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St. Bernardine of Siena May 20th | Saint of the Day

submitted by carnold03 to Christianity 3 weeksMay 20, 2024 07:33:34 ago (+3/-2)     (www.youtube.com)


#St. Bernardine of Siena May 20th | Saint of the Day

In the year 1400, a young man came to the door of the largest hospital in Siena. A plague was raging through the city so horrible that as many as twenty people died each day just in the hospital alone. And many of the people who died were those who were needed to tend the ill. It was a desperate situation -- more and more people were falling ill and fewer and fewer people were there to help them.

The twenty-year-old man who stood there had not come because he was ill but because he wanted to help. And he brought not new patients but young men like himself willing to tend the dying. For four months Bernardine and his companions worked day and night not only to comfort the patients but to organize and clean the hospital. Only at the end of the plague did Bernardine himself fall ill -- of exhaustion.

Continue reading: https://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=7

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