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Almost Half of Health Care Workers Hesitant to Take COVID-19 Boosters: Study

submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to Health 1 monthMay 3, 2024 19:59:06 ago (+5/-0)     (www.theepochtimes.com)


Six health care workers reported suffering negative adverse effects after previously taking COVID-19 shots in the report.

the magic number pops again.anyhow, my bro has nurse friend and the vaxx destroyed her blood pressure for good and my mom heard another nurse curse the vaxx at her healthcare facility.

six ppl my ass. there's more cases but the media is quiet because it was part and parcel of the whole scheme

7 comments block

[ - ] FreeinTX 1 point 1 monthMay 3, 2024 20:01:44 ago (+1/-0)

I think every hospital in Texas dropped their covid jab mandate. No way to keep staff. Everyone knows.

[ - ] dosvydanya_freedomz [op] 1 point 1 monthMay 3, 2024 20:19:11 ago (+1/-0)

you got that right

[ - ] dosvydanya_freedomz [op] 2 points 1 monthMay 3, 2024 20:22:09 ago (+2/-0)

from a zerohedge commenter:

The picture painted in this article is pure BS. Just so happens that I travel extensively and know people in many countries, including health care workers.

They know that people are dropping dead like flies. Heart problems almost never seen in young people, weird turbo cancers, etc. Also strange psychiatric stuff. They see it every day. They know, even if many can not face it and never talk about it.

Athletes, young and super healthy, are dropping on the fields. And now, I hear that the UK is saying they plan to compensate vaxx victims. People in other European countries caught wind of this, and are beginning to freak out.

But the health care workers have known for a long time, especially ambulance drivers. And guess what? I have first hand in some cases, and second hand from good sources in other cases, that ambulances in many, many countries have stopped using their sirens. Soon after the vaxx started, people living near hospitals were seeing and hearing a huge increase in ambulances passing. Now, they only see them. Sirens are off

The bad guys are trying to manage perceptions and slowly acclimate the public to a new (and largely blame free) reality of vaxxed people kicking off. Unfortunately, most people these days are so non reactive that they go along with whatever.

The truth is that we are living a nightmare.

[ - ] RMGoetbbels 2 points 1 monthMay 3, 2024 23:33:37 ago (+2/-0)

They are debating and hesitant to take their 5th shot? Ohhhh my.

[ - ] boekanier 0 points 1 monthMay 4, 2024 01:11:19 ago (+0/-0)

'hesitant' in that word lies it all. Will you be required to undergo that vaccination? then run away, as fast as your legs can carry you

[ - ] SecretHitler 1 point 1 monthMay 4, 2024 01:53:56 ago (+1/-0)

I know one personally.

[ - ] DeusExMachina 0 points 1 monthMay 4, 2024 02:02:21 ago (+0/-0)*

Oh, thank Chuck Schumer and the holy Starbucks! That means more boosters for me and my polycule. Those essential healthcare heroes are like the Avengers in Infinity wars and we should all fellate them for their sacrifice except now they aren't max-boosted and their germs would probably infect us. So we won't. Also, these people should be fired for such callous and reckless behavior in their utter disregard for the sanctity of community health needs. I'm also pretty sure I heard someone say that one of them said the n-word on twitter.

t. reddit