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Lithium Ion Battery pollution by the United States

submitted by DoYouEvenShit to WorldPolitics 1 monthApr 16, 2024 18:06:03 ago (+6/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


The average lithium ion battery in the regular size drones are 500 grams (about 1 pound) and the small drone's lithium ion battery is no less than 100 grams.

The Zionist Occupied United States is blowing up 1500-3000 drones per day in the land Russia is taking back from ZoG occupied Ukraine. This is resulting in about 3.15 metric tons of lithium pollution per week in drones alone. Which is 163.6 metric tons of lithium and other polluting material on the ground per year.

These batteries also contain cobalt, nickel, and other substances used in the battery's construction, which are also being dumped on the field and are also highly toxic to life.

This land will have these pollutants seeping into the ground for 100+ years, and these are elements, so they NEVER break down and will forever seep into food and water sources. Speaking of water sources, the US has been EMPing those drone attacks in on the aircraft carriers too - dropping those toxic chemicals right into the ocean.

This Jewish thirst for blood needs to stop, especially in the killing of the European Master Races. We love our European brethren from Portugal to the tip of the Bering Land Strait in Russia.

2 comments block

[ - ] Kozel 1 point 1 monthApr 16, 2024 21:10:59 ago (+1/-0)

I bet the pollution from disposable vapes is multitude higher than lithium pollution in the war

The most terrible pollution there right now is from depleted uranium shells which now permeaate the uniquely fertile chernozem earth of Ukraine and will cause uncountable birth defects in the coming centuries.

[ - ] ItsOk2bArian 0 points 1 monthApr 17, 2024 02:33:18 ago (+0/-0)

Yeah and smokers get cancer because 75 years ago the governments agriculture department convinced tobacco farmers that nuclear waste would make good fertilizer. That's why cigarettes have trace amounts of radioactive material.
The shit show has been around a long time and it's still gaining momentum