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Video about hyper-reality / genz / giving up

submitted by JustALover to whatever 7 monthsOct 23, 2023 00:07:13 ago (+2/-0)     (www.youtube.com)


I just saw an interesting video on Jootube about why Gen Z was giving up on life: whatever the boomers say is the path to a good life (school, family, hard work) is not realistic anymore due to the completely fucked economy. So Gen Z doesn't care anymore.

The video is interesting, saying that one's value in life is becoming based in a fleeting, virtual world that shifts constantly, but I found that the comments are interesting also.

The only issue is that the elites don’t want this to change. At all. They’ll make sure my generation, myself included, remains as depressed and anxious as possible. They want us to fight the wrong battles, too distracted to even notice that our lives are being ruined. They want to make sure that the few who do take notice can’t do anything about it, or are even too depressed to even try.

Which I believe explains how a lot of us feel.

Well, interesting stuff. Nothing I didn't know before, but now I have a clearer sense on how to explain how I feel to others.

1 comments block

[ - ] JustALover [op] 1 point 7 monthsOct 23, 2023 00:11:32 ago (+1/-0)

Another good comment:

As a 37 year old I can tell you one of the main things I notice is there isn’t as much of a community. I can remember the neighborhood I grew up in being alive and people knowing and interacting with there neighbors. Now at least from what I see, people are either too busy/tired to interact with neighbors or because of how easily you can connect with people all over the world through our phones we don’t feel the need to socialize with people we don’t already know.