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"Who Could Have Seen This Coming?"

submitted by BulletStopper to Niggers 2 monthsMar 21, 2024 14:06:19 ago (+31/-0)     (media.scored.co)


Ummm... me.

"Decades of neglect"

"Apartheid ending in the 90s"

Pretty sure these two have something to do with it.

"But I did have water this morning."


Not one single nigger country has been able to escape poverty and/or form/maintain a civilized society. And every time they've been handed one ready-made, given all the tools and structure needed to succeed, and even trillions of dollars, they've devolved right back into poverty, chaos, and rampant violence.

There’s just no substitute for a White IQ and a good work ethic. When your society is mostly White People, even jobs that seem menial or low status are still being performed by White Men with an inate desire to do every task the right way. You take for granted that you have reliable utilities like power and water. You know the importance of competent linemen and plumbers. Until you stop hiring Whites for those jobs. Then it turns out that a sub-80 IQ race cannot keep the power on or the water running. They just can’t.

The solution is "nigger-shedding".

14 comments block

[ - ] TheBigGuyFromQueens 6 points 2 monthsMar 21, 2024 18:16:01 ago (+6/-0)*

I work at a company with mostly niggers and they refuse to do even the most basic parts of their job. At least the African ones can write well and are good at pretending to do work. Most of the American Blacks don’t even pretend and are openly apathetic. The company that contracts my company is slightly worse andw is a DEI nightmare of nogs and spics who are basically just collecting a welfare check. I stay because the pay is decent and the expectations are so low that I’m basically like a god there.

[ - ] BulletStopper [op] 3 points 2 monthsMar 21, 2024 18:26:17 ago (+3/-0)

One thing that cannot be discounted is the social pressure to always do your best to do a good job when in a White working environment.

During the summers for a couple years, when I was a teenager, I worked for the city parks maintenance department along with some of my friends from school. Mowing grass. Painting. Installing swingsets. All under adult supervision and all Whites.

The adults were generally pretty good solid guys, but city parks maintenance was about as far as they were going in life and they knew it. But. They were the guys in charge, and I don't remember anybody trying to get away with doing a half-assed job on anything. You just didn't.

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 2 monthsMar 21, 2024 20:13:13 ago (+0/-0)

American Blacks


[ - ] JustALover 5 points 2 monthsMar 21, 2024 16:58:34 ago (+5/-0)

Let us never forget that it was the jews in the south african communist party and their globalist allies around the world that were instrumental in boycotting and excluding white south africa for decades until the trait FW de Klerk finally gave away the country to his (((owners))).

He and the terrorist Nelson Mandela were both awarded the Nobel Peace Price for replacing a working country with "democracy".

Thanks jews.

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 4 points 2 monthsMar 21, 2024 18:41:51 ago (+4/-0)

Civilization is incommunicable.

[ - ] Clubberlang 2 points 2 monthsMar 21, 2024 20:12:19 ago (+2/-0)

And every time they've been handed one ready-made, given all the tools and structure needed to succeed, and even trillions of dollars, they've devolved right back into poverty, chaos, and rampant violence.

America's future.

[ - ] coldsoak 1 point 2 monthsMar 22, 2024 05:11:30 ago (+1/-0)

Will they have an "Artists to restart apartheid concert"???

[ - ] JustALover 0 points 2 monthsMar 22, 2024 11:22:10 ago (+0/-0)

No. The artists only made those performances because their jewish managers told them to.

They didn't really care about the south african people, white or black, or they would have read up on how the whites improved the country while the blacks were perfectly happy to lie about all day, picking fruit off the trees and killing any nearby animal for food for the day.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 2 monthsMar 21, 2024 21:44:15 ago (+1/-0)*


[ - ] HeavyBrain 1 point 2 monthsMar 21, 2024 16:50:15 ago (+1/-0)

If you break the cooper pipes the water stops, but those are two conditions, two to many for even future nigger to understand.

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 2 monthsMar 21, 2024 20:15:31 ago (+0/-0)

I thought a cooper was a brewer.

[ - ] RMGoetbbels 1 point 2 monthsMar 21, 2024 16:44:25 ago (+1/-0)

Let the niggers die off until they can be self sufficient and then dust off a few more to cope with their overactive breeding,

[ - ] osomperne -1 points 2 monthsMar 21, 2024 17:49:03 ago (+1/-2)

there is no water shortage anywhere.

I've been trying to tell everyone for years that in the last shale revolution, the invention of multilateral drilling has made it possible to suck every last drop out of the ground. this is how israel dried up the river going to palestine, this is how Nestle dried up the rivers going into mexico, which is how the wild fires started in california, canada and australia alike. and they just put these "news" articles out there as bait for climate retards to pick up on and you idiots to take a neutral stance and be a platform for the climate retards to operate on.

[ - ] JustALover 0 points 2 monthsMar 22, 2024 11:23:13 ago (+0/-0)

Are you a sovereign citizen? They didn't mean "water shortage" as in "there is no water", but as in "the water is not being transported to the people".