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Parents let their 14 year old daughters go out in public looking like this

submitted by NukeAmerica to whatever 9 monthsAug 26, 2023 17:43:48 ago (+3/-15)     (files.catbox.moe)


This is why we need Islam. Cuckanity has failed the white race.

28 comments block

[ - ] Fascinus 9 points 9 monthsAug 26, 2023 18:24:07 ago (+9/-0)*

Where I live, young women choose to be modestly attired for the most part.

Occasionally summer will feature the occasional midriff and it's the exception rather than the rule.

Seems like there's always at least one or two at every major event, however.

Fair is the worst. It brings unsavory elements from the nearby cities. Specifically, young ladies dressed like the image that is the subject of this post and niggers.

I probably see more niggers at fair than I do the whole rest of the year.

Was hanging out with some of the other parents at a local dance that a local company regularly puts on for the kids and noticed a young lady who was inappropriately dressed. I asked the lady sitting next to me if I was just getting old or would she ever let her daughter leave the house like that.

She responded with a resounding "Hell no!" and added that her father (her daughter's father, who is her husband) would probably react more strongly than that.

This is why we need Islam.

I can see your point of view and I disagree. We need traditional families.

*Edit: Added bit to clarify whose father was the subject of discussion.

[ - ] Ragnar 5 points 9 monthsAug 26, 2023 18:31:21 ago (+5/-0)

Excellent comment

[ - ] NukeAmerica [op] 3 points 9 monthsAug 26, 2023 18:42:28 ago (+5/-2)

I'm in Florida, I see hundreds of teenage girls all the way down to like 12 years old dressed like this anytime i go out, it's been this way for over a decade now. It just blows my mind how so many parents let their kids dress this way and they wonder why their daughters become whores and single teenage mothers.

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 5 points 9 monthsAug 26, 2023 17:46:07 ago (+6/-1)

What's the point in posting this? This is some kike shit right here. Fuck are you doing dick sucker? I see you, we all see you.

[ - ] Hand_Of_Node 0 points 9 monthsAug 26, 2023 21:13:09 ago (+0/-0)

Unless she has a messed up hand, those are AI fingers on the hand that isn't hidden.

[ - ] NukeAmerica [op] -4 points 9 monthsAug 26, 2023 17:50:55 ago (+0/-4)

Do you ever go outside? This is everywhere. You getting off to it pedo?

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 1 point 9 monthsAug 26, 2023 20:19:39 ago (+1/-0)

You didn't answer my question. But I'll answer yours. Yes, I go outside all the time. No, I'm not getting off to it.

Why do you have that picture, and why did you post it?

[ - ] NukeAmerica [op] 0 points 9 monthsAug 26, 2023 20:52:29 ago (+1/-1)

To show what the average teenage girl looks like for the post, nothing wrong with it since it’s normal in public now. Go turn yourself in if you ever look at a girl like this you pedo fuck.

[ - ] HeavyBrain 0 points 9 monthsAug 27, 2023 17:15:37 ago (+0/-0)

Why show it if we all go outside and can see it IRL?

[ - ] NukeAmerica [op] 0 points 9 monthsAug 27, 2023 19:48:46 ago (+0/-0)

So what does it matter? I just saw it from another website

[ - ] s23erdctfvyg 4 points 9 monthsAug 26, 2023 19:30:48 ago (+4/-0)

This is why we need Islam.
The fate of the polygynist is to become rapists, murderers, and thieves. Their fate is to become niggers.

If you want to live like a nigger, move to Africa.

[ - ] NukeAmerica [op] -4 points 9 monthsAug 26, 2023 20:20:08 ago (+1/-5)

Islam is based. Stop talking shit about a conservative religion.

[ - ] s23erdctfvyg 3 points 9 monthsAug 26, 2023 20:26:04 ago (+3/-0)

I'll pay you 20 bucks to swim across a large lake and have someone record it.
Make sure the recorder knows to upload it to watch people die.

[ - ] HeavyBrain 1 point 9 monthsAug 27, 2023 17:14:13 ago (+1/-0)

Islam makes some good points, which the bible also makes.

As for the rest its nigger tire.

[ - ] HelenHighwater 1 point 9 monthsAug 28, 2023 09:11:19 ago (+1/-0)

Islam is a stone age shit-tier religion. Rape, murder, and pedophilia are all acceptable.

[ - ] ilikeskittles 1 point 9 monthsAug 27, 2023 09:52:53 ago (+1/-0)

She looks fine. I’d eat that.

[ - ] Ragnar 2 points 9 monthsAug 26, 2023 18:30:39 ago (+2/-0)

While I agree with the sentiment we shouldn’t let pubescent kids dress like hoes, I don’t think you needed to post this picture. This is someone’s daughter.

[ - ] NukeAmerica [op] 0 points 9 monthsAug 26, 2023 18:38:16 ago (+3/-3)

This is an AI pic lol

[ - ] Hand_Of_Node 1 point 9 monthsAug 26, 2023 23:08:43 ago (+1/-0)

AI sucks at fingers.

[ - ] Wahaha 0 points 9 monthsAug 27, 2023 05:29:39 ago (+0/-0)

Not true. Lots of prompters suck at getting AI to do fingers right, but it's not actually that difficult. Just look at the extra strap on her left arm, for example.

[ - ] TheBigGuyFromQueens 0 points 9 monthsAug 27, 2023 04:48:33 ago (+0/-0)

This is a post for Groomin4Alles

[ - ] Hand_Of_Node 0 points 9 monthsAug 26, 2023 21:05:20 ago (+0/-0)

Yes, but since it doesn't rain here for the 8 summer months, those lush trees and that vivid green grass are amazing.

[ - ] con77 0 points 9 monthsAug 26, 2023 20:47:31 ago (+0/-0)

How many pics of her did you take?

[ - ] SirNiggsalot 0 points 9 monthsAug 26, 2023 20:13:28 ago (+0/-0)

Legs look like an AI generated creation

[ - ] Hand_Of_Node 0 points 9 monthsAug 26, 2023 21:10:55 ago (+0/-0)

Just checked the fingers. They're close, but not quite right... Tricksy the way it hides the other hand in the pocket. 85% sure it's AI, unless she has a messed up hand.

[ - ] StealthNinjaTaliban -1 points 9 monthsAug 26, 2023 17:58:10 ago (+3/-4)

Yet somehow, people here think it’s inappropriate to be attracted to that girl

[ - ] NukeAmerica [op] -5 points 9 monthsAug 26, 2023 18:04:07 ago (+0/-5)

Yeah, faggots like PeckerwoodPerry.