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Six-month-old shot repeatedly during standoff with child’s father

submitted by MasterSuppressionTechnique to news 2 weeksMay 18, 2024 22:27:45 ago (+1/-0)     (www.theguardian.com)


A man suspected of shooting his 6-month-old son multiple times after taking the boy and his mother hostage was found dead of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound in the rubble of a suburban Phoenix home that caught fire during a swat standoff, police said.

The baby was reported to be in a critical but stable condition at a local hospital Saturday, police said in a statement. They said earlier his injuries suffered the day before were not believed to be life-threatening.

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At about 3am on Friday, the father of the child allegedly broke into the home where the child and mother lived, according to police in Surprise, Arizona, about 30 miles north-west of Phoenix. The child’s father did not live in the house, police said, adding that the man held the mother and child hostage for several hours before the mother managed to escape.

According to police, the mother contacted a construction crew and requested that they call 911. They added that she had minor injuries and it remains unclear how she managed to escape.

In a press conference on Friday, Surprise police spokesperson Rick Hernandez said: “She believed the baby was in danger … Officers responded to the residence and, upon arrival, they heard multiple rounds of gunfire coming from inside the residence.”

Hernandez continued: “That was when the officers forced entry. Upon forced entry, our understanding is that officers almost immediately located the injured child, took that injured child and got the child to care.”

“That baby sustained multiple gunshot wounds and was airlifted to a nearby hospital with serious injuries,” he said, adding that the child’s injuries, which were in its lower extremities, were believed to be non-life-threatening.

While police, including multiple Swat teams, were at the scene, the house caught fire as the child’s father was still inside.

Describing the scene to Arizona’s Family, the news outlet’s drone operator, Hector Holguin, said: “Next thing you know, there was smoke. And after the smoke, there’s a huge ball of fire coming from the back of the house and it just spread from the back all the way to the front … It just progressed. It collapsed the roof.”

As the house burned, a number of nearby residents self-evacuated when they were contacted by police while others chose to shelter in place, said Hernandez, adding: “As the incident progressed, many were asked to leave.”

Firefighters were able to control the flames by using two ladder trucks to hose down the house as well as the house next door, and were largely able to put out the fire by 4:30pm, Arizona’s Family reports.

Fire damage to the home initially prevented authorities from finding the dead man, Hernandez said earlier Saturday.

“Once it was safe for investigators to enter the residence, they discovered the remains of Marchetti with what appears to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. The cause of death is still pending the results of the medical examiner’s full report,” police said in the statement late Saturday.

3 comments block

[ - ] NegaroNegaroNeeegaro 1 point 2 weeksMay 19, 2024 08:00:03 ago (+1/-0)

Can't kill an infant with a firearm.

There is a sea of unpacking to do in that statement.

[ - ] Spaceman84 1 point 2 weeksMay 18, 2024 22:32:45 ago (+1/-0)

Arizona is 1/2 white, 1/3 spic and only 4.7% nigger. It’ll be interesting to see who did it. Poor marksmanship would indicate a nigger. Every name in the article is a spic though. The town of Surprise, Arizona is 86% white and less than 3% nigger.

[ - ] purityspiral 0 points 2 weeksMay 19, 2024 02:02:09 ago (+0/-0)

These are not normal white people though.

I thought the same before living there, I was from Texas where "white people" meant you knew that santa ana was in fact, the devil. They taught us that in elementary school. These are "the great whites" spoken of in fear and loathing, boomer faggots playing easyrider and catering to the tequila worms at every opportunity.

Srsly, its fucking depressing. There's no where left to go.