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scp: 69 (+71/-2)
ccp: 167 (+175/-8)
votes given: 575 (+501/-74)
score: 236


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Mystiker 0 points 2.6 years ago

"Negro" is Spanish / Portuguese for the color black. So if you go into a paint shop, you can buy some "negro paint". Or perhaps a "negro car" or some "negro clothes".

It's funny how the kikes and niggers kvetch so much about hispanics, because hispanics use the word "negro" all the time in daily life.

/v/oneangrygamer viewpost?postid=6169dca055acd

Mystiker 1 point 2.6 years ago

Good, I hope it happens. Then maybe Blizzard will finally go bankrupt. They're a hollow husk of their old glory, because all the talented people have left and were replaced with diversity hires.

/v/oneangrygamer viewpost?postid=6169dca055acd

Mystiker 0 points 2.6 years ago

Well that is true, hopefully this fabricated crisis will cause people to become more self-reliant and independent.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=616215e31e85d

Mystiker 1 point 2.6 years ago

But I thought you shitlibs were all about "consent" and "my body my choice"? Are you saying that women do not have the right to reject a nigger? That if he wants to have sex with her, she MUST comply? That is rape, which is a crime. Nobody is entitled to sex. Everybody is entitled to their own personal sexual preferences.

/v/Whitepill viewpost?postid=6161c69f920dd

Mystiker 0 points 2.6 years ago

Crashing the economy is better than destroying your life with the bloodrape vaccine.

Once the economy crashes, that's when the time for a coup begins. Of course it would be better to do the coup *before* the economy crashes, but that's unlikely because people are cowards.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=616192d9c6d16

Mystiker 0 points 2.6 years ago

No need! In California you can legally steal up to $950 per day without being punished at all. You just walk into the store, pick up what you want, then walk out, and the store can't do anything about it, they can't even call the cops because it doesn't count as a crime.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=616192d9c6d16

Mystiker 0 points 2.6 years ago

Until the government decides to just waive away all the lawsuits and make the vaccines mandatory at the legal level. You don't get it, the system is the enemy, the government is the enemy, the courts are the enemy.

You cannot win by fighting within the system's rules, because the system controls the rules, and they can change the rules at any time. The system will always do what benefits the system, the system does not care about you.

Go ahead with your litigation, but you better have a backup plan for when that inevitably fails.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=616215e31e85d

Mystiker 0 points 2.6 years ago

Wait, you actually think the vaccine is helpful? Wow.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=616215e31e85d

Mystiker 0 points 2.6 years ago

See, that's the thing that I'm still trying to figure out... are the (((elite))) so stupid that they don't realize that they are just purging all the obedient retards? I know kikes don't actually have that high IQ, but surely they aren't *that* stupid.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=616215e31e85d

Mystiker 0 points 2.6 years ago

Remember the Salem Witch trials? Remember the moral puritans? The Left has always been super big fanatical religious zealots, they just replaced the old religions with the new religion of woke liberal humanism. Same shit, same people, same result, different ideology.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=616215e31e85d

Mystiker 9 points 2.6 years ago

"Hey Latisha, get your lazy bitch ass over here, put on these glasses and pretend that you are smarter than 85 IQ so we can fool the dumb goyim."

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=616359541f79f

Mystiker 0 points 2.6 years ago

You just run em over with your truck, that's what you do.

/v/Hiddenlol viewpost?postid=61573749d08b2

Mystiker 0 points 2.6 years ago

Linus is worse than a nigger, he's a kike, from the Saxberg family:


And Linus' father is a full-blown commie who even studied economics in Moscow.


/v/Hiddenlol viewpost?postid=61573749d08b2

Mystiker 0 points 2.6 years ago

Just a couple:



/v/Hiddenlol viewpost?postid=61573749d08b2

Mystiker 1 point 2.6 years ago

There's only ~7,260,000 active users on Twitter, so 165,000 is over 2% of ALL Twitter. Twitter is a surprisingly small place, considering how much power it wields.

/v/Hiddenlol viewpost?postid=615710af63c30

Mystiker 5 points 2.6 years ago

Terry Davis, he invented the term "glownigger" and he was killed by glowniggers.


/v/Hiddenlol viewpost?postid=61573749d08b2

Mystiker 0 points 2.7 years ago

That's what the block and ban features are for. And also downvotes. The community manages itself, asking for daddy admin to step in is retarded and completely contrary to how Voat has always worked.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=614650d39837c

Mystiker 2 points 2.7 years ago

Dude... this is Voat. The whole point of Voat is free speech. If you want Reddit, just go use Reddit. There are thousands of websites that have restricted curated speech, yet you chose to complain about the ONE website that has free speech? You clearly don't belong here.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=614650d39837c

Mystiker 3 points 2.7 years ago

That's incorrect, look up "Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition". The PROTECT Act was *very* carefully worded so that it doesn't make lolis illegal, because if it did then it would be struck down by the Supreme Court (a second time).

You can feel free to make a moral argument against lolis, but you can't make a legal argument. Legality is not morality.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=614650d39837c

Mystiker 2 points 2.7 years ago

Each sub gets to define their own rules, the community enforces its own standards. The entire point of Voat is that the admin is hands-off and lets the community handle itself. If you want curation, there are thousands of other websites like that, but none like Voat.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=614650d39837c

Mystiker 1 point 2.7 years ago

If you're going to use the legal definition of freedom of speech, well then the Supreme Court disagrees with you, look up "Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition".

If you want to make a moral argument, fine, but that's completely different from using a legal argument.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=614650d39837c

Mystiker 3 points 2.7 years ago

If you want a curated censored website without pornography... there are literally thousands of sites like that out there. How many sites are there that have complete free speech? Almost none. So of COURSE you try to sabotage and destroy the one few free speech sites that still exist. Take your concern trolling elsewhere, you hypocritical niggerkike.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61473e2625de8

Mystiker 0 points 2.7 years ago

No doubt it is preferable to be ruled over by chinks than by kikes, however it is most preferable to be ruled over by neither.

The Chinese are ruthless overlords, unlike cucked Western countries they are proud racists, they would have no sympathy for us, they will not save us. We have to regain our strength and courage ourselves.

/v/oneangrygamer viewpost?postid=613e6c3c0c1ca

Mystiker 0 points 2.7 years ago

No, China hates White people too, the only people that will save us is ourselves.

However, China does have the right idea: promote wholesome traditional strong masculine values. That's how all nations should be, including our nations.

/v/oneangrygamer viewpost?postid=613e6c3c0c1ca

Mystiker 0 points 2.7 years ago

No, you didn't say it, but you very heavily implied it. We're not retarded Redditors, pilpul won't work on us. If you knew anything at all about the Nazis, you would know that they were a lot more than just "socialists".

/v/ProtectTalk viewpost?postid=612f5c2ce185a