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[ - ] Crackinjokes 0 points 1 monthMay 3, 2024 18:46:32 ago (+0/-0)

It's a July that these protests are leftists or communist or dei proponents. These are people protesting against Jews and Israel and the lethal genocide they're doing. The Jews and Soros have hired a couple Palestinian look alikes to go in there and make it seem like it's all about Palestine and it's all leftists that's what the Soros hired people are there for. But the fact of the matter is there's been a widespread Awakening in the United States especially among the youth spread a lot by tick tock which is why they're trying to shut it down that Jews are evil and Israel is evil and that's the majority of the people that are occupying these campuses.

If you come on here and you say it's a bunch of leftists and a bunch of Communists you're playing right into the Jews hands if you aren't a Jew yourself.

This is a widespread auntie Jew Awakening happening all across the country and don't let them couch it as a bunch of crazy little liberal kids doing things. There aren't enough radical liberals and Communists on any one of these campuses to make up the size crowds we're seeing on these campuses.

oh and by the way right after the police clear these places out guess what more and more students are coming back and the crowds are bigger than they were before.

Everybody is realizing that Jews are the problem. That's what these protests are. Do not let the Jewish media fool you. Don't let the Jewish plants on this website for you and make you think that they're just all a bunch of Little radical spoiled communist kids. I repeat there are not enough of those radical spoiled communist leftist kids on these campuses to make up the big crowds we're seeing.