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Member for: 1.7 years

scp: 2377 (+2463/-86)
ccp: 362 (+373/-11)
votes given: 1511 (+1422/-89)
score: 2739


breh2 0 points 2 hours ago

Also there was way more sex and smut. Starlight gets gangbanged by the whole 7 instead of sucking off fishguy, all supers have a massive orgy on an island every year, etc.

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=666e991c8617a

breh2 0 points 3 hours ago

I listened to an audiobook adaptation of the comic and have seen the show, if anything the TV guys toned down the jewry a bit. In the comic/audiobook The Boys defeated the male "nazi" Stormfront by breaking out of jail a literal Soviet communist super whose only power was having a massive prehensile cock and teaming up to fight.
I have no idea why his specific power was so vital that they jailbroke him, but the whole time they were talking about how great communism was and how the only reason it failed was b/c of corrupt politicians at the top. The commie even wants to reinstate it but The Boys inform him that politicians are still corrupt dirtbags, so he says "but who will think of the people?"😢😢😢

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=666e991c8617a

breh2 1 point 1 week ago

Auslander Raus = "Foreigners Out"
Deutschland den Deutschen = "Germany for the Germans"
A couple people at a party improv'd these lyrics to a 90's dance song, it got popular and people started singing it at several events, the base song shot to #1 in charts in Germany and Austria, the government flipped their shit, much kvetching and lulz are being had.

/v/StreetShitters viewpost?postid=665fb16a6ac54

breh2 7 points 7 months ago


/v/Women viewpost?postid=655618d9a2116

breh2 2 points 7 months ago


/v/Jews viewpost?postid=65554c0210201

breh2 1 point 7 months ago

Western media says 40 injured, so it was probably 5 wounded and 10 with headaches

/v/soapdoxbanhammer viewpost?postid=65528ce84c7f3

breh2 5 points 7 months ago

Weird, I had the same video but flipped, a bit shorter but not edited:
Posted in v/shitbulls originally:

/v/Cats viewpost?postid=65407ca666243

breh2 0 points 7 months ago

Yellow journalism at its "finest". It was probably 2 or 3 peoe that got butthurt but the way they phrase it sounds like everybody left

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65355956c8f9f

breh2 0 points 7 months ago

Non-tracking adblock-friendly mirror:

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65355956c8f9f

breh2 0 points 8 months ago

Indeed, they have suffered for far too long,
and it's time for them to fight back.

/v/AI_art viewpost?postid=652b94c78b53c

breh2 1 point 8 months ago

Jewtube is bitching and moaning about my adblockers, here is a mirror

/v/Health viewpost?postid=652b08269fe47

breh2 6 points 8 months ago

If they expelled all foreigners it would be great, but EU cucks only care about getting rid of the ones that publicly dislike jews.
If a Somalianigger refused to deliver food to all White people, they would probably give him a medal and an interview on the BBC.

/v/CuckIsland viewpost?postid=652b040a62c36

breh2 0 points 8 months ago

You can't call it stolen valor when there wasn't any valor to be had in the first place

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=652a60c4c0191

breh2 2 points 8 months ago

Fixed your file:
The original downloaded at 66.6 MB, so maybe Satan wasn't happy about sandniggers speaking against his Chosen people

/v/shitisraeldoes viewpost?postid=652a8d2a96c0e

breh2 3 points 8 months ago

Working link:
Something was wrong with the indexing of the file itself, not catbox, so I re-converted it and shamelessly hijacked the top comment

/v/shitisraeldoes viewpost?postid=652a8d2a96c0e

breh2 1 point 8 months ago


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6524c80b2e617

breh2 5 points 8 months ago

That's the opposite of how health works

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=65195fc66e67b

breh2 -1 points 9 months ago*

I have been wanting to link this video on many of your "We should totally do this thing, my fellow whites" posts, but it seems particularly relevant today.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64f63854f2267

breh2 0 points 9 months ago

Dead link. Is it supposed to be a image? Tried several formats and they all 404, what file did you upload? No idea why 10 people upvoted a nonfunctional post

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64f14e1a1baa0

breh2 1 point 9 months ago

If they threw in LA and NYC while they were at it nothing of value would be lost

/v/WorldWar3 viewpost?postid=64f11a3d4b6d5

breh2 0 points 9 months ago

Ha ha, made me look
> Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that the drone attacks were “massive” and told journalists in his regular conference call that Putin was always kept constantly informed about the “special military operation." He deflected questions about the launch locations of the drones that struck the Pskov airfield. “I have no doubt that our military experts are working on these issues and are finding out the routes and how it was done to take appropriate measures to prevent such situations in the future,” Peskov said.

> Russia’s Ministry of Defense did not mention the drone attacks on Pskov in its daily media briefing and did not comment on the damage to planes at the airfield.

> On Wednesday, the Russian propagandist Vladimir Solovyov expressed the frustration of Russia’s pro-war faction, known as the “party of war” when he blasted the failure to intercept the drones in Pskov during his online morning program, Full Contact. Speculating without evidence that the drones may have been launched from nearby Estonia, a NATO member, Solovyov called for Russia to launch airstrikes against Estonia if this were true. “If that’s true, of course it means world war. If it’s true, Estonia must be wiped off the face of the earth,” he said.

/v/WorldWar3 viewpost?postid=64ee9806d2545

breh2 4 points 9 months ago

I feel like I must be missing something because it seems like the MSM news sites aren't viewing it as a big deal, but how does something like this even happen? A *swarm* of military drones capable of bombing an airfield and taking out 4 heavy duty transport planes just springing up 500 miles from enemy territory? You can't fit that much hardware in the back of a pickup truck, nor the team of operators and equipment required to operate that many drones simultaneously for an attack of this scale.

/v/WorldWar3 viewpost?postid=64ee9806d2545

breh2 1 point 9 months ago

Somewhat opposite for me. Your posts are great, but wherever you pull your videos from puts them into the newer h.264 version of .mp4 instead of the older universally playable x.264 so they don't play in my browser and I have to download them first

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=64ede584f03ad