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12 comments block

[ - ] Belmont 3 points 1 yearMay 28, 2023 05:28:49 ago (+3/-0)*

I would love it if all the collective Meitantei (Detective) Conan watching in Japan bore fruit. How small a number of Japanese knowingly ordered in the Trojan Horse?

Now Russia's vaccines are said to have the spike protein but were not mRNA. https://covid19.trackvaccines.org/country/russian-federation/ I wonder whether depopulationists/exterminators really snuck this past Russian leadership like Putin, or whether they're complicit, or complicit but not-fully compliant. They're going to try to kill the population but make sure the bomb shelters are in repair? https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2023/02/06/amid-ukraine-war-kremlin-orders-nationwide-bomb-shelter-overhaul-a80085

A quarrel in the north-west of Moscow ended in the murder of a participant in the development of the Sputnik V vaccine, a law enforcement source told RIA Novosti.

The N.F. Gamaleya Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology specified to the agency that Botikov worked as a senior researcher, co-authored the patent for the Sputnik V vaccine and was awarded by the president for developing the drug.

(Gamaleya? Like Paul's teacher Rabbi Gamaliel?)

It appears the Russians got a clotshot, and between that and WWIII escalations, the population could drop to (checks old Deagel report)... https://nobulart.com/deagel-2025-forecast-resurrected/ look at the map. This is unexpected. Asia on the whole doesn't lose population, except for Japan and South Korea, but the white countries, excepting mRNA-less Russia, do, including Argentina.

I was going to say, at least the Russians (those who didn't leave the country to get other vaxxes so they could travel freely outside Russia) who survive will still be human and able to reproduce, if the mRNA hasn't gotten into them through shedding and food and dental anesthetics and so on? China no mRNA vaccines. What white country besides Russia (60.2% at least one dose) and Belarus (68.3% at least one dose,) avoided the mRNA shots? It looks like the closest it comes is Afghanistan which only has J&J and Astrazeneca and has 27% of the population with only one dose, and they are successful goat herders when it comes to war.

Clickable map showing percentages https://covid19.trackvaccines.org/trials-vaccines-by-country/ Syria is the lowest % vaccinated country that has some whites, even redheads (Crusader genes?), 10% Christian, and only Sputnik and Astrazeneca, 13.8% at least one dose, not mRNA, and not going to be on good terms with the nation calling itself Israel. Next best white country is also Muslim, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 29% fully vaccinated, but mRNA allowed. Next best is Bulgaria, whose population overlaps genetically with France, in the 30s%, but mRNA allowed. They built a fence to keep out refugees, so there's a protective instinct in the country there, and the people avoid hospitals and prefer herbal medicine. Then Moldove, 34%, but mRNA allowed, Ukraine, mRNA allowed, North Macedonia, mRNA allowed. (Argentina, mRNA allowed.)


Krgyzstan, 24.6% one dose, but mRNA present. Iraq at least one dose 25.4%, has mRNA. Iran 73.5% at least one dose, but no mRNA. Also no mRNA: Algeria (1% European, 99% Arab-Berber) 17.5% at least one dose. Turkmenistan 57.4% fully vaccinated. I haven't checked every country. (Yemen 2%, no mRNA. RIP: Qatar, 105.7% fully vaccinated, mRNA available; United Arab Emirates 103.7% fully vaccinated, mRNA available.)

Again, non-mRNA vaccine countries, and not checking all, include: Russia, Belarus, China, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Algeria, and Yemen.

If accurate, 80.7% of the U.S. population has had at least one dose. 350 million x.19= 66.5 million people. Non-hispanic whites 59.3%, 39.435 million whites unvaccinated, pre-collapse/WWIII, and we know they're trying to get us through other means.

So the only two countries with large populations of white unvaccinated are being set up to destroy each other. At least the country more prepared to survive didn't use mRNA vax. We can expect influences will try to get it adopted.

[ - ] deleted 2 points 1 yearMay 28, 2023 11:10:47 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] TheNoticing 1 point 1 yearMay 28, 2023 12:44:56 ago (+1/-0)

Their cultural exports are important.

[ - ] RMGoetbbels 2 points 1 yearMay 28, 2023 10:44:08 ago (+2/-0)

Did anyone save that meeting of Japanese doctors(?) or politicians(?) where ONE man was warning all of them early on? and basicaly told them that if they continued they couldn't claim ignorance? and he was genuinely worried for his people.

[ - ] deleted 2 points 1 yearMay 28, 2023 11:08:57 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] RMGoetbbels 2 points 1 yearMay 28, 2023 11:20:43 ago (+2/-0)

Yes. That man is a hero and not like those fake ass "covid heeewohz" who endured the dangerz ov da coveed, a real one.

"Hewoohz work here!" "Covid Nurse", "thank you for risking your life"..........<<< those morons got off on that shit like homos who join the military do.

[ - ] Inward 1 point 1 yearMay 28, 2023 09:57:31 ago (+1/-0)

your country

He means Israel, right?

[ - ] PhimoticEmbrace 2 points 1 yearMay 28, 2023 11:04:01 ago (+2/-0)

No, he doesn't. The US is the Typhoid Mary of the jew sickness.

[ - ] ImplicationOverReason 1 point 1 yearMay 28, 2023 06:52:22 ago (+1/-0)

of the Japanese; Japan is; Japanese citizens...

An example of either "hey fellow Japanese" or total submission to globalism by denying expressed self (NIPPON; NIHON) for suggested brand (JAPAN) by others. Then again... https://img.gvid.tv/i/nmscWB88.jpg

[ - ] DukeofRaul 1 point 1 yearMay 28, 2023 01:40:08 ago (+1/-0)

Dumb jap thinks we arent totally corrupt

[ - ] foxtrot45 0 points 1 yearMay 28, 2023 11:20:53 ago (+0/-0)

A short description that summarizes not only Jap, but all of SEA as well.

[ - ] TheNoticing 0 points 1 yearMay 28, 2023 12:43:20 ago (+0/-0)
