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7 comments block

[ - ] Sheitstrom 3 points 1 monthApr 24, 2024 04:24:27 ago (+3/-0)

By the same token, socialized healthcare gives the government and deep state what they have always wanted: total power over life and death. Look at Canada, with doctors still to this day being asked to euthanize the "mentally ill", poor, depressed or otherwise indigent. The Canuck government is salivating at more dead bodies, more suicides, more death.

What they want in socialized medicine, and what they've achieved in Canada, is far more evil than simply tying work to healthcare. They want you to choose legal suicide, and eventually they want to do the deciding themselves.

[ - ] TheYiddler 1 point 1 monthApr 24, 2024 06:21:09 ago (+1/-0)

It's worse in Canada. They only offer euthanasia for whites. They'll bend over backwards to treat Inuits and niggers.

[ - ] yesiknow 2 points 1 monthApr 24, 2024 06:06:02 ago (+2/-0)

No. That's a feint, a fake and a manipulation. It sounds like the Chinese version of communist propaganda

Socialist medicine is easier to rob. Nobody sees a bill or gives a shit about three hundred dollar tongue depressors. The global corporation jews very much want socialist medicine. In either system, they can charge $250,000 for a kindle in a large plastic housing with a monitor and a few sensors attached. The private insurance company can unfriend them over that at any time. There hasn't been a politician or government agency head in Britain or Canada who's done anything but kiss their ass since 1968.

There's up to three year waiting lists to see a specialist to treat your cancer in socialist utopia Canada who's going to make Nigerian witch doctors full doctors after convincing liberals taxi drives are all doctors, and have blocked Whites from medical training since the 1970's to sell the seats to foreign countries. It won't make any difference who's handing out the benzodiazepams, because that's the doctor's job today. They also think about how much you're going to "cost the system" and whether you're worth the expenditure or not because they're euthanizers. Socalist utopia is all about greed all of the time.

It's the media empire owned and funded by the international bankers, who are the one percent, and religious cult of communist jews who convinced Americans along with everyone else that Americans are dying from appendicitis and everything else because they can't afford doctors. Corporations said that

People in Britain and Canada can't have a doctor at all. The money goes to social science to keep psychotics homeless along with drug addicts who soaked up the bullshit like prohibition doesn't work, they're self medicating a mental illness and drugs are better than alcohol. While Myanmar is given immunity to export massive amounts of heroin, fentanyl and meth. No socialist money goes to treatment. Socialist money is slave labour. You wont find anyone of any political bullshit who doesn't want the addicts treated

Canada and Britain have the highest rates of foster kids in the world because money for medical is redirected to social science grads like reporters and social workers. Social workers remove all civil rights, which is exactly what progressive corporate America is doing by dictating identity groups that erase individual.

Seeing your personal bill for medical treatment makes you an individual, and a more responsible one. Whether you pay it or not is irrelevent. Charity does that under capitalism.

Socialist medicine isn't going to fix any of what;s fucked in America. It will make anything good much worse.

China propagandized traditional medicine because thy don't want to spend on empirical Western treatments. More people die from that than actual medicine.

All those millions and millions of internet propaganda pages about "take this herb, take that herb" are preparing Americans for the loss of medicine.

[ - ] Conspirologist [op] -2 points 1 monthApr 24, 2024 11:35:42 ago (+0/-2)

You must be a boomer obsessed with communism. US had free healthcare. It was destroyed by Nixon. Educate yourself. Europe has great free healthcare.

[ - ] yesiknow 1 point 1 monthApr 24, 2024 12:44:33 ago (+1/-0)

Free healthcare so the doctors worked for free?

[ - ] lord_nougat 0 points 1 monthApr 24, 2024 16:57:01 ago (+0/-0)

They were slaves.

[ - ] FreeinTX 1 point 1 monthApr 24, 2024 07:03:50 ago (+1/-0)

Large corporations are not opposed to universal healthcare. They are the leading sponsors of it.