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French march against antisemitism shakes up far right and far left

submitted by paul_neri to WorldPolitics 7 monthsNov 12, 2023 03:41:31 ago (+3/-3)     (www.bbc.com)


You 'merican boys with all your ... antisemitic ploys are out of step with the World Right!

2 comments block

[ - ] BulletStopper 0 points 6 monthsDec 1, 2023 12:22:03 ago (+0/-0)

You 'merican boys

TIL that whenever queeri says "American", he really means jews. In this case the jews in France.

IIRC, throwing the gates open to let invaders in (like poisoning wells) is an age old jew trick.

1) Let jews import millions of muslim shitskins to invade, overrun your country and destroy your entire society.

2) Cry out when they hate jews.

3) Profit?

[ - ] MartinTimothy 0 points 7 monthsNov 12, 2023 06:23:30 ago (+0/-0)*

Not withstanding the Zionist sponsored outrages currently underway in Occupied Palestine..

Since Jews attacked the US on 911 AntiSemitism is a patriotic duty and a moral responsibility, see the current conflict as a struggle between US and Talmudic Law, thus true patriots will continue to demand millions of Jews with every member of the political, law enforcement and media lobbies that support the deception, be brought to arrest, trial and execution as 911 traitors under US Law, while they will carry on doing what they will under the aegis of the Talmud .. we are gonna see who wins out.

Nor has France been spared Zionist terrorism - "Killed in a 2015 Paris terrorist attack!" Arstechnica.


The most prominent of the 2015 alleged Paris terror events, were the coordinated attacks on the Charlie Hebdo publishing house and the Bataclan Theater on November 13 that year, both of which were Zionist sponsored False Flags. Link.

Charlie Hebdo Shootings, False Flag.
How the West Created the Islamic State.
Paris Bataclan Attack Conspiracy Hoax Exposed.
NBC News Fake Interview Bataclan Survivor Paris.
Paris Attacks False Flag Op to Keep Bibi in Power.
Mass Shooting Drill on the Morning of Paris Attacks.
Paris & Copenhagen False Flags by Ole DammegÄrd.
Paris Psyop, Inside Job - Mossad Attacks Charlie Hebdo.
Mossad Has Carried Out Many False Flag Ops on French Soil.
Exercice Militaire Du Nov. 13, 2015 Paris - False Flag Au Bataclan.
Paris False Flag, Bataclan Eyewitness Hoax Actor Ginnie Watson.
Bataclan Paris Hoax - Fake Bombing & Shooting Terrorist Attack, France.
Paris Attacks False Flag Jewish Owners Sold Bataclan Theater Just Before [Alleged] Attack.

True French patriots decry the alleged attacks attributed to "Islamicists" as False Flag / Hoaxes, they despise the quislings who accept the official stories and call for the arrest, trial, and execution of the Zionist sponsored political and media lobbies that perpetuate the deceptions.


They are equally in contempt of Holocaust "acceptors," who fail to disclose Adolf Hitler and all of the top Nazis were Jews, that Jews infiltrated German politics then perped the Holocaust in the name of the German ppl, like they infiltrated US politics perped 911 then established the bogus War on Terror.

Their comeuppance will be by way of legal arrest and just trial under the capital anti terror strictures of existing French law, where after a lawful verdict of guilty so will the lot be off to the Guillotine .. anticipate a death toll among Jews to rival Hitler's tally.

Patriotism is all about standing firm in the face of the enemy, the lack of positive input in response to Zionist aggression illustrates the paucity of patriotism in the Gallic psyche, it is stand against them or go under and it is time the French got the lead out of their arses .. abortion is genocide.