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9 comments block

[ - ] FreeinTX 1 point 1 monthApr 18, 2024 06:46:21 ago (+1/-0)

There is no reason to believe that Americans would freak out and start killing each other by the millions or be rendered so hopeless that we just die by the millions for no other reason than the electricity was cut off in an area hit by an EMP.

"Chaos" is Hollywood fear porn and the bullshit excuse the government uses to maintain secrecy.

[ - ] paul_neri [op] 0 points 1 monthApr 18, 2024 06:57:34 ago (+0/-0)

"There is no reason".

Dude...there [apparently] is because the US military said that would happen:

"The US military warned in 2018 that Iran was developing such arms and the deadly consequences they could have if used, estimating that an EMP attack on American soil could kill millions in the utter chaos they would create.".

If true, the US Military would have the expertise to make that judgement.

[ - ] FreeinTX 1 point 1 monthApr 18, 2024 07:15:43 ago (+1/-0)

But that's what I'm saying.

"Chaos" is fear porn created in Hollywood. They've made so many movies about "chaos" causing mass casualties. Government (which includes the military) pushes this to their own benefit. They justify all sorts of stupid shit in the name of "preventing chaos" and say it's to prevent the mass casualties that come along with the chaos, but fact is, there has NEVER been a chaotic event where mass casualties broke out as a result of chaos. Never! And, there is no reason to believe it ever would, other than watching movies and listening to the government "warning" you about it.

[ - ] paul_neri [op] 0 points 1 monthApr 18, 2024 07:24:03 ago (+0/-0)

You could be right. We all tend to push our own barrows when in Government etc.

"there has NEVER been a chaotic event where mass casualties broke out as a result of chaos. Never! "


[ - ] FreeinTX 0 points 1 monthApr 18, 2024 07:58:55 ago (+0/-0)

Street shitters doing low IQ shit isn't a problem in predominantly white countries, and the NYT isn't going to be the standard bearer for reality in countries that I know little about.

[ - ] localsal 0 points 1 monthApr 18, 2024 08:47:16 ago (+0/-0)

The (((elites))) fear the EMP because that will let all the peasants storm the castles without the zogbots being able to protect them. That is the only reason the EMP is considered (((dangerous))).

Normal citizens will have time and opportunities to let their (((elected))) representatives know exactly how they feel. And it could be glorious.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1 monthApr 18, 2024 09:01:48 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Lordbananafist 0 points 1 monthApr 18, 2024 11:10:33 ago (+0/-0)

it's 8800 square miles.

all of the jews are going to leave in drips and drabs through commercial transport.

then they're going to make a story about 6 million jews who remained in israel. then israel is going to collapse into it's own footprint.

then the story of the 6 million that remained will be the guilt trip for the next harvest cycle of goy deaths that happen after it "collapses".

that's why iran doesn't really "attack" it.

it's supposed to disappear. like a magic trick.

[ - ] Cunty 0 points 1 monthApr 18, 2024 12:43:13 ago (+0/-0)

Your old ways are back I see, I take it your batteries have recharged and you're back to great mongering and the usual shite, got it, thx.

[ - ] Anus_Expander 0 points 1 monthApr 18, 2024 16:14:51 ago (+0/-0)

Go soak your head, Queeri