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What is Clymat Chayinge? Why is it worth 130 trillion dollars? Why is foreign shithole country interference in your western elections guaranteed

submitted by dontbeaphaggot to whatever 1 monthMay 14, 2024 10:41:36 ago (+0/-1)     (files.catbox.moe)


This Biden cost is just the price for the carrot to the world to sign up to climate change bullshit, which is a bullshit created to further impoverish the west so that the global order can be kept under the control of the current western market maker parasites. Yellen said 'we'll fight Chyna with climate chaynge' and that 'its worth $130 tilion over the next 30 years', and they set up a global 'clymate chaynge' victim fund that the west is suppose to cough up into to the tune of $130 trillion in 39 years. All the while Jew organizations train foreign shithole countries lawyers on how to sue the west for climate chaynge that 'destroyed their country via floods'. And of course there also weather manipulation now that all the shithole countries r gonna be able to use to cause floods etc so that they can line up at the trough. All so that the fucking parasites that turned even out kids' health into a commodity, so that they can remain in power.

How can shithole countries even resist the $130 trillion dollar carrot? Now u get foreign interference in your elections GUARANFREAKINTEED


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