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Good medium-length history of Sabbatean-Frankist pretend-Jews being the "Russian" mob and fucking up all kinds of nations, USA especially

submitted by MichelleObamasPenis to JewishCrimesMatter 5 monthsDec 19, 2023 05:21:21 ago (+6/-2)     (seemorerocks.is)


which is a copy from


also a 1000 page book on the Sabbatean-Frankists' (media "jews" or pretend-jews') semi-successful takeover of the world here:


another copy of the same here:



After [Zevi's] “conversion,” over a million followers, who later included financiers like the Rothschilds, imitated his example. But they didn’t just pretend to be Muslims or Christians. They pretended to be Jews as well.

Communist defector Bella Dodd revealed that during the 1930’s the Communist Party had 1100 members join the Catholic Priesthood. They became Bishops, Cardinals and possibly Popes.


[Zevi’s successor] Jacob Frank would have a great impact on the inner core of Freemasonry known as the Illuminati, formed in 1776. Freemasonry would become the hidden force behind events like the [American, French and Russian] revolutions, the creations of the U.N. & Israel, both World Wars (including the Holocaust!), and the assassinations of the Kennedy brothers who, together with their father, tried to thwart the efforts of the network on American soil.


The state of Israel is a major factor in the rise and power of the Jewish mafia. Jewish drug dealers, child porn pushers, and slave traders are _free from prosecution in Israel_. Israel does not consider these to be crimes, again, _so long as the victims are non-Jews_


With all the power that the Jewish mob has amassed, they are merely a pimple on the back of the master of them all, and a man who truly controls much of the globe. _There is no one on Earth more powerful than he_, and, as per usual, he remains unknown, left out of all press and television reports on the subject. The CIA considers him a “grave threat” to global security and the “world’s most dangerous man” (Friedman). The fact that he remains almost unknown shows the power of the Zionist-controlled media and their relentless drive to suppress all investigation into Jewish crime. He has created a massive, global communications network and employs hundreds of Ph.D.s in computer science, physics and economics to run his massive financial empire. He has penetrated every stock exchange in the world and controls much of the trading therein.

He was also the mastermind of the largest money-laundering scheme in U.S. history, “washing” $7 billion through the Bank of New York, which is a major branch of the Federal Reserve and his bank of choice. His name is Semion Mogilevich, born in 1946.

SAY HIS NAME: Semion Mogilevich

3 comments block

[ - ] Smedleys_Butler 1 point 5 monthsDec 20, 2023 22:30:22 ago (+1/-0)

Mogilevich interviews are crazy. Dude is ice cold

[ - ] yesiknow 3 points 5 monthsDec 19, 2023 07:47:06 ago (+3/-0)

The first part is excellent. The writer suggests that Putin isn't friends with Semion Mogilevich. Wikipedia has a tiny article on him, minimizing his importance and reach and jewishness, and claims Putin and him get along quite well.

As for stealing judaism anytime after the year one AD, no. THey've been kicked out of every country because they're evil.