Another friend "died suddenly"      (Covidicences)
submitted by NoRefunds to Covidicences 9 minutes ago (+1/-0)
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On a regular jog today, 44 years old, very good shape. He dropped dead. Very sad. I don't know if he was vaxxed, I haven't talked to him in years, but he lived in NY, so I can bet he was.
"The antithesis of the German spirit is the Jewish spirit, which is not a matter of being born Jewish or believing in Judaism but is a capitalistic spirit." - Werner Sombart in 1934     (OccidentalEnclave)
submitted by Joe_McCarthy to OccidentalEnclave 6 minutes ago (+0/-1)
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4chan prophecy back in the limelight.     (i.4pcdn.org)
submitted by MasterSuppressionTechnique to 4Chan 51 minutes ago (+1/-0)
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When people say "you have to do something more" or "all those internet posts educating people don't matter" I poi t to this rally in Germany now. Spreading the truth matters..     (vid8.poal.co)
submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 4 hours ago (+14/-0)
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In the Back Alleys Behind the Pride Fest, We Still Have White Boy Summer!     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Dingo to whatever 15 hours ago (+32/-1)
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Black man has no ground game. Gets stomped for his troubles.
We need to shoot for 13% does 50%     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Master_Foo to Niggers 4 days ago (+19/-0)
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How many ingredients are in french fries?      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by big_fat_dangus to Goyslop 1 hour ago (+7/-0)
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Answer: 18. Goyslop is sloppier than you realize. Rundown here: https://files.catbox.moe/vn2qio.MP4
Commiefornia's Economic Suicide - Hollywood went woke and /wristed industry profits. Legislator induced Invader-Homeless crime-sprees. Record setting outflow of tax paying residents. National fast food chains shutting down, and culling workers due to $20 minimum wage laws.     (www.breitbart.com)
submitted by KosherHiveKicker to OccidentalEnclave 3 hours ago (+6/-0)
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Consequences of poor construction.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by MasterSuppressionTechnique to whatever 19 hours ago (+27/-3)
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hebrew phenotypes (natalie portman and jewess friend/family. like attracts like as jews prefer the company of other jews)     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by oppressed to jewology101 3 hours ago (+16/-0)
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NYC churches feel like they cater to niggers and subhuman trash     (Rants)
submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to Rants 6 hours ago (+17/-0)
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Im comparing the messages from my old church to these new churches in NYC, you would think im going to some kind of suicidal death cult. To date, this corrupt church has only talked about giving away my money to trash, pissing away my works on niggers, going out of my way to fuck over my own kind, being more loyal to traitors and jews than my own kind. White people give up billions upon trillions helping literally anyone but themselves, but here comes the church complaining that White people need to piss away even more money helping animals. The churches dont even give any kind of mention of this, since they love to erase races and pretend "people" should help, as if 99% of the help isn't solely from one race: White people. Fuckers, race traiting pieces of shit, all of them.
@peckerwoodperry breaks the situation down      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by big_fat_dangus to whatever 6 hours ago (+11/-1)
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Goats, I think I've discovered why Peckerwood is drinking so much... Poor bastard.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by ProudRebel to TellUpgoat 11 hours ago (+27/-0)
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Hang in there bro and I hope you don't get crushed in your sleep.
Good relationship message for women     (youtube.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 8 hours ago (+9/-0)
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Were Lyndon Johnson and Golda Meir relatives?     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Conspirologist to Memes 7 hours ago (+8/-1)
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Alex Jones didn't name the Jew, but was still canceled     (conspiracy)
submitted by Conspirologist to conspiracy 7 hours ago (+7/-1)
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This is not a shitpost. I just have not a lot to say. Alex Jones didn't name the Jew, but was still cancelled. Why would the Jews cancel him, if he was not dangerous like let's say David Icke, who does name the Jew, but is still not cancelled, just banned in some countries?

What do you think?
Elon Musk's AI chatbot accidentally discloses his plans for Nuclear War ☢🚀     (www.reddit.com)
submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to conspiracy 5 hours ago (+5/-0)
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This is how you nazi incels sound 😂😂😂      (whatever)
submitted by IsraelRespecter to whatever 21 hours ago (+0/-8)
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I hope Trump doesn’t pick a nigger for VP     (USPolitics)
submitted by GuyWhite to USPolitics 8 hours ago (+12/-1)
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Among his choices are three niggers. These are classy and intelligent niggers. They are among the very few niggers that you can call “good niggers” while they are still alive.

I’ll vote for Trump even if he picks a nigger. But I’d rather Trump pick someone White
Protesters Surround White House, Call for ‘Intifada Revolution’     (OccidentalEnclave)
submitted by Joe_McCarthy to OccidentalEnclave 43 minutes ago (+1/-1)
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Black bear mauls woman and feeds on carcass for days     (archive.is)
submitted by shitface9000 to bears 4 hours ago (+5/-0)
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well catbox.moe is dead its been nice knowing you guys      (AnonTalk)
submitted by anon to AnonTalk 36 minutes ago (+0/-0)
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Karma's a bitch     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Niggly_Puff to whatever 8 hours ago (+47/-1)
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Simp for the system, get destroyed by the system.
"Hunter-gatherers and forager-horticulturists show us that communal child-rearing may be an essential element of the human family we evolved to be part of"     (OccidentalEnclave)
submitted by Joe_McCarthy to OccidentalEnclave 2 hours ago (+1/-1)
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Is Raising Chickens the Gateway to Becoming Awakened and Informed of Governmental Control?      (rumble.com)
submitted by Questionable_2 to whatever 1 hour ago (+7/-0)
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