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Member for: 2.6 years

scp: 68 (+80/-12)
ccp: 60 (+66/-6)
votes given: 790 (+790/-0)
score: 128


Pray the drivers around you aren’t susceptible to epileptic seizures…

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65629c51a324a

Crap like this is what the schools of journalism are producing…

>According to Men’s Journal, the shrimp fiasco is set to leave the company with a $20 million loss for the year. Seafood news site SeafoodSource said that the company attributed most of the losses to industry challenges, including inflation and labor costs

>Red Lobster posted an operating loss of more than $11 million in Q3, according to Restaurant Business. It’s a loss that owner Thai Union Group said the Ultimate Endless Shrimp was a “key factor” in creating.

>To continue Ultimate Endless Shrimp as a regular menu item, the company said they’ll bump the price up to $25

So according to this idiot, the company lost $20million of revenue due to industry challenges including inflation, increased labor costs - probably increased liability insurance, Commercial property leases, employee benefits, DEI compliance, etc….

But increasing the cost of the endless shrimp by $5.00 will fix it?

I doubt red lobster has 4 million customers in a year total- much less selling 4 million AYCE shrimp dinners…
(Not to mention almost every diner orders a drink, many an appetizer..)

This is the result of what parents are wasting their money on college tuition for.. ..

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=6562b60c562d4

Manta rays are harmless unless a 200lb one jumps out of the water as you are passing full speed by on a boat/jet ski and it hits you…

Sting rays on the other hand- ask the crocodile hunter…

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=655be3c2ea9cd

Yet the northern snowbird is an invasive species to Florida that we cannot cull or mitigate its spread in order to protect the native population…

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=655be3c2ea9cd

……..Alll deserve the rope that went were responsible and Along with the couple Supreme Court judges that ignored obvious exculpatory evidence in lieu of a politically correct judgment.

As well as the jackass 2 ex Republican presidents that nominated the (((liberal))) conservative justices that agreed.

Trump sandbagged small government conservatives in lieu of people that would play ball1 just like (((the rest of lobbyists in government)))….
Not to mention trump hung a medal on Fauchi, Gen Mark Milley, (yes the same one that told China he would undermine trump and warn them of actions), debra Birx, a member of the norquist family….


Good lord , wake up people

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=655bc790ac547

Why are all the bullet holes on the topside of an aircraft designed to target ground targets?
All of those look like projectile entrance damage…

Was the pilot flying upside down/inverted?

It’s designed to withstand extreme abuse and combat damages to the underneath of the cockpit and main flight systems- with multiple redundancies from ground fire- but not magic machine gun fire on the topside

These badasses swoop in and attack at very low levels and linger over targets- with other tactical offensive air/ground intelligence and support.

Although I bet the warthog would survive that damage and be operational to fly home- I think this is a wad of shit- unless a plane fag tells me different.

/v/pics viewpost?postid=655b6ab15df4d

With Donald trump, and trump jr at his side

/v/Wiggers viewpost?postid=655b700314f61

Why ban people?
They just come back again…

As a mostly lurker- I’d rather hear whatever gibberish they provide.
Psychological projection.

I love all you niggerfaggots. From Langley, Brussels( and it’s lord Klaus Schwab), Kiev, Riyadh, and to Tel Aviv…..

(((Coexist )))


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=655a96cadc2a0

They also can decidedly verify the gender of the mummy, but not the baby

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65587c2928e74

30 seconds for each pest x 6000000…..

/v/ThotPatrol viewpost?postid=655a06fac6eb0

….From the dregs of society to the self appointed elite….

We are all here, whether you/they like it or not.

From Blumen to Facinus (who devotes time to provide links for us) all need a say.

Some need less pharmaceuticals… but I digress…

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=6556826093535

Preach, brother/sister/combination of both…

/v/Christcucks viewpost?postid=6556721ebaa46

Or just tell your drummer to slow the fuck down, or speed the fuck up…

And definitely not both during the same song- unless intentionally….

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65565dfc900b5

I suggest that you and AntiPostModernist accept your Junior High school lovers spat, go get a room, and fuck like rabbi(t)s- put us out of our misery…

“Oh, he is SUCH an asshole.. EEWWWW”
“Yeah, he/she/it/they/them is a douche bag.. I’d never be caught dead with it/them/they…..”

/v/Christcucks viewpost?postid=6556721ebaa46

Why do black men cry during sex?


/v/Jokes viewpost?postid=65545bc077e4d

Why do black men cry during sex?


/v/Jokes viewpost?postid=65545bc077e4d

I hope y’all make Chip Roy the next governor!

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6477b9c5d8c32

Instead it slipped out as “your dad”….
Did you find your gun?

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=647784ab624cf