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6 comments block

[ - ] KyleIsThisTall 1 point 8 monthsOct 14, 2023 16:50:46 ago (+1/-0)

Jon Leibowitz us a subversive kike

[ - ] yesiknow 2 points 8 monthsOct 12, 2023 08:17:42 ago (+2/-0)

Liebowitz. He stole a Scottish name.

Elon's little digs are meaningless gatekeeping for the globalists. It doesn't matter, because bad boy made his rebellious comment for everyone and the applause for that changes nothing.

Musk made his money because the globalists told every politician to give subsidies from your pay to asshole libtards to buy his cars and plug them into the magic wall to get electricity from coal to make them go.

No western oil, and the western nations have to stop producing 13% of the world's emissions because the globalists including elon musk are at war with us.

Musk's robot feminist breeder that was renamed Grimes gives interviews bitching about nature making women's bodies capable of producing a life and how awful that is, but she decided to put herself through the unnatural process anyway. (for the money) It's full blown cult talk. Nobody's hanging around a babbling cult member unless they're one, because it can't be done without wanting to punch them.

I wouldn't be surprised if they have to fuck in front of Schwab to produce.

[ - ] bobdole9 1 point 8 monthsOct 12, 2023 06:59:30 ago (+1/-0)

Same as it ever was.

[ - ] Inward 0 points 8 monthsOct 12, 2023 08:26:50 ago (+0/-0)

This is a clip that seems to recall via parody his getting lambasted for a previous commentnor segment. Do you have the original piece that set it off?

[ - ] Doglegwarrior -1 points 8 monthsOct 12, 2023 08:45:16 ago (+1/-2)

John Stewart is a gate keeper very similar to @honkymcniggerdicksucker he says a bunch of stuff that sounds good then when it matter to the people really trying to make change he is turned on by the jdif and the gatekeeping starts.

John Stewart sounded good about 9/11 victims but never said it was mossad the jews and Isreal behind 9/11

[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic 1 point 8 monthsOct 12, 2023 10:51:14 ago (+1/-0)

You're posting more and more now that israel isn't being attacked by freedom fighters. hmmm