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Christians massacred by Jews

submitted by Cantaloupe to whatever 2 monthsMar 23, 2024 01:19:10 ago (+18/-0)     (media.scored.co)


2 comments block

[ - ] MartinTimothy 5 points 2 monthsMar 23, 2024 03:52:33 ago (+5/-0)*

Jews did the Armenians in after exploiting their well known penchant for treachery, the Turks do not deny they suffered however they say they had it coming for siding with Russia in the 1915 Sarakamish Campaign.

Prior to the 1914-1918 First World War, Turkish politics had been infiltrated by Sephardic Jews called "The Young Turks." Political power in Britain, France and Russia was similarly in the hands of Jews, thus in 1915 Jew proxies in Russia attacked Turkey from the North, while Winston Churchill's British and French legions attacked at Gallipoli in the South.

The Turks repulsed the enemy on the Southern Front taking the lives of some one hundred and fifty thousand British, French, Indian, Canadian, South African, Australian and New Zealand troops, they conceded territory in the North however after the YT's sent an academic General from the Staff College to replace the General Officer in Command of the Northern Army.

13 yo Armenian Volunteer at the Battle of Sarakamish.

In response to a coordinated campaign of criticism from the Zionist press, of his decision to place the Army into winter quarters while the tactical situation was at a stalemate due to the weather, and while the Russian Army complete with its contingent of Armenian Nationalists was similarly quartered on the other side of the Sarakamish Mountains.

Sarakamish 1915.

The clown the YT's put in charge wanted to emulate Napoleon's crossing of the Alps, and after declining to participate in a duel with the General he was sent to replace, ordered the army into the mountains during a blizzard in the middle of winter with inadequate clothing and footwear, whence some sixty thousand or so froze to death.

Young Turks.

Armenia has remained a proxy state of Russia thence Jews ever since, while the reprisals against the Armenians carried out in the name of Turkey now known as the Armenian Genocide, were coordinated by the same Young Turks agents of international Jewry who had started the trouble in the first place.

Who had worked in coordination with Jew proxy Churchill and the Jew dominated Russian leadership to by way of war inherit what remained of the Ottoman Empire, and to provide an everlasting point of contention between Armenia and Turkey they would continue to exploit to their own ends.

Nathanael Kapner - Jews Plotted the Armenian Holocaust.
Crypto Jews Perpetrated the Armenian Genocide & Blamed Turks.
Christopher Jon Bjerknes - The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians pdf.
NationalVanguard - Jew Bankers Caused Both World Wars and the Armenian Genocide.

Kurdish paramilitaries allegedly carried out the legwork of slaughter during the AG.

[ - ] boekanier 0 points 2 monthsMar 23, 2024 06:01:41 ago (+0/-0)

christians or whatever, these were humans massacred by beasts