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19 comments block

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 0 points 9 monthsSep 2, 2023 13:07:49 ago (+0/-0)

That "chief" is a white goy

[ - ] BulletStopper 2 points 9 monthsSep 2, 2023 05:37:10 ago (+2/-0)

res-nigger holohoax.

Can't wait to hear the "survivor" stories about showers and soap.
(how the White Man made them bathe and it nearly killed them).

[ - ] selfpropelled 4 points 9 monthsSep 1, 2023 23:51:53 ago (+4/-0)

White people are the best thing that ever happened to these fucking retards.

[ - ] dulcima 4 points 9 monthsSep 1, 2023 23:10:24 ago (+4/-0)

This is at "It was real in my mind" levels.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 5 points 9 monthsSep 1, 2023 21:42:33 ago (+5/-0)

This is what white people get for trying to save injun kids from their neglectful parents. Look at that guy. He is at least 50% white. Can we stop indulging this shit?

[ - ] rabidR04CH 5 points 9 monthsSep 1, 2023 20:34:26 ago (+5/-0)

The fact that it is complete bullshit won't stop Canadian of Aboriginal heritage from continuing to push it.

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 6 points 9 monthsSep 1, 2023 18:06:14 ago (+6/-0)

You think the truth will stop them?

[ - ] pickingrinninspittin 2 points 9 monthsSep 1, 2023 17:49:51 ago (+2/-0)

Clearly this is wrong. Because white men are evil and need to be punished for every single thing they did decades even centuries before when times were so different that we have no chance of putting their lives into our modern perspective. But even if they didn't do these things that we say they did they actually did do them if only by virtue of the fact that we say so, and they need to pay er I mean need to be punished.

You know those 6 million Jews that died? The ones that there is absolutely zero direct evidence of? Yeah that all totally happened too.

[ - ] HeyJames 0 points 9 monthsSep 1, 2023 17:45:21 ago (+1/-1)

Canuck cucks like @bushchuck fuck the savage redskins

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 9 monthsSep 1, 2023 21:44:34 ago (+1/-0)

Get fucked.

[ - ] HeyJames 1 point 9 monthsSep 1, 2023 23:33:39 ago (+1/-0)

I thought you were getting picked on and were just oh so innocent. What happened?

[ - ] VitaminSieg 1 point 9 monthsSep 1, 2023 22:36:17 ago (+1/-0)

That was your weakest troll. I am disappoint.

[ - ] HeyJames 2 points 9 monthsSep 1, 2023 23:34:00 ago (+2/-0)

It's not a troll. It's the story of the Metìs people.

[ - ] Trickthegoyim 8 points 9 monthsSep 1, 2023 17:40:33 ago (+9/-1)

You wouldn't believe the amount of people in canada with stickers on their cars about this shit. Ive met tons of grown men who totally fell for this hoax and didn't think twice. "They just found another 10,000 bodies!!" They would say...after the natives paid some corrupt person with a ground scanner to claim they found "anomalies". If anyone points out the lack of evidence they are deemed racist. I actually went to one of these schools where the natives were supposedly killed and I investigated myself (with my part native gf by my side)

[ - ] Fascinus 3 points 9 monthsSep 1, 2023 16:44:57 ago (+3/-0)

[ - ] Zyklonbeekeeper 11 points 9 monthsSep 1, 2023 16:17:51 ago (+11/-0)

This is just another version of the hollowcaustic lies which ✡️ are responsible for...teepee rats and mud monkeys are dupes of the jew.

[ - ] KosherHiveKicker 8 points 9 monthsSep 1, 2023 16:17:47 ago (+8/-0)

Yet another Kike media creation designed to falsely guilt-trip White Christians.

[ - ] Ex_hack 10 points 9 monthsSep 1, 2023 15:54:51 ago (+10/-0)

Our forefathers made a huge mistake in not eradicating every last teepee nigger on the continent. Now were stuck with a bunch of alcoholic, low IQ, inbred prarie niggers who sit around the "the rez" smoking meth and collecting government gibs.