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[ - ] PrincessRobotBubblegum 0 points 1 monthMay 12, 2024 03:25:52 ago (+0/-0)

The Paul Pelosi thing was real?

@RadMoth in Twitter said he broke the bannister while being buttfucked.

Could that be why i was banned?

Nobody ever tells me squat.

Is this why?

Thought he was actually beaten by law enforcement.

Suppose sodomized by law enforcement & broke the bannister is as likely as that he had a homeless attacker wearing only underwear.

Was gonna retract that. Not now.

They want the truth, law enforcement should start telling the truth for a change.

Now it's all: "Shit Sticks Together FTW"

Where FTW is "Fuck the World."

Golly, but i'm feeling peevish.