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2 comments block

[ - ] FreeinTX 3 points 1 monthApr 24, 2024 06:47:49 ago (+3/-0)

The 2021 Chechen Republic head election took place on 17–19 September 2021 alongside national parliamentary elections. Incumbent Head Ramzan Kadyrov was re-elected for his fourth term.

"Tyrants" getting overwhelmingly elected to a 4th term with massive popular support.

Not like the "tyrant" that steals an election by 144,000 out of 150 Million votes then has his political opponents prosecuted for novel interpretations of law.

Or, the "tyrant" that bans his political opposition parties, arrests journalists critical of his leadership during a war, and cancels elections, altogether.

[ - ] yesiknow 1 point 1 monthApr 24, 2024 09:31:29 ago (+1/-0)

Muslims and Blacks have to have tyrants and expect it, and do better under it.

It's the cunt cult that thinks "Everyone is the same under the skin" so they think they can control what everyone else is. It's the belief of a psychopath and came from Frank Boaz a jew who never for a nanosecond of his existence thought non jews were anything but animals all one and the same, while jews were god.