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To those who say the campus protests are all jewish astroturf let me ask you this: If it was a bunch of based whites protesting zionism, would the tactic of astroturfing and reporting them as 'leftwing commies' change?

submitted by prototype to whatever 4 weeksMay 3, 2024 21:44:07 ago (+3/-2)     (whatever)

If the protest is effective, then ignoring it becomes impossible, so that wouldn't be it.

The 'leaders' you see in the videos, are the same videos you see of hijab wearing socialists showing up and claiming to be responsible for the protests.

Ask yourself why.

5 comments block

[ - ] Reawakened 2 points 4 weeksMay 3, 2024 23:31:39 ago (+2/-0)

The first thing is, I don't think based Whites protesting zionism would be allowed to go on anywhere for more than about 15 minutes. It would be right wing nazi extremists all day every day. That would be the narrative by both sides of the media spectrum.

That said, the question is not "would the tactic of astroturfing and reporting them as left wing commies change", but rather, who is doing the reporting and what is the agenda. We know who is doing the reporting and we know what the agenda is.

My suspicion, ironically, is to use the local distraction of the protests to draw attention away from the actual horrors and manipulations taking place and being put in place by the jews. How many westerners are actually looking at what's going on beyond a casual glance as the result of these protests? Do you think Americans are more focused on women and children being slaughtered wholesale, or jews getting their feelings hurt? jews know all this.

Ultimately, I think the goal is to genocide Gaza by any means necessary, create enough sympathy for the palestinians so that they can be relocated to western countries. I think this is the jews continuing their land grab and exporting their problems, again. Win-win for them. Get rid of the palestinians and further destroy White countries. In the mean time, they can top up their victim card.

[ - ] FreeinTX 0 points 4 weeksMay 3, 2024 23:14:58 ago (+0/-0)

The point of the astroturf would be to shift the narrative away from the jews being named and to place the blame of current events in Gaza, and massive US funding to Israel on Israeli policy and White Colonization.

The people organizing these protests are demanding sanctions against Israel, like BDS. Ban, Divest, and Sanction Israel, not the jews. And demanding a cease fire, by the Israeli government, not the jews.

If the niggers of BLM get together with the muzzies that actually do hate jews, and they both start naming the jew, it's gonna be a problem for the jews.

On the front end, those guided by the main stream media are demanding that jews not be named. Passing laws to punish those that name the jew. And, putting out ridiculous stories about muzzie atrocities against the jews, making the jews the victims.

On the other side, the protesters are also demanding that this isn't about the jews, it's about Israeli policy and White colonization that led to the State of Israel being formed and stealing "brown people's" land.

What's missing from both sides is the obvious truth. It's the fuckin' jews who run Israel, being fuckin' jews and doing what filthy fuckin' jews do. Genocide those who are not jews.

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 1 point 4 weeksMay 3, 2024 22:14:46 ago (+1/-0)

I think it's legit for the most part. There's definitely paid protesters and agitators, but we really haven't seen protests this peaceful in a long time. Are they useful idiots? Of course they are. Anyone that sheds tears for dead sand niggers is retarded. It is triggering a mass awakening to jewish control, so I like that very much. Considering the backlash, I think it's very much in our favor. It's destined to devolve like occupy wall Street did, but right now it's spicy and very useful to the counter narrative.

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 4 weeksMay 3, 2024 22:13:12 ago (+1/-1)

I'd support either one to the death because I stand for our constitution and what it was written for as long as they are American.

What I won't stand for his self entitled gated community sheltered kids that spout yiddish hate of my country and call the American flag racist and replace it with the degeneracy flag. And then chant death to America.

That's not free speech that's inciting violence against America within American borders and that needs to be eradicated.

America for Americans.

[ - ] Spaceman84 1 point 4 weeksMay 3, 2024 22:09:19 ago (+1/-0)

There was some paid rabble rousing. There always is. Doesn’t make it manufactured.