck the court and fuck everything the west stands for.

/v/WTF viewpost?postid=6317019ca6bc9

Lol...Niggers dont watch Netflix. This is not to appease the niggers or the mudslimes.

This is to demoralize Frenchy. hahah...

Eat shit Frenchies. You ll do shit about it.

/v/JewMedia viewpost?postid=630e60b87a143


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6306165eaadcd

Libertarians are naive.

They think that they llbe safe if only the magnet of benefits is shut off, and niggers (the biggest problem we are facing today) will simply stop flowing into our countries.

Also they completely ignore how Libertarians ideals of freedom and progressiveness are the vehicle for totalitarianism and ultimately against the values that allowed our great nations to become greate.

Our nations need, rules, need regulations, need protection and we have values that go beyond the maximisation of GDP and wealth.

Fuck niggers, fuck libertarians.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62ff19b592948

I just have more questions now... So they showed up in his house.. To cut the grass... So he shot at them but also set fire in his house?

Nuh mate.. This story stinks.

Something else ia going on and the media ia hiding it.

/v/memesharing viewpost?postid=62e448b0f218f