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Three Bastard Badgeniggers Blown To Bits! This is funny. Fucking pigs getting shot while trying to go after a felon with a firearm. You can’t even write this stuff. The irony. Poetic justice

submitted by TheOriginal1Icemonkey to whatever 1 monthApr 29, 2024 19:30:47 ago (+6/-4)     (archive.ph)


Let’s just assume the “felon” with a firearm was a felon because of some mundane and victimless crime. Maybe he took a deal from the jewish DA when he should have gone to trial. Why won’t they say who he was and what he was convicted of. Either way, when badgeniggers lose at ‘cops and robbers’, it’s kinda funny.

11 comments block

[ - ] Peleg 3 points 1 monthApr 29, 2024 19:59:13 ago (+3/-0)

Badgeniggers. LOL! I like that. I'll be using that, thank you very much.

[ - ] Doglegwarrior 2 points 1 monthApr 29, 2024 20:46:19 ago (+2/-0)

And when people say why don't cops focus on taking guns from criminals.. here is the perfect example of why they don't want to fuck with taking criminals guns but want to take guns from regular citizens

[ - ] s23erdctfvyg 2 points 1 monthApr 29, 2024 20:16:53 ago (+2/-0)

The warrant was for his illegal possession of a firearm as well.
If someone is too dangerous to have a firearm, they are too dangerous to have around in society.
If someone is not too dangerous to be in society, then they should have never gotten a felony, and should not have gotten their Second Amendment rights taken away.

Three zogbots died and five were injured thanks to the very system they enforce.
It truly is poetry.

[ - ] Kozel 1 point 1 monthApr 29, 2024 19:39:56 ago (+1/-0)

So sad. 😿😿😿

thoughts and prayers, hope he finds valhalla

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 1 monthApr 29, 2024 22:59:04 ago (+0/-0)

Goes along the lines of the standards being lowered to the point that they aren't being trained in police work because it might be deemed raycis if jaykwarious duhh 12st or shayneesaqweefah has to lissen tuh hoooowytee bout dey training one mo gain!

[ - ] beece 0 points 1 monthApr 29, 2024 20:50:43 ago (+2/-2)*

Not funny to me licemonkey. Somehow the jewish da's and jewish supported Da's (Geo. Soro's has spent multi-millions to put these soft on crime Da's into positions) who repeatedly allow the most violent assholes back onto the streets get your support? You don't know if what, or how many, this criminals crimes were, they haven't released the name or the color. If the dude was a "white supremacist" you know it would be blared in all of the (((headlines))) repeatedly. No names have been released, including the officers names. None of us know who the "good guys" nor "the bad guys" are yet. Here's the last asshole who killed 2 cops licemonkey. Think this is "funny"? fuck you. You support this douchnozzel "yo yo yo Demeatrius Antonio Montgomery"? https://www.wbtv.com/story/18422511/appeal-denied-for-man-found-guilty-of-killing-two-cmpd-officers/

The jewish media that both emphasizes that these poor underprivileged criminals should be treated lightly and set free while also hiding (by not publishing) their long list of previous crimes so that we, the people, don't see the 20 previous crimes they were set free over also gets your support?

(((They))) are causing things like this to occur so that they can take honest peoples firearms and other rights away. They do it intentionally to destabilize society.

(((They're))) tearing our country down and you're buying into it you dumbfuck. Fuck you licemonkey you fucking dense retard. As a minimum, wait and see before drawing conclusions. If it's not some nigger named Demonche or LeMarcus who earlier murdered a couple of people, we'll talk about that when it comes out.



[ - ] TheOriginal1Icemonkey [op] 2 points 1 monthApr 29, 2024 21:37:21 ago (+2/-0)

I can see your view on this. I’m not mad at that. There’s no need to say “fuck you” to me.

[ - ] beece -2 points 1 monthApr 29, 2024 22:54:01 ago (+0/-2)*

Ahh, but there appears that there is as need monkey. So fuck you for supporting unnecessary (((bullshit))) and the jewish tear down of society and disarmament program. FUCK YOU. I upvoated your last point, as it was more reasonable than either your first post or my response. Best regards to you, and fuck you too.

[ - ] dassar 1 point 1 monthApr 30, 2024 16:16:07 ago (+1/-0)

Meh, stopping getting upset your precious badge-nigger zog bots are getting blown away ...

[ - ] beece -3 points 1 monthApr 30, 2024 12:27:06 ago (+0/-3)

See lice monkey, I told you so you fucking dumb ass, read up on it now. https://www.upgoat.net/viewpost?postid=663105b21fa61