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20 comments block

[ - ] BulletStopper 7 points 4 monthsFeb 2, 2024 22:26:16 ago (+7/-0)*

Governor Kathy Hoch NEW: New York has secured over $183 million in compensation for Holocaust victims

Yeah, kathy, but where did the money come from, exactly? America? If so, then why? Why are Americans paying old jews for breathing?


...and their heirs.

Uh-huh. So this grift is never, EVER going to fucking end, is it?

[ - ] deleted 4 points 4 monthsFeb 3, 2024 00:38:53 ago (+4/-0)


[ - ] Equalizer 2 points 4 monthsFeb 3, 2024 06:05:47 ago (+2/-0)

Exactly why are local government in the U.S. raising funds and paying for it. It begs the question where this money came from and using taxpayer money to pay for the effort to get this money in staff and time at minimum. And "heirs"? the eternal scam. Even after the last holocaust victims should be dead they will keep paying jews forever.

Who is she talking to when she said "hate has no home", like the Americans who fought "the bad guys" are the bad guys.

Jews are flexing hard with this, demoralizing the goy and just showing they are the enemy.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 4 monthsFeb 3, 2024 09:53:35 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 4 points 4 monthsFeb 2, 2024 21:57:14 ago (+4/-0)

Oh, the niggers are gonna love that. First you fill their nigger schools with illegal alien shelters, and next you give the tunneling kikes a bunch of money they don't need. They can be turned into quite the vicious weapon, as we're all aware, that's suddenly turned against the kikes if this gets pushed the right way.

Maybe signal blm while you post about it, really give it some legs. This has some potential.

[ - ] Spaulding 0 points 4 monthsFeb 3, 2024 01:43:43 ago (+0/-0)

Yep. Good take.

[ - ] NoRefunds 3 points 4 monthsFeb 3, 2024 03:47:15 ago (+3/-0)

Fuck the WW2 veterans and their kids right? The kids that grew up fatherless because they were fighting for ZOG.

[ - ] jigganiggaboo 3 points 4 monthsFeb 3, 2024 03:19:58 ago (+3/-0)

"Their heirs" They are litteraly inheriting their grandparents so called victomhood

[ - ] TheOriginal1Icemonkey 3 points 4 monthsFeb 2, 2024 23:29:37 ago (+3/-0)

NYC is the western jewish Mecca.

[ - ] Outlaw_Aryan 3 points 4 monthsFeb 3, 2024 01:18:44 ago (+3/-0)

Its mind blowing that almost 80 years after this didn't happen that it's still getting so much attention. For the sake of argument let's say the Krauts toasted 6 million JOOZ. It was 80 fucking years ago! Sure, in 1945 this grift would've been much easier to pull off but what's the excuse now? With all the information available now how are people still falling for this and even if they are, what's the money for now? Even if you go by worst case scenario, anyone who "survived" is AT LEAST in their 80's by now so what's this money for? Even fentanyl Floyd is fading from memory. How have the JOOZ managed to pull this off for over 80 fucking years and pretend like it was just yesterday! Where'd the money come from and WHERE'S IT GOING? Enough already!

[ - ] Equalizer 0 points 4 monthsFeb 3, 2024 06:09:21 ago (+0/-0)

Its mind blowing that almost 80 years after this didn't happen that it's still getting so much attention.

They will never let the goy forget. Keep saying nazi and calling people nazis. Keep Hollywood films like the latest Indiana Jones movie be about fighting the nazis, remember the Wonder Woman movie - fighting nazis. They will never let the goy forget.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 4 monthsFeb 3, 2024 23:10:38 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] TheOriginal1Icemonkey 0 points 4 monthsFeb 3, 2024 11:20:45 ago (+0/-0)

Yeah, and what’s with every city in America having a hollowcost museum?

[ - ] ImplicationOverReason -1 points 4 monthsFeb 3, 2024 06:11:09 ago (+0/-1)

it's still getting so much attention

Because gentiles freely give attention to whatever a jew suggests. Nature doesn't shape suggestions; those within do to distract each other from perception.

For the sake of argument

'ARGUE, verb - "to reason; to overthrow a proposition; to dispute"...a mind (ment) in dispute (argue) is shaped by ones consent to anything suggested, hence all conflicts of reason being about the suggestions by others.

Meanwhile in reality...what nature proposes (all perceivable towards each ones perception) cannot be overthrown, hence there's no reasoning with nature, only implication (if/then).

A chosen one offers a suggestion and if one's choice consents, then the chosen one is being permitted to define (idolatry); redefine (revisionism) and contradict (talmudic reasoning) the suggested at will, while the gentiles are busy reasoning against one another over the suggestions by a so called jew.

easier to pull off

Nature pushes (inception towards death); while those living within can be pulled with suggestions to ignore that. Sleight of hand: "when push (inception towards death) comes to shove (life)".

the grift

Grift/Graft - "to propagate by insertion or inoculation"...suggestion implies inoculation by others; consent implies insertion into self.

what's this money for

M-ONE-Y aka my one...ones ownership claim over another.

Where'd the money come from and WHERE'S IT GOING?

Perceivable current (inception towards death) generates resisting vessels (life); suggested currency tempts to follow; burdens with debt, and drowns vessels.

[ - ] GlowNiggerDick 2 points 4 monthsFeb 3, 2024 09:09:40 ago (+2/-0)

Jew steals new York taxpayer money to hand out to her racial cohorts.

[ - ] HeavyBrain 2 points 4 monthsFeb 3, 2024 05:56:25 ago (+2/-0)

More tunnels comming up.

Digging is expensive, kidanpping and raping goy children then covering it up is cheap.

[ - ] TheBigGuyFromQueens 2 points 4 monthsFeb 3, 2024 03:32:08 ago (+2/-0)

I want my reparations for the potato famine and different shit that happened in Italy 2000 years ago.

[ - ] TheNoticing 2 points 4 monthsFeb 2, 2024 23:30:46 ago (+2/-0)


Total kike death

[ - ] Rob3122 2 points 4 monthsFeb 2, 2024 21:44:47 ago (+2/-0)

Where did they get that 183 million dollars?

[ - ] Shitstartercarter 0 points 4 monthsFeb 3, 2024 17:26:07 ago (+0/-0)

I legit would pack my bags sell my shit and leave if the state was actively stealing my hard earned money and giving it to those rats. It's hard to stop the feds from doing it, but if the state level is doing it too. I just would not put up with that. Parasites from the government giving our hard earned money to even bigger parasites.