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They're...actually the literal aggressors in this situation, and are still invoking the holohoax...

submitted by we_kill_creativity to CouldYouImagine 7 monthsOct 30, 2023 20:08:57 ago (+46/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


They either don't realize the magic has worn out on that idea, or are really fucking desperate.

8 comments block

[ - ] BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod 4 points 7 monthsOct 30, 2023 21:38:29 ago (+4/-0)

idk, i kinda want to see this trend.

[ - ] jigganiggaboo 3 points 7 monthsOct 30, 2023 21:50:09 ago (+3/-0)

Oh gwad we should be allowed to genocide whoever we want because we were holocausted 6 million times oy vey. If you don't you are an antisemite.

[ - ] Vrbllpollushin 5 points 7 monthsOct 30, 2023 23:05:21 ago (+5/-0)

Good job! Starting the process early!

[ - ] Version6 11 points 7 monthsOct 30, 2023 23:37:12 ago (+11/-0)

Cries out in pain as they strike

[ - ] MichaelStewart 0 points 7 monthsOct 31, 2023 01:44:48 ago (+0/-0)

I told them that they have to, actually.


[ - ] BulletStopper 2 points 7 monthsOct 31, 2023 01:49:32 ago (+2/-0)*

still invoking the holohoax

Why not? It's always worked for them before.

The problem is that they've been doing it for so long they've started to act as if they actually believe the con themselves.
Any grifter will tell you that you should never fall for your own con.

They'll keep doing it until people start laughing in their faces.

One side calls me "goy", and the other calls me "infidel". They both invade my country and want me dead.

Both sides can die of cancer. In a ditch. That's on a fire.

[ - ] HeavyBrain 1 point 7 monthsOct 31, 2023 05:12:42 ago (+1/-0)

OY vey don't you efver forget we are always on top of the victim Pyramid.

[ - ] Crackinjokes 0 points 7 monthsOct 31, 2023 05:50:35 ago (+0/-0)

You know all those women with the shaved heads in the camps they try to make them look like it's some horrible thing that was done to them. All Orthodox Jews women shave their head after puberty. They choose to do this shit to themselves. How they probably chose to wear Stars during Hitler's time. It's like the Jews on Twitter putting the Jewish star next to their name. They stuff in your face.