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8 comments block

[ - ] Crackinjokes 3 points 1 monthMay 15, 2024 11:56:02 ago (+3/-0)

It's true and many people have been saying it many places for over a year.

Even Candace Owens has come out and said it

And Zelensky Israel 2.0 articles have been around for more than a year.

It was pretty obvious when he allowed Jews to escape the draft but grabbed white Christian men fleeing across the border and forced them to the front lines.

Mother fucking sociopathic Jews.

[ - ] HatefulHomelessMan 0 points 4 weeksMay 17, 2024 04:00:39 ago (+0/-0)

The people on this site and others like it were saying pretty much exactly this before the war even started. too bad there are only hundreds of us on this site and others like it, here and there. At least there are still some small places where we can point at things, say jews did this, and then have others upvoting it rather than nuking an account. Even with U.S. based sites and forums there are hate speech laws or private-company policies that protect every group except non-jew Whites from any and all valid criticism.

[ - ] jerkofalltrades 1 point 1 monthMay 15, 2024 06:30:03 ago (+1/-0)

It's another god damn brother war. Slavs killing Slavs. Can't say it often enough. The kieven Rus are kiked but the Muscovites are too. And the kikes are the only ones winning.

Seriously, fuck Putin for playing along with this. To anyone who thinks Russia might come out on top or at least harder than before: they are selling out to the Chinese and pandering even more than before to their muslim minority. The best case scenario for Russia is to have bartered their most scarce resource - white males - to acquire more of their most abundant - under developed territory. Think about it everybody in Donbas could have gotten their own village in Siberia and the whole war would never have happened if Putin wasn't dancing to the tune of Israel as well.

[ - ] dass 0 points 1 monthMay 15, 2024 17:58:59 ago (+0/-0)

There is a weird disconnect - that anyone standing up to the kikes and globohomo militarily iss 'goinbg along with it'.
Fighting one's bully is playing along with your own demise.
Strange gaslight framing of the situation.

[ - ] jerkofalltrades -1 points 1 monthMay 15, 2024 20:48:23 ago (+0/-1)*

... dude, I get it. It's more fun to pretend Putin looks out for his people. You probably believe Trump's looking out for you from his round table alongside Sir Qcival and Sir MyPillot.

And who knows maybe I am the idiot and Putin has his reasons other than his Mossad handlers' assignments. Bit I guess if I ask you why losses of 100.000 Russian servicemen kia is preferable to just taking in a few million refugees from Donbas your answer will be some nonsense about how eastern Ukraine is an integral part of mother Russia, right? Russia could have send tanks, arty and aviation to the separatist. They could have opted for a sneaky approach and unleashed a decades long campaign of terror bombings (IRA style). Or simply closed the pipelines the Ukrainians were dependent on. Instead the Russians opted for maximum death toll among their own ranks. And that's why you should think of him as Good Goy Putin.

[ - ] dass 0 points 1 monthMay 16, 2024 00:52:28 ago (+0/-0)*

Lmao, oh another one.

why losses of 100.000 Russian servicemen kia is preferable to just taking in a few million refugees from Donbas your answer will be some nonsense about how eastern Ukraine is an integral part of mother Russia,

Nah - NATO right on their border in a Country that was previously the main vector for invasion in both world wars, and the assured placement of NATO missle defense systems in ukraine - that are easily upgradable to nuclear capability is the obvious main existential National security concern known since the early 90's by both US foreign diplomats and NATO security officials as well as russian diplomats all saying the same thing, silly.

Lol - 'hurr durr - just take in refugees - no need to worry bout us in NATO'.

They could have opted for a sneaky approach and unleashed a decades long campaign of terror bombings (IRA style).

Tell us you know nothing about Ukraine intentions to become a MAP member of NATO, or NATO article 5 meaning any attack on a NATO member State automatically invokes a response by the entire Nato block.

You probably believe the ' reeee, russia wont stop at ukraine and will invade all of Europe'.

Keep your stupid msm fear porn to yourself.

[ - ] DoYouEvenShit 0 points 1 monthMay 16, 2024 00:30:24 ago (+0/-0)

just so you people know, using the term "whites" is implying that there are brown europeans. it's another jewish psyop with words that shouldn't be working but you're all falling for it and it's kind of pissing me off.

NO ONE ANYWHERE EVER WAS "WHITE". they're JUST european or ethnic american, and no european ever had brown skin

[ - ] 2plus2equals5 0 points 1 monthMay 15, 2024 14:36:17 ago (+0/-0)*

Controlled-opposition Trump: Make Weimar Great Again!

Weak nigs, bitch ass sjw faggots, old, young, they get eaten first.
Whyte farmers go first. Like utopia S. Africa. Until nothing is produced or guaranteed.
From ordering a 20oz t-bone to digging roots.

Destroy the definition of all human value. All humanity. All country. All self.
So (((we))) can buy it. Or just take it.
And own it.