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Member for: 12 months

scp: 408 (+414/-6)
ccp: 55 (+55/-0)
votes given: 305 (+305/-0)
score: 463


Didn't know that particular sub existed niggerfaggot.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=6547885d52971

Proof positive that his being married to madona was very toxic.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=651db5b4d5e13

Not holding my breath on this one. But hoping a relative curb stomps the cop's head.

/v/WorldNews viewpost?postid=64d433bc812bb

I agree. They went to far and hopefully they will be held to account. If not the best we can hope for is a relative will be looking for the bitch and lay her out cold. Now I know why the USA has 2A.

/v/WorldNews viewpost?postid=64d433bc812bb

Maybe he went into prison a tightend and came out a wide receiver.

/v/Faggots viewpost?postid=64cfbac40b515

To bad the spear wasn't in his head.

/v/WhiteGenocide viewpost?postid=64cfd43b9ffbe


/v/BANANA viewpost?postid=64c9a62623225

Death by a slow wood chipper would be better.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=64c99f69ec021

Not opening that link. Your links are usually porn from what has been reported on here.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=64b39edbe8c11

The paranoia is strong with this one. Get off the drugs and seek help.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=64b39edbe8c11

You might want to consider stopping the posting of porn links in your comments. From what I have learned about your downvotes you receive,that's why people downvote you consistently.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=64b1052de68d9