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Member for: 3.3 years

scp: 69 (+71/-2)
ccp: 167 (+175/-8)
votes given: 575 (+501/-74)
score: 236


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Japan, 1488,
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Mystiker 0 points 2.3 years ago

Okay, so you're not even going to try and create counter-arguments for his points, so his ideas are just going to keep spreading. Ted is quite popular, not just on niche places like this but all over the internet.

/v/DopeSocksManRammer viewpost?postid=62005b424e148

fightknight has been a well respected member since all the way back in the old Voat days. Attacking him will only make you look stupid.

And yes, I did give him mod on Japan, we've been friends for years. Do you have a problem with that?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62050fc9698b7

Mystiker 0 points 2.3 years ago

Do you know why he had those beliefs? Of course not, you haven't even bothered to listen to him or read anything he wrote.

If you hate him so much, you should try to understand him, so you can prevent the same sort of thing from happening again. You should be able to come up with counter-arguments to his points.

Sitting in an ivory tower and ignoring problems is an extremely stupid boomer thing to do. Condemning others doesn't do anything, it doesn't stop anything.

/v/DopeSocksManRammer viewpost?postid=62005b424e148

Mystiker 0 points 2.3 years ago

Just FYI, Ted didn't murder "random civilians", he murdered university professors, Air Force pilots, Boeing pilots, computer stores, computer scientists, big oil companies, genetic researchers, etc.

You can argue that his attacks were ineffective because they weren't targeting people in power, and that's a fair point, but his targets *were* consistent with his anti-technology philosophy. He wasn't murdering grandmas or farmers, only people who were contributing to technology.

For example, let's say that you believe in the idea that Jews are conspiring to enslave everybody (in according with the teachings of the Talmud). To an outsider, it would seem like you're targeting random people, even though you are specifically targeting Jews.

/v/DopeSocksManRammer viewpost?postid=62005b424e148

Mystiker 0 points 2.3 years ago

Wait, we're not taking them to dinner? But I love ovens...

/v/DopeSocksManRammer viewpost?postid=62005b424e148

Mystiker 0 points 2.3 years ago

Have you not been paying attention? You have one half of the country openly calling for violence against the other half simply for their political beliefs. You have a government which is openly disobeying the Constitution, you have massive crime everywhere and the police are heavily defunded. You have White people being replaced by mass immigration. You have non-stop anti-White propaganda everywhere. Peaceful civilized society is long gone. You better get used to using violence, or you and your family will suffer greatly. Your "moral high ground" won't save you. Trying to be an "anti-psycho" won't save you.

/v/DopeSocksManRammer viewpost?postid=62005b424e148

Mystiker 0 points 2.3 years ago

Only if those in power are actually powerful enough to do it. That's why the 2nd Amendment exists, it isn't for hunting.

/v/DopeSocksManRammer viewpost?postid=62005b424e148

Mystiker 0 points 2.3 years ago*

That's what life is: life is gang warfare. Always has been, always will be. You allow your military and your police to do violence on your behalf, that's YOUR GANG (your country) doing it.

Without violence your country cannot exist, your family cannot exist, YOU cannot exist. All laws and rules in "civilized society" are enforced with violence. That's why we have police, that's why we have prisons. It's controlled violence. All morality is based in violence.

Pacifistic societies were tried, they didn't last long. People figured out many thousands of years ago that violence is absolutely necessary just in order to survive. The only reason why you can live a comfortable pacifistic lifestyle is because of other people doing violence on your behalf for your benefit. You are indirectly benefiting from violence.

/v/DopeSocksManRammer viewpost?postid=62005b424e148

Mystiker 2 points 2.3 years ago

He's been in maximum security prison for the past 26 years.

/v/DopeSocksManRammer viewpost?postid=62005b424e148

Mystiker 3 points 2.3 years ago

Murder? You mean that thing which has been done by literally everybody for hundreds of thousands of years? You mean that thing which is done precisely because it's so effective? Turns out pacifism isn't actually a good social system.

/v/DopeSocksManRammer viewpost?postid=62005b424e148

Mystiker 1 point 2.4 years ago

The entire Ungleich website is down, not just ours. So I'm sure they'll fix it soon.

/v/oneangrygamer viewpost?postid=6074fd547b04b

Mystiker 4 points 2.5 years ago

Anybody remember Tay? Best AI ever.


/v/technology viewpost?postid=619cb4b8682f0

Mystiker 0 points 2.6 years ago

Allow me to translate from kikespeak into English: "I am a weak whiny little bitch who has health issues because of thousands of years of inbreeding. Please feel pity for me and give free shekels. Shalom."

/v/oneangrygamer viewpost?postid=618e8f3f61ca3

Mystiker 0 points 2.6 years ago

He's not wrong though. This has been common knowledge for decades, especially after Snowden.

/v/oneangrygamer viewpost?postid=618b95615ed66

Mystiker 0 points 2.6 years ago

That's not exactly an accomplishment, since their face is completely coated in makeup. Let me know when women can compete against men with their *natural* beauty.

/v/oneangrygamer viewpost?postid=618bd3014b35a

Mystiker 1 point 2.6 years ago

Goldstein needs more shekels! Gullible goyim must masturbate to interracial gay porn!





/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6189a07b909b0

Mystiker 0 points 2.6 years ago

Basically all herbivores eat meat:


/v/Jews viewpost?postid=616f284844ed4

Mystiker 0 points 2.6 years ago

The goyim know, shut it down!

/v/videos viewpost?postid=6183dab4c8c0b

Mystiker 0 points 2.6 years ago

Yes, that's true, however it's hard to find *any* sources which describe the sexual degeneracy of the Weimar Republic, so I used the links that I could find.

/v/RedPills viewpost?postid=617f0e61be011

Mystiker 1 point 2.6 years ago*

Fat is great, fat is super healthy, it's carbohydrates which are harmful and cause health problems.




/v/Cooking viewpost?postid=617c969c9557d

Mystiker 2 points 2.6 years ago

Not just Christians, literally *every* traditional culture teaches that. Humans figured this shit out many thousands of years ago.

/v/RedPills viewpost?postid=617413591472a

Mystiker 3 points 2.6 years ago

> Nazism can only exist in a 80%+ ethno nation.

You're correct, but I fail to see the problem with that. #MakeAmericaWhiteAgain

/v/RedPills viewpost?postid=617413591472a

Mystiker 3 points 2.6 years ago

He doesn't need to make his case. Men should never need to "convince" a woman of anything. Women should just obey men, without question, especially her own father.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6174a477d1d52

Mystiker 0 points 2.6 years ago

I don't think that's a good idea. Many people who are divorced will give bad advice to other people, either because they're idiots, or because they're bitter and want other people to get divorced too.

Instead, listen to the advice of people who had successful long-lasting marriages, they know what the right way is, and their marriage is proof of that.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6174a477d1d52

Mystiker 1 point 2.6 years ago

Hilarious, considering that you're old and childless. Yet you act like you're some sort of authority on how to save the White race. You are so profoundly ignorant on how the world works, and you're also a massive hypocrite. Get back in the kitchen, women shouldn't even be on the internet.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6174a477d1d52